MC9S12XHY128 , the device id at address 0x40_0000 – 0x40_0007 is unique? how to read it? i will use it to encrypt program!
The device ID at 0x40_0000 - 0x40_0007 cannot be programmed and cannot be erased. I cannot tell you the meaning or coding of these bytes. The content in these 8-bytes is specific to Freescale and is really of no use to the customer. However, I can confirm that each part has unique device ID.
The Program IFR is visible in the global memory map by setting the PGMIFRON bit in the MMCCTL1 register.
For identification you can use a routine which will program the write once field at address 0x40_0100~0x40_0135. The example code can be found in the attachment. Look at routines for program "program once field" and read "program once field". I program it in the main.c routine at the beginning.
The code is for another device but the same approach, code and addresses.
Best regards,
i want to "read" the device ID, not write and not erase, only read the unique the ID, so each chip program is diffrient. you can tell me how to read?
Simple, without testing (sorry I am at home and the board is t work...)
// read MCU ID
typedef struct
unsigned int partID[4];
unsigned int versionID;
static tMcuID mcuID;
void main(void)
// read ID
MMCCTL1_PGMIFRON = 1; // Program IFR visible in the memory map
// mcuID.partID = pMcuID->partID;
// mcuID.versionID = pMcuID->versionID;
mcuID.partID[0] = *((unsigned int * far) 0x400000);
mcuID.partID[1] = *((unsigned int * far) 0x400002);
mcuID.partID[2] = *((unsigned int * far) 0x400004);
mcuID.partID[3] = *((unsigned int * far) 0x400006);
mcuID.versionID = *((unsigned int * far) 0x4000E8);
for(;;) {}
Best regards,
you can tell me how to read .write erase the chip eeprom?
发自我的 iPhone
在 2017年8月29日,上午1:19,lama <> 写道:
NXP Community
Re: MC9S12XHY128 , the device id at address 0x40_0000 – 0x40_0007 is unique? i will use this id to encrypt program,but how to read the device id?
reply from lama in S12 / MagniV Microcontrollers - View the full discussion
Simple, without testing (sorry I am at home and the board is t work...)
// read MCU ID
typedef struct
unsigned int partID[4];
unsigned int versionID;
static tMcuID mcuID;
void main(void)
// read ID
MMCCTL1_PGMIFRON = 1; // Program IFR visible in the memory map
// mcuID.partID = pMcuID->partID;
// mcuID.versionID = pMcuID->versionID;
mcuID.partID[0] = *((unsigned int * far) 0x400000);
mcuID.partID[1] = *((unsigned int * far) 0x400002);
mcuID.partID[2] = *((unsigned int * far) 0x400004);
mcuID.partID[3] = *((unsigned int * far) 0x400006);
mcuID.versionID = *((unsigned int * far) 0x4000E8);
for(;;) {}
Best regards,
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hi, read part id is ok! thank you very much!
can you tell me how to earse ,write ,read the chip's eeprom?
thanks! I will test.