Hi,Yiping:About 3 hours after running the lpm-ipfwd demo,the ethernet port which is of share-mac cannot work

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Hi,Yiping:About 3 hours after running the lpm-ipfwd demo,the ethernet port which is of share-mac cannot work

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Contributor II

Hi,Yiping.recently I met a problem.

My board is P4080ds,I want to test the lpm-ipfwd demo.I configured the fm1-gb2 and fm2-gb3 as share-mac, and when I ran the  lpm-ipfwd demo,at the beginning of about 3 hours,it worked well.But after 3 hours,promblem happened.The fm2-gb3 ping time out,but the fm1-gb2 ping well.I typed "ps -A | grep  lpm_ipfwd_app",it still there:" 1655 ttyS0   lpm_ipfwd_app". It looks like that lpm_ipfwd_app was still working,but  fm2-gb3 cannot work,so how could I solve the problem?


the command is :lpm_ipfwd_app 1..7 -c usdpaa_config_p4_serdes_0xe.xml -p usdpaa_policy_hash_ipv4_arp_coarse_classify.xml -d 0x10000000 -b 1600:1600:1600 -n.

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0 Kudos
1 Solution
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Feifei,

In your original description, you pass the serdes 0xe configuration file to fmc, it seems that this is not coincident with your current target configuration.

Would you please also provide u-boot and Kernel log? It's better to include steps to setup lpm_ipfwd_app.

Have a great day,

Note: If this post answers your question, please click the Correct Answer button. Thank you!

View solution in original post

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9 Replies
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Feifei,

Would you please provide the console log for running lpm_ipfwd_app? Probably the system provide some error information for debugging.



0 Kudos
Contributor II


there was no error information in the console log.

Yestoday,I  did an experiment :I unplugged the Ethernet cable which connected to Internet,with only a local area network left.The lpm-ipfwd demo ran well all the time,and the fm1-gb2 and fm2-gb3 ping well.

But about 3 hours after I using the Ethernet cable to connect the Internet,promblem happened,The fm2-gb3 ping time out,but the fm1-gb2 ping well.I typed "ps -A | grep  lpm_ipfwd_app",it still there:" 1655 ttyS0   lpm_ipfwd_app". It looks like that lpm_ipfwd_app was still working,but  fm2-gb3 cannot work.(fm1-gb2 acess to LAN and fm2-gb3 acess to Internet)

I typed the following command:

root@p4080ds:~# ifconfig fm2-gb3

fm2-gb3 Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0c:bd:00:d0:95

          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

          inet6 addr: fe80::20c:bdff:fe00:d095/64 Scope:Link


          RX packets:1305442 errors:0 dropped:941 overruns:0 frame:0

          TX packets:23140 errors:1220 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000

          RX bytes:146255111 (139.4 MiB)  TX bytes:3570626 (3.4 MiB)


Then I referred to the document Data Path Acceleration Architecture Debug(FTF-NET-F0148),and I typed some command as follows to check that if fm2-gb3 could receive frames:

root@p4080ds:~# ls /sys/devices/ffe000000.soc/ffe500000.fman/ffe58b000.port/statistics/*









root@p4080ds:~# cat /sys/devices/ffe000000.soc/ffe500000.fman/ffe58b000.port/statistics/*

        fm1-port-rx3 counter: 0

        fm1-port-rx3 counter: 0

        fm1-port-rx3 counter: 1337585

        fm1-port-rx3 counter: 1800718

        fm1-port-rx3 counter: 0

        fm1-port-rx3 counter: 0

        fm1-port-rx3 counter: 0

        fm1-port-rx3 counter: 463133

It shows that the count of port_rx_out_of_buffers_discard is 463133,and the counts of port_rx_out_of_buffers_discard is always incremented.

The document shows that the defination of  port_rx_out_of_buffers_discard is that

Number of received frames that were discarded due to lack of external buffers.

Counts the number of frames on the Rx port that were not able to enter the receive queue, since buffer allocation has failed.

It looks like that once I used the Ethernet cable to connect the Internet, problem happened,and the buffers is not enough,so how could I solve the problem?

0 Kudos
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Feifei,

In P4080DS default shared MAC device tree p4080ds-usdpaa-shared-interfaces.dts, fm2-10g is defined as the shared MAC interface between USDPAA and Linux.

In your description, you mentioned that you configured fm1-gb2 and fm2-gb3 as shared MAC interfaces between USDPAA and Linux. How do you modify the shared MAC device tree to define these two shared MAC interfaces? How do you define the buffer pools and QMAN tx and rx frame queues in your modified dts file?

Have a great day,

Note: If this post answers your question, please click the Correct Answer button. Thank you!

0 Kudos
Contributor II

Hi,Yiping,thanks for reply!

The dts is :

/include/ "p4080ds.dts"

/ {

  bp7: buffer-pool@7 {

  compatible = "fsl,p4080-bpool", "fsl,bpool";

  fsl,bpid = <7>;

  fsl,bpool-ethernet-cfg = <0 0 0 192 0 0xdeadbeef>;

  fsl,bpool-thresholds = <0x400 0xc00 0x0 0x0>;


  bp8: buffer-pool@8 {

  compatible = "fsl,p4080-bpool", "fsl,bpool";

  fsl,bpid = <8>;

  fsl,bpool-ethernet-cfg = <0 0 0 576 0 0xabbaf00d>;

  fsl,bpool-thresholds = <0x100 0x300 0x0 0x0>;


  bp9: buffer-pool@9 {

  compatible = "fsl,p4080-bpool", "fsl,bpool";

  fsl,bpid = <9>;

  fsl,bpool-ethernet-cfg = <0 0 0 1728 0 0xfeedabba>;

  fsl,bpool-thresholds = <0x100 0x300 0x0 0x0>;


  bp16: buffer-pool@16 {

                        compatible = "fsl,p4080-bpool", "fsl,bpool";

                        fsl,bpid = <16>;

                        fsl,bpool-ethernet-cfg = <0 2048 0 1728 0 0>;

                        fsl,bpool-thresholds = <0x100 0x300 0x0 0x0>;


  bp17: buffer-pool@17 {

                        compatible = "fsl,p4080-bpool", "fsl,bpool";

                        fsl,bpid = <17>;

                        fsl,bpool-ethernet-cfg = <0 2048 0 1728 0 0>;

                        fsl,bpool-thresholds = <0x100 0x300 0x0 0x0>;


  fsl,dpaa {

  ethernet@0 {

  compatible = "fsl,p4080-dpa-ethernet-init", "fsl,dpa-ethernet-init";

  fsl,bman-buffer-pools = <&bp7 &bp8 &bp9>;

  fsl,qman-frame-queues-rx = <0x50 1 0x51 1>;

  fsl,qman-frame-queues-tx = <0x70 1 0x71 1>;



  compatible = "fsl,p4080-dpa-ethernet", "fsl,dpa-ethernet";

  fsl,fman-mac = <&enet1>;


  ethernet@2 {

  compatible = "fsl,p4080-dpa-ethernet-shared", "fsl,dpa-ethernet-shared";

  fsl,bman-buffer-pools = <&bp16>;

  fsl,qman-frame-queues-rx = <0x54 1 0x55 1 0x4000 3>;

  fsl,qman-frame-queues-tx = <0 1 0 1 0x5000 8>;


  ethernet@3 {

  compatible = "fsl,p4080-dpa-ethernet-init", "fsl,dpa-ethernet-init";

  fsl,bman-buffer-pools = <&bp7 &bp8 &bp9>;

  fsl,qman-frame-queues-rx = <0x56 1 0x57 1>;

  fsl,qman-frame-queues-tx = <0x76 1 0x77 1>;


  ethernet@4 {

  compatible = "fsl,p4080-dpa-ethernet-init", "fsl,dpa-ethernet-init";

  fsl,bman-buffer-pools = <&bp7 &bp8 &bp9>;

  fsl,qman-frame-queues-rx = <0x5a 1 0x5b 1>;

  fsl,qman-frame-queues-tx = <0x7a 1 0x7b 1>;


  ethernet@5 {

  compatible = "fsl,p4080-dpa-ethernet-init", "fsl,dpa-ethernet-init";

  fsl,bman-buffer-pools = <&bp7 &bp8 &bp9>;

  fsl,qman-frame-queues-rx = <0x5c 1 0x5d 1>;

  fsl,qman-frame-queues-tx = <0x7c 1 0x7d 1>;


  ethernet@6 {

  compatible = "fsl,p4080-dpa-ethernet-init", "fsl,dpa-ethernet-init";

  fsl,bman-buffer-pools = <&bp7 &bp8 &bp9>;

  fsl,qman-frame-queues-rx = <0x5e 1 0x5f 1>;

  fsl,qman-frame-queues-tx = <0x7e 1 0x7f 1>;


  ethernet@7 {

  compatible = "fsl,p4080-dpa-ethernet", "fsl,dpa-ethernet";

  fsl,fman-mac = <&enet7>;


  ethernet@8 {

  compatible = "fsl,p4080-dpa-ethernet-shared", "fsl,dpa-ethernet-shared";

  fsl,bman-buffer-pools = <&bp17>;

  fsl,qman-frame-queues-rx = <0x62 1 0x63 1 0x6000 3>;

  fsl,qman-frame-queues-tx = <0 1 0 1 0x7000 8>;


  /* ethernet@9 declared as shared MAC. USDPAA will seed buffers to

  * this buffer pool. The ethernet driver will initialize the RX default,

  * RX error, TX error, TX confirm and 8 TX Frame queues. On receiving frame

  * at this interface, the ethernet driver will do kmap_atomic/kunmap_atomic

  * for that frame. */

  ethernet@9 {

  compatible = "fsl,p4080-dpa-ethernet-shared", "fsl,dpa-ethernet-shared";

  fsl,bman-buffer-pools = <&bp17>;

  fsl,qman-frame-queues-rx = <0x66 1 0x67 1 0x2000 3>;

  fsl,qman-frame-queues-tx = <0 1 0 1 0x3000 8>;




0 Kudos
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Feifei,

Please modify ethernet@9 definition to use other buffer pool rather than &bp17, because buffer pool &bp17 has already been assigned to ethernet@8.

Have a great day,

Note: If this post answers your question, please click the Correct Answer button. Thank you!

0 Kudos
Contributor II

Hi,Yiping,thank you for your reply!

Actually in RCW the ethernet@9 is disabled,and I only enable 3 ethernet ports:ethernet@2 ethernet@7 ethernet@8,so need I to change other buffer pool for ethernet@9?

0 Kudos
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Feifei,

In your original description, you pass the serdes 0xe configuration file to fmc, it seems that this is not coincident with your current target configuration.

Would you please also provide u-boot and Kernel log? It's better to include steps to setup lpm_ipfwd_app.

Have a great day,

Note: If this post answers your question, please click the Correct Answer button. Thank you!

0 Kudos
Contributor II

Hi,Yiping,I have found the problem.In lpm-ipfwd demo,I Modified the code which didnt free the memory,so the buffer pool was always decreasing.

So thank you very much for your  guidance!

0 Kudos
Contributor II

Hi,Yiping,thank you for your reply!

My original description shows that the command is :lpm_ipfwd_app 1..7 -c usdpaa_config_p4_serdes_0xe.xml -p usdpaa_policy_hash_ipv4_arp_coarse_classify.xml -d 0x10000000 -b 1600:1600:1600 -n.

I rewrote a configuration file on the basis of  the file usdpaa_config_p4_serdes_0xe.xml,but the contents inside has nothing to do with the usdpaa_config_p4_serdes_0xe.xml.

The contents inside the  usdpaa_config_p4_serdes_0xe.xml is that:



  <engine name="fm0">

  <port type="1G" number="2" policy="hash_ipsec_src_dst_spi_policy0"/>


  <engine name="fm1">

  <port type="1G" number="3" policy="hash_ipsec_src_dst_spi_policy1"/>




And the u-boot and Kernel log is that:

U-Boot 2014.01QorIQ-SDK-V1.6+gfe1d4f5 (Dec 11 2015 - 16:12:47)

CPU0:  P4080E, Version: 3.0, (0x82080030)

Core:  e500mc, Version: 3.1, (0x80230031)

Clock Configuration:

       CPU0:1199.988 MHz, CPU1:1199.988 MHz, CPU2:1199.988 MHz, CPU3:1199.988 MHz,

       CPU4:1199.988 MHz, CPU5:1199.988 MHz, CPU6:1199.988 MHz, CPU7:1199.988 MHz,

       CCB:599.994 MHz,

       DDR:599.994 MHz (1199.988 MT/s data rate) (Asynchronous), LBC:74.999 MHz

       FMAN1: 449.996 MHz

       FMAN2: 449.996 MHz

       QMAN:  299.997 MHz

       PME:   449.996 MHz

L1:    D-cache 32 KiB enabled

       I-cache 32 KiB enabled

Reset Configuration Word (RCW):

       00000000: 4c580000 00000000 18185218 00000000

       00000010: 58400000 c0002000 fe800000 e1000000

       00000020: 00000000 00000000 00000000 009f8000

       00000030: 20000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

Board: P4080DS, Sys ID: 0x17, Sys Ver: 0x01, FPGA Ver: 0x05, vBank: 0

SERDES Reference Clocks: Bank1=125MHz Bank2=125MHz Bank3=125MHz

I2C:   ready

SPI:   ready

DRAM:  Initializing....using SPD

Detected UDIMM TS256MSK72V3N  

Detected UDIMM TS256MSK72V3N  

Not enough bank(chip-select) for CS0+CS1 on controller 0, interleaving disabled!

Not enough bank(chip-select) for CS0+CS1 on controller 1, interleaving disabled!

2 GiB left unmapped

4 GiB (DDR3, 64-bit, CL=8, ECC on)

       DDR Controller Interleaving Mode: cache line

Testing 0x00000000 - 0x7fffffff

Testing 0x80000000 - 0xffffffff

Remap DDR 2 GiB left unmapped


Flash: 128 MiB

L2:    128 KiB enabled

Corenet Platform Cache: 2 MiB enabled

Warning: SERDES8 requires banks two and three to be disabled in the RCW

SRIO1: enabled but port error

SRIO2: enabled but port error


EEPROM: Read failed.

PCIe1: disabled

PCIe2: disabled

PCIe3: disabled

In:    serial

Out:   serial

Err:   serial

Net:   Fman1: Uploading microcode version 106.2.14

Fman2: Uploading microcode version 106.2.14


Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0

WARNING: adjusting available memory to 30000000

## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at e8020000 ...

   Image Name:   Linux-3.12.19-rt30-QorIQ-SDK-V1.

   Image Type:   PowerPC Linux Kernel Image (gzip compressed)

   Data Size:    4253838 Bytes = 4.1 MiB

   Load Address: 00000000

   Entry Point:  00000000

   Verifying Checksum ... OK

## Flattened Device Tree blob at e8800000

   Booting using the fdt blob at 0xe8800000

   Uncompressing Kernel Image ... OK

   Loading Device Tree to 03fe2000, end 03fff7cb ... OK

Using CoreNet Generic machine description

Memory CAM mapping: 256/256/256 Mb, residual: 3328Mb

Linux version 3.12.19-rt30-QorIQ-SDK-V1.6+gc29fe1a (freescale@freescale-sdk) (gcc version 4.8.1 (GCC) ) #4 SMP Wed Dec 23 17:10:58 CST 2015

No /soc@ffe000000/qman@318000 property 'fsl,qman-fqd', using memblock_alloc(0000000000400000)

No /soc@ffe000000/qman@318000 property 'fsl,qman-pfdr', using memblock_alloc(0000000002000000)

Qman ver:0a01,01,02,00

No /soc@ffe000000/bman@31a000 property 'fsl,bman-fbpr', using memblock_alloc(0000000001000000)

Bman ver:0a02,01,00

pme: No /soc@ffe000000/pme@316000 property 'fsl,pme-pdsr', using memblock_alloc(0x0000000001000000)

pme: No /soc@ffe000000/pme@316000 property 'fsl,pme-sre', using memblock_alloc(0x0000000000a00000)

USDPAA region at 10000000:10000000(10000:10000), 1 TLB1 entries)

CPU maps initialized for 1 thread per core

bootconsole [udbg0] enabled

setup_arch: bootmem

CoreNet Generic board from Freescale Semiconductor

arch: exit

Zone ranges:

  DMA      [mem 0x00000000-0x2fffffff]

  Normal   empty

  HighMem  [mem 0x30000000-0xffffffff]

Movable zone start for each node

Early memory node ranges

  node   0: [mem 0x00000000-0xffffffff]

MMU: Allocated 1088 bytes of context maps for 255 contexts

PERCPU: Embedded 8 pages/cpu @c2959000 s9792 r8192 d14784 u32768

Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 1047040

Kernel command line: root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rootfstype=ext2 rootdelay=3 console=ttyS0,115200 usdpaa_mem=256M bportals=s0-1 qportals=s0-1

PID hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)

Dentry cache hash table entries: 131072 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)

Inode-cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)

Sorting __ex_table...

Memory: 3742456K/4194304K available (6640K kernel code, 336K rwdata, 1772K rodata, 272K init, 452K bss, 451848K reserved, 3407860K highmem)

Kernel virtual memory layout:

  * 0xfff5f000..0xfffff000  : fixmap

  * 0xffc00000..0xffe00000  : highmem PTEs

  * 0xffbfa000..0xffc00000  : early ioremap

  * 0xf1000000..0xffbfa000  : vmalloc & ioremap

Hierarchical RCU implementation.

        RCU debugfs-based tracing is enabled.

NR_IRQS:512 nr_irqs:512 16

mpic: Setting up MPIC " OpenPIC  " version 1.2 at ffe040000, max 8 CPUs

mpic: ISU size: 512, shift: 9, mask: 1ff

mpic: Initializing for 512 sources

clocksource: timebase mult[1aaabc25] shift[24] registered

Console: colour dummy device 80x25

pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301

Mount-cache hash table entries: 512

mpic: requesting IPIs...

e500 family performance monitor hardware support registered

Brought up 8 CPUs

devtmpfs: initialized

NET: Registered protocol family 16


PCI: Probing PCI hardware

Setting up RapidIO peer-to-peer network /rapidio@ffe0c0000

fsl-of-rio ffe0c0000.rapidio: Of-device full name /rapidio@ffe0c0000

fsl-of-rio ffe0c0000.rapidio: Regs: [mem 0xffe0c0000-0xffe0d0fff]

fsl-of-rio ffe0c0000.rapidio: bellirq: 57

fsl-of-rio ffe0c0000.rapidio: pwirq: 478

fsl-of-rio ffe0c0000.rapidio: /rapidio@ffe0c0000/port1: LAW start 0x0000000c20000000, size 0x0000000010000000.

fsl-of-rio ffe0c0000.rapidio: RapidIO PHY type: Serial

fsl-of-rio ffe0c0000.rapidio: Port 0 is not ready. Try to restart connection...

fsl-of-rio ffe0c0000.rapidio: Port 0 restart failed.

fsl-of-rio ffe0c0000.rapidio: /rapidio@ffe0c0000/port2: LAW start 0x0000000c30000000, size 0x0000000010000000.

fsl-of-rio ffe0c0000.rapidio: RapidIO PHY type: Serial

fsl-of-rio ffe0c0000.rapidio: Port 1 is not ready. Try to restart connection...

fsl-of-rio ffe0c0000.rapidio: Port 1 restart failed.

fsl-of-rio: probe of ffe0c0000.rapidio failed with error -67

bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0

vgaarb: loaded

SCSI subsystem initialized

usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs

usbcore: registered new interface driver hub

usbcore: registered new device driver usb

pps_core: LinuxPPS API ver. 1 registered

pps_core: Software ver. 5.3.6 - Copyright 2005-2007 Rodolfo Giometti <giometti@linux.it>

PTP clock support registered

EDAC MC: Ver: 3.0.0

Bman err interrupt handler present

Bman portal (shared) initialised, cpu 0

Bman portal (shared) initialised, cpu 1

Bman portal (slave) initialised, cpu 2

Bman portal (slave) initialised, cpu 3

Bman portal (slave) initialised, cpu 4

Bman portal (slave) initialised, cpu 5

Bman portal (slave) initialised, cpu 6

Bman portal (slave) initialised, cpu 7

Bman portals initialised

Qman err interrupt handler present

Qman portal (shared) initialised, cpu 0

Qman portal (shared) initialised, cpu 1

Qman portal (slave) initialised, cpu 2

Qman portal (slave) initialised, cpu 3

Qman portal (slave) initialised, cpu 4

Qman portal (slave) initialised, cpu 5

Qman portal (slave) initialised, cpu 6

Qman portal (slave) initialised, cpu 7

Qman portals initialised

Bman: BPID allocator includes range 32:32

Qman: FQID allocator includes range 256:256

Qman: FQID allocator includes range 32768:32768

Qman: CGRID allocator includes range 0:256

Qman: pool channel allocator includes range 33:15

Switched to clocksource timebase

NET: Registered protocol family 2

TCP established hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)

TCP bind hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)

TCP: Hash tables configured (established 8192 bind 8192)

TCP: reno registered

UDP hash table entries: 512 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)

UDP-Lite hash table entries: 512 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)

NET: Registered protocol family 1

RPC: Registered named UNIX socket transport module.

RPC: Registered udp transport module.

RPC: Registered tcp transport module.

RPC: Registered tcp NFSv4.1 backchannel transport module.

audit: initializing netlink socket (disabled)

type=2000 audit(0.519:1): initialized

bounce pool size: 64 pages

HugeTLB registered 1 MB page size, pre-allocated 0 pages

HugeTLB registered 4 MB page size, pre-allocated 0 pages

HugeTLB registered 16 MB page size, pre-allocated 0 pages

HugeTLB registered 64 MB page size, pre-allocated 0 pages

HugeTLB registered 256 MB page size, pre-allocated 0 pages

HugeTLB registered 1 GB page size, pre-allocated 0 pages

NFS: Registering the id_resolver key type

Key type id_resolver registered

Key type id_legacy registered

NTFS driver 2.1.30 [Flags: R/O].

jffs2: version 2.2. (NAND) 漏 2001-2006 Red Hat, Inc.

msgmni has been set to 782

io scheduler noop registered

io scheduler deadline registered

io scheduler cfq registered (default)

Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 4 ports, IRQ sharing enabled

serial8250.0: ttyS0 at MMIO 0xffe11c500 (irq = 36, base_baud = 18749812) is a 16550A

console [ttyS0] enabled, bootconsole disabled

console [ttyS0] enabled, bootconsole disabled

serial8250.0: ttyS1 at MMIO 0xffe11c600 (irq = 36, base_baud = 18749812) is a 16550A

serial8250.0: ttyS2 at MMIO 0xffe11d500 (irq = 37, base_baud = 18749812) is a 16550A

serial8250.0: ttyS3 at MMIO 0xffe11d600 (irq = 37, base_baud = 18749812) is a 16550A

ePAPR hypervisor byte channel driver

Generic non-volatile memory driver v1.1

brd: module loaded

loop: module loaded

st: Version 20101219, fixed bufsize 32768, s/g segs 256

fe8000000.flash: Found 1 x16 devices at 0x0 in 16-bit bank. Manufacturer ID 0x000001 Chip ID 0x002801

Amd/Fujitsu Extended Query Table at 0x0040

  Amd/Fujitsu Extended Query version 1.5.

number of CFI chips: 1

fsl_espi ffe110000.spi: master is unqueued, this is deprecated

m25p80 spi32766.0: unrecognized JEDEC id 80900c

fsl_espi ffe110000.spi: at 0xf115e000 (irq = 53)

libphy: Fixed MDIO Bus: probed

platform mdio-mux-emi1.14: Driver mdio-mux-gpio requests probe deferral

platform mdio-mux-emi2.15: Driver mdio-mux-gpio requests probe deferral

libphy: Freescale PowerQUICC MII Bus: probed

mdio_bus mdio@ffe4e1120: cannot get PHY at address 8

libphy: Freescale XGMAC MDIO Bus: probed

Freescale FM module (Dec 23 2015:09:02:25), FMD API version 21.1.0

Freescale FM Ports module (Dec 23 2015:09:02:26)

dpaa_debugfs: FSL DPAA Ethernet debugfs entries ()

dpaa_generic_debugfs: FSL DPAA Ethernet debugfs entries ()

fsl_mac: fsl_mac: FSL FMan MAC API based driver ()

fsl_mac ffe4e0000.ethernet: FMan dTSEC version: 0x08240101

fsl_mac ffe4e0000.ethernet: FMan MAC address: 00:0c:bd:00:d0:97

fsl_mac ffe4e2000.ethernet: FMan dTSEC version: 0x08240101

fsl_mac ffe4e2000.ethernet: FMan MAC address: 00:0c:bd:00:d0:88

fsl_mac ffe4e4000.ethernet: FMan dTSEC version: 0x08240101

fsl_mac ffe4e4000.ethernet: FMan MAC address: 00:0c:bd:00:d0:89

fsl_mac ffe5e4000.ethernet: FMan dTSEC version: 0x08240101

fsl_mac ffe5e4000.ethernet: FMan MAC address: 00:0c:bd:00:d9:94

fsl_mac ffe5e6000.ethernet: FMan dTSEC version: 0x08240101

fsl_mac ffe5e6000.ethernet: FMan MAC address: 00:0c:bd:00:d0:95

fsl_dpa: FSL DPAA Ethernet driver ()

fsl_dpa: fsl_dpa: Probed interface eth0

fsl_dpa_shared: FSL DPAA Shared Ethernet driver ()

fsl_dpa_shared: fsl_dpa_shared: Probed shared interface eth1

fsl_dpa_shared: fsl_dpa_shared: Probed shared interface eth2

fsl_dpa_shared: fsl_dpa_shared: Probed shared interface eth3

fsl_dpa_proxy: FSL DPAA Proxy initialization driver ()

fsl_oh: FSL FMan Offline Parsing port driver ()

fsl_oh dpa-fman0-oh.21: Found OH node handle compatible with fsl,dpa-oh.

fsl_oh dpa-fman0-oh.21: Allocating 0 ingress frame queues duples

fsl_oh dpa-fman0-oh.21: OH port /soc@ffe000000/fman@400000/port@82000 has no buffer pool. Fragmentation will not be enabled

fsl_oh dpa-fman0-oh.21: OH port /soc@ffe000000/fman@400000/port@82000 enabled.

fsl_oh dpa-fman0-oh.21: Default egress frame queue: 105

fsl_oh dpa-fman0-oh.21: Default error frame queue: 104

fsl_oh dpa-fman0-oh.21: Initialized queues:

e1000: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - version 7.3.21-k8-NAPI

e1000: Copyright (c) 1999-2006 Intel Corporation.

e1000e: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - 2.3.2-k

e1000e: Copyright(c) 1999 - 2013 Intel Corporation.

ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver

ehci-pci: EHCI PCI platform driver

ohci_hcd: USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver

ohci-pci: OHCI PCI platform driver

fsl-ehci fsl-ehci.0: Freescale On-Chip EHCI Host Controller

fsl-ehci fsl-ehci.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1

fsl-ehci fsl-ehci.0: irq 44, io mem 0xffe210000

fsl-ehci fsl-ehci.0: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 1.00

hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found

hub 1-0:1.0: 1 port detected

usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage

ampc-i2c ffe118000.i2c: timeout 1000000 us

mpc-i2c ffe118100.i2c: timeout 1000000 us

mpc-i2c ffe119000.i2c: timeout 1000000 us

mpc-i2c ffe119100.i2c: timeout 1000000 us

at24 4-0050: 65536 byte 24c512 EEPROM, writable, 1 bytes/write

rtc-ds3232 4-0068: rtc core: registered ds3232 as rtc0

i2c i2c-0: Added multiplexed i2c bus 4

i2c i2c-0: Added multiplexed i2c bus 5

i2c i2c-0: Added multiplexed i2c bus 6

i2c i2c-0: Added multiplexed i2c bus 7

i2c i2c-0: Added multiplexed i2c bus 8

i2c i2c-0: Added multiplexed i2c bus 9

i2c i2c-0: Added multiplexed i2c bus 10

i2c i2c-0: Added multiplexed i2c bus 11

pca954x 0-0077: registered 8 multiplexed busses for I2C mux pca9547

Freescale(R) MPC85xx EDAC driver, (C) 2006 Montavista Software

EDAC MC0: Giving out device to 'MPC85xx_edac' 'mpc85xx_mc_err': DEV mpc85xx_mc_err

MPC85xx_edac acquired irq 490 for MC

MPC85xx_edac MC err registered

EDAC MC1: Giving out device to 'MPC85xx_edac' 'mpc85xx_mc_err': DEV mpc85xx_mc_err

MPC85xx_edac acquired irq 489 for MC

MPC85xx_edac MC err registered

sdhci: Secure Digital Host Controller Interface driver

sdhci: Copyright(c) Pierre Ossman

sdhci-pltfm: SDHCI platform and OF driver helper

mmc0: SDHCI controller on ffe114000.sdhc [ffe114000.sdhc] using DMA

platform caam_qi.0: Linux CAAM Queue I/F driver initialised

caam ffe300000.crypto: device ID = 0x0a10030000000000 (Era 4)

caam ffe300000.crypto: job rings = 4, qi = 1

caam algorithms registered in /proc/crypto

caam_jr ffe301000.jr: registering rng-caam

mmc0: new high speed SDHC card at address 0007

caam ffe300000.crypto: fsl,sec-v4.0 algorithms registered in /proc/crypto

platform caam_qi.0: fsl,sec-v4.0 algorithms registered in /proc/crypto

Freescale USDPAA process driver

Freescale USDPAA process IRQ driver

fsl-pme ffe316000.pme: ver: 0x00100201

Freescale pme2 db driver

mmcblk0: mmc0:0007 SQFSD 7.42 GiB

mmcblk0: p1

Freescale pme2 scan driver

fsl-pme2-scan: device pme_scan registered

Freescale hypervisor management driver

fsl-hv: no hypervisor found

ipip: IPv4 over IPv4 tunneling driver

TCP: cubic registered

Initializing XFRM netlink socket

NET: Registered protocol family 10

sit: IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver

NET: Registered protocol family 17

NET: Registered protocol family 15

8021q: 802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8

Key type dns_resolver registered

libphy: mdio_mux: probed

libphy: mdio_mux: probed

mdio_bus 0.1: cannot get PHY at address 28

mdio_bus 0.1: cannot get PHY at address 29

libphy: mdio_mux: probed

mdio_bus 0.3: cannot get PHY at address 28

mdio_bus 0.3: cannot get PHY at address 29

mdio_bus 0.3: cannot get PHY at address 30

mdio-mux-gpio mdio-mux-emi1.14: Version 1.0

fsl_dpa_macless: FSL DPAA MACless Ethernet driver ()

fsl_dpa_generic: FSL DPAA Generic Ethernet driver ()

rtc-ds3232 4-0068: setting system clock to 2016-01-16 09:45:24 UTC (1452937524)

Waiting 3 sec before mounting root device...

VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly on device 179:1.

devtmpfs: mounted

Freeing unused kernel memory: 272K (c083b000 - c087f000)

INIT: version 2.88 booting

/etc/init.d/rcS: line 27: /etc/hostname: Read-only file system

Starting udev

udevd[1074]: starting version 182

EXT2-fs (mmcblk0p1): warning: mounting unchecked fs, running e2fsck is recommended

Starting Bootlog daemon: bootlogd: cannot allocate pseudo tty: No such file or directory


net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 0

net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 0

Starting atd: OK

INIT: Entering runlevel: 5

Configuring network interfaces... done.

Starting system message bus: dbus.

Starting Dropbear SSH server: dropbear.

Starting rpcbind daemon...done.

creating NFS state directory: done

starting statd: done

Starting network benchmark server: netserver.

Installing knfsd (copyright (C) 1996 okir@monad.swb.de).

starting 8 nfsd kernel threads: done

starting mountd: done

Starting system log daemon...0

Starting kernel log daemon...0

Starting internet superserver: xinetd.

Starting crond: OK

Starting MySQL.[  OK  ]

Stopping Bootlog daemon: bootlogd.

Starting tcf-agent: OK

Welcome to FEC! p4080ds  Saturday, 16 January 2016  09:45:30

p4080ds login: root

Today the problem happened again,and I checked that the buffer pool for fm2-gb3 which was connected to Internet has no buffers:

# cat /sys/devices/ffe000000.soc/ffe31a000.bman/pool_count/17


But the buffer pool for fm1-gb2 which was not connected to Internet has many buffers

# cat /sys/devices/ffe000000.soc/ffe31a000.bman/pool_count/16


So how do I solve the problem? Thank you !

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