Yocto: new machines/images

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Yocto: new machines/images

2,832 次查看
Contributor I

Machines are in the meta-fsl-ppc layer.

Images are in the meta-fsl-networking layer.

If I want to create my own machine and my own image (for our p4080 target), do you recommend (a) creating a machine.conf file in the meta-fsl-pcc layer and a fsl-image-*.bb file in the meta-fsl-networking layer, or (b) creating our own layer(s) with machine/image directories that builds on the fsl layers?

(a) is easy, but (b) seems like the proper way to proceed.  However, there is quite a bit of custom code in fsl-setup-poky that wouldn't pay attention to a non-FSL layer.

If (b) is proper, can you provide an example?


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

You could add your own machine.conf in meta-fsl-ppc/conf/machine/ and image recipe in meta-fsl-networking/images folder, if you prefer to create a your own collection layer, you could add the path in build_<machine>_release/conf/bblayers.conf, which will make your own layer effective.

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976 次查看
Contributor I

I've tried both with no success yet:

Yiping Wang wrote:

You could add your own machine.conf in meta-fsl-ppc/conf/machine/ and image recipe in meta-fsl-networking/images folder

Added p4080test.conf to meta-fsl-ppc and fsl-image-testfull.bb in meta-fsl-networking/images:

ERROR: Function failed: do_install (see /home/dave/qoriq14/build_p4080test_release/tmp/work/p4080test-fsl_networking-linux/hv-cfg/git-r7/temp/log.do_install.22615 for further information)
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/dave/qoriq14/build_p4080test_release/tmp/work/p4080test-fsl_networking-linux/hv-cfg/git-r7/temp/log.do_install.22615

--> your recipe is using a git repository with defined machines for which the new p4080test machine has no repo entry.

Yiping Wang wrote:

if you prefer to create a your own collection layer, you could add the path in build_<machine>_release/conf/bblayers.conf, which will make your own layer effective.

With this method, <machine> has to use one of the existing machines: we wouldn't be specifying our own machine.  It looks like I have to modify fsl-setup-poky ... ?

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

The package hv-cfg depends on the machine arch, please refer to build_p4080test_release/tmp/work/p4080test-fsl_networking-linux/hv-cfg/git-r7/git, you will find the supported machine.

So please modify "MACHINE = p4080test" to "MACHINE = p4080ds" in build_p4080test_release/conf/local.conf.

For the second method, please add  the following to fsl-setup-poky

"awk '/  \"/ && !x {print "'"  ${you_own_recipe_path}"' \\"; x=1} 1' conf/bbla yers.conf > conf/bblayers.conf~

mv conf/bblayers.conf~ conf/bblayers.conf

You could refer to the process of the existing layer folder.

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