I am using a P4080DS board, and fm1-gb1 ethernet port. I wrote a sample udp sender program and tried to check performance, I see the packets that are sent out are lost somehwere in the board but I did not get anything from the QMI or BMI counters, or DPA counters. I tried to use Packet Analysis Tool to check, I found the following lines which appeared to be suspicious:
DPFM1 - invalid FM BMI action code: 0xd458
DPFM1 - invalid FM Controller action code: 54360
Could any one explain what is the meaning of this? The second error came many times.
Also attaching the trace file for reference.
Sharath Chandra
Original Attachment has been moved to: decodedDpaaTrace.txt.zip
Did you change anything in Linux from SDK?
When booting up Linux with the default image in SDK, does this Ethernet port work or not? Please check this port first by ping.
Also please share your testing code.
Have a great day,
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Hi Lunmin,
fm1-gb1 ethernet port I am using works both in u-boot and in linux. I have one change in linux kernel, I change Timer Interrupt Frequency to 1000Hz (it was 250 Hz by default), hoping to increase performance. Other than that I di dnot change anything else.
Sharath Chandra
Hi Sharath Chandra,
According to information from tools team, those messages are due to the fact that the FM hardware trace feature is broken in the P4080 silicon. The QM trace should work though so you may use the Packet Analysis Tool scenarios which only use the QM trace ("DPAA QM", for example).
Since the port works in kernel, so mostly like it's the problem of your testing code. Please share the code.
Have a great day,
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