I want to ask what is the use of the plates in the development board wreath in the figure,Debugging programs and downloading programs seem to have nothing to do with it.
Hi, DuKang,
The circuit in the red circle is downloading/debugging circuit, as you know that LPC8N04 has two pins PIO0_10/PIO0_11 as SWD port, with pin 2&4 closed for P7 and P8 jumper, the SWD signals of LPC8N04 is connected to the debugging chip LPC11U35, so you can download/debug the LPC8N04 with usb port of chip LPC11U35.
Hope it can help you
XiangJun Rong
Hi,XiangJun Rong:
Thank you very much for your answer. I also want to ask how to configure the debugging mode of MCUXpresso to download and debug programs through the USB of the development board.
After you input the USB cable, the PC can identify the USB port, in the device manager of PC, the NXP LPC11Uxx is found as the following pic.
If you use MCUXpresso tools and click "debug", the LPC11Uxx is fou8nd automatically.
XiangJun Rong
I point after debugging. Always wait for background operation???
pls check if the jumper are configured correctly, pin 2&4 must be closed for P7 and P8 jumper.
XiangJun Rong
The jumper has been changed, but the software interface has been stuck here.
XiangJun Rong