Software version : codewarrior 2.10 / Hardware: MPC5606B Board
I defined a global variable and initialize in man.c. I printed the value of these global variable to the termial by uart_tx function in main() function.I found the value which is showed on the terimal (figure 1) isn't the intial value. I make sure the global variable is only initialled and nothing else.But I find the value of the global variable is the intial value on the Variables Window (figure 2) by debug. The program is stuck When the program runs to this variable location by debug.I tried many times and got stuck in this location (figure 3)every time . The main.c file is showed as the figure 4.
I find the value of variable "CurrentProt" that isn't equal to the initial value(PROT_DEFAULT) by uart.
but the Variable Window show the value of variable "CurrentProt" that is equal to the initial value(PROT_DEFAULT) by debug.
I have no idea about the problem. I need help .
The program is stuck When the program runs to this variable location by debug.I tried many times and got stuck in this location (figure 3)every time . The main.c file is showed as the figure 4.
Program is not stuck. As you can see it runs to E800 opcode (or se_b) which is brunch to itself.
For example in C code this is while(1).
So the program reached the endless loop in your SW.
best regards,