FXOS8700CQ Auto-sleep with Magnetic threshold trigger

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FXOS8700CQ Auto-sleep with Magnetic threshold trigger

FXOS8700CQ Auto-sleep with Magnetic threshold trigger

* This simple example code has been written for the FRDM-KL25Z + FRDM-FXS-MULT2-B
* boards and demonstrates how to use the embedded magnetic threshold detection
* function in conjunction with the auto-wake/sleep mode for reducing current
* consumption of the FXOS8700CQ.
* The magnetic threshold is set to 100uT (1000 counts) on the X and Y axis.
* Once this threshold is exceeded, the FXOS8700CQ is waken up and an interrupt
* is generated on the INT1 pin. If the magnetic field is below this threshold
* within the 20ms period, the FXOS8700CQ goes back to sleep mode and also
* generates an interrupt on the INT1 pin.

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Version history
Last update:
‎10-01-2017 09:24 AM
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