Dear LazeBoy,
I've attached a Schematic and Hex file for a variant of the TBDML that you can use. This is a variant of USBDM (see configured to be compatible with the TBDML driver.
Hi all
I made the tbdml JB16 20 Soic minimal, enter in ICP mode and use the ICPUSB.exe to mass erase and program the .s19 (tbdml compatible). But when i reconnect the device enter in icp mode again and pc not recognizes like BDM neither CW.
What's missing? i'm using CW 6.1.
thanks to all.
pd: sorry if the question is very basic, I'm really newbie with Freescale.
Dear Brain,
I presume you are using the .s19 file appearing earlier in this thread?
The BDM will boot into ICP mode if any of the following are true:
1. PTA.1 is held low
2. The Flash image checksum is incorrect
3. There is a loopback from BKGD to RESET pins on the BDM connector.
So things to check:
1. PTA.1 should be open.
2. Make sure when programming the flash that the appropriate configuration file is used. If in doubt use the one attached. Use the verify option to confirm that it's programmed correctly.
3. Not much chance of something wrong here!
I tried the above .s19 file with a 28 pin device and it booted correctly. I don't have a 20p device to check but it would be unlikely to be different as it is the same chip in a different package (I believe).
Let me know if any of the above helps.
Good luck.
Dear pgo,
yes i use that .s19....
i program with the configuration file you pass to my and verify...... this works.
Now when reconnect the device, the computer says "new USB device" and the driver don't work and thats all... no more ICP mode, no tbdml
Dear Brain,
The information in this thread was in response to a specific query about the 20-pin package and is incomplete.
Please refer to the following thread for complete information about USBDM which will probably solve your problems:
See the last upload in that thread for the complete USBDM zip files which include installation instructions in the help file.
It also includes the required driver files.
Dear PGO, i read all the thread but the device still not working..... maybe the hardware is wrong,
can you take a look?
realy thanks
Dear Brain,
It is unlikely that that there is a hardware error that would allow the original programming yet prevent the operation as a USB device. The symptoms you described earlier (no driver) sound like a software problem.
Use the window's device manager to uninstall the device.
Plug in the device and when prompted provide the drivers included with the ORIGINAL USBDM zip files.
If the above doesn't work, try running the testlibusb software and see if the device appears and what it is decribed as.
Also check how the device appears in device manager.
Finally - your schematic is missing some connections. Please check it against the schematic provided earlier in this thread!
Hi pgo
I remake the pcb to fix the missing links but still not working, then check the windows device manager and appears "? USB device".when Run the testlibusb say "tbdml not found".
Maybe I'm not understanding ok the schematic, the vdd_tbdml is the same as USB_+5v? in my schematic put a external vdd_tbdml (this wrong?). the last question, what is TP1?.
thanks a lot.
Sorry for being so problematic :-SDear brain,
What schematic are you referring to?
I assumed you were building the USBDM design given earlier in this discussion thread
I can't find the nodes you mentioned on this schematic so I'm unsure what you mean.
In the above design there are three 'Power' rails:
5V - The 5V directly from the USB bus- Used to poser the JB16DWE.
VDD_BDM - The target voltage supply (i.e. FROM the target) - used to power the 74LV125A
Vusb - The internal USB driver supply used by the JB16JDWE (Vreg pin) - This should not be connected to anything apart from the bypass caps.
They are clearly marked and separate!
I note on your schematic you have connected Vreg pin to Vee - very confusing! Vee usually means the most negative supply - in this case ground.