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This doc explain how to modify the bootloader to boot linux&mcal, to solve the conflict between bootloader, mcal and linux   本文说明在S32G2 RDB2板上如何定制开发Bootloader,本文示例主要实现功能是: Bootloader启动一个M核,MCAL驱动测试程序,本文分别测试了MCU,DIO,UART的MCAL驱动示例代码。 Bootloader同时启动A53 Linux 目录 1    需要的软件,工具,文档与说明... 3 1.1  软件与工具... 3 1.2  参考文档... 3 1.3  开发说明... 3 2    测试软件安装编译说明... 4 2.1  安装RTD_MCAL驱动... 4 2.2  编译MCAL驱动测试程序(以MCU为例) 5 2.3  优化重排M7 demo镜像及与MPU设置的配合... 5 2.4  去掉CLOCK INIT. 7 2.5  去掉MCU相关INIT. 8 2.6  DIO MCAL程序去掉PORT INIT. 9 2.7  UART MCAL程序去掉PORT INIT. 10 2.8  UART MCAL程序修改CLOCK TREE.. 10 2.9  解决中断冲突... 11 2.10 准备A53 Linux镜像... 12 3    Bootloader工程说明... 13 3.1  关掉XRDC支持... 13 3.2  关掉eMMC/SD支持(可选) 14 3.3  关掉secure boot(可选) 14 3.4  增加MCAL驱动所需要的PORT的初始化... 15 3.5  解决Bootloader,MCAL与Linux的clock冲突... 17 3.6  配置A53 Boot sources: 34 3.7  配置M7 Boot sources: 35 3.8  关闭调试软断点:... 36 3.9  编译Bootloader工程... 37 3.10 制造Bootloader的带IVT的镜像... 38 3.11 烧写镜像... 41 4    测试... 42 4.1  硬件连接... 42 4.2  MCU MCAL+Linux测试过程... 42 4.3  DIO MCAL+Linux测试过程... 43 4.4  UART MCAL+Linux测试过程... 43 5    Bootloader源代码说明... 43 6    Bootloader定制说明... 45 6.1  QSPI NOR驱动说明... 45 6.2  eMMC/SDcard启动支持... 46 6.3  DDR初始化... 46 6.4  Secure Boot支持... 46 7    调试说明... 46 7.1  Bootloader的调试... 46 7.2  MCAL驱动的调试... 46   add one more doc to explain how to modify atf to boot on G3.
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This application note explain how to run M kernel PFE master and A kernel PFE slave demo without bootloader support. chinese version: 在真实的产品中,一般会使用一个基于M7_0核的bootloader来启动M和A核,这个bootloader负责所有M核和A核资源的初始化,解决M核和A核的资源冲突,并且启动M和A核。所以理论上运行M PFE Master Mcal驱动加A PFE Slave Linux驱动也是需要一个bootloader的。参考文档《S32G_Bootloader_V*》,Johnli,可以在公开community上搜索获得。 本文讨论一种简易的办法,就是: S32G3 RDB3板子配置为SDcard启动,插入SDcard,里面放有PFE SLAVE驱动的Linux镜像。 上电启动后运行PFE Master工程的lauterbach调试脚本:run_main_G3_REV1_1.cmm,这个脚本会重启整个S32G3。 然后在脚本中用wait 10S的操作,这个时候Linux已经启动,并且使用Uboot的代码调用ATF来完成PFE相关pre-init, partition reset和时钟与管脚初始化(如上分析, EMAC0~2的RGMII IOMUX已经配置好),然后Slave驱动会等待一段时间,等MCAL Master驱动加载,继续运行PFE Master MCAL代码后,Linux端Slave驱动也加载正确。然后就可以测试整个M Master/A Slave Demo。 总结:以上办法实际上是把bootloader应该做的PFE相关硬件初始化工作由Linux来完成,以便快速搭建Demo,这样客户在做真实的产品开发时,可以做为一个NXP release的标准参考。
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This article explains the details and customization of the S32G M7 core Standby demo. And how to porting to Autosar Mcal demo. Contents 1    Description of reference materials. 2 2    Demo creation and running process. 2 2.1  Demo checkpoints. 2 2.2  The difference between Standby and StandbyRAMboot 4 3    S32G Standby principle and Code Description. 5 3.1  Peripheral initialization function. 5 3.2  standbyramc_cpy(optional) 5 3.3  WKPU_set 8 3.4  standby_modechange. 13 4    VR5510 PMIC Standby principle and code description. 15 4.1  PMIC_initConfig. 15 4.2  PMIC_standbyEntry. 17 5    Customization modification. 18 5.1  Do not enable RTC wakeup feaure. 18 5.2  Eable CAN1_RX wakeup feature. 19 5.3  Only support full boot 21 5.4  Open the DDR related power 21 5.5  Modify debug serial port to UART1. 24 5.6  Modify the device drive clock. 26 5.7  close other non-main core. 30 6    Build a new MCAL demo. 34 6.1  Modify the UART driver 35 6.2  Implement the clock shutdown code. 36 6.3  Configure the power mode switching driver 37 6.4  Confgure the wakeup source. 42 6.5  Add PMIC driver 51 6.6  Main function call routine. 59 6.7  Test 61 6.8  Future development plan. 62 本文说明S32G M7核Standby demo 详细情况及定制,以及如何新建一个mcal demo 录 1    参考资料说明... 2 2    Demo创建运行过程... 2 2.1  创建运行... 2 2.2  Standby和StandbyRAMboot的区别... 4 3    S32G Standby原理与代码说明... 5 3.1  外设初始化函数... 5 3.2  standbyramc_cpy(可选) 5 3.3  WKPU_set 8 3.4  standby_modechange. 13 4    VR5510 PMIC Standby原理与代码说明... 14 4.1  PMIC_initConfig. 14 4.2  PMIC_standbyEntry. 16 5    定制修改... 17 5.1  关闭RTC唤醒功能... 17 5.2  打开CAN1_RX唤醒功能... 19 5.3  只支持full boot 20 5.4  打开DDR相关电源... 21 5.5  修改调试串口为UART1. 23 5.6  修改设备驱动时钟... 25 5.7  事先关掉所有其它的非主核... 29 6    修改为MCAL Demo. 33 6.1  修改UART驱动... 34 6.2  实现时钟关闭代码... 35 6.3  配置电源模式切换驱动... 36 6.4  配置唤醒源... 41 6.5  加入PMIC驱动... 50 6.6  主函数逻辑实现... 58 6.7  运行测试... 60 6.8  未来开发计划... 61   attachment include chinese/english doc, s32ds codes with 2 zip package(remove the .7z), mcal codes.  
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本文说明S32G HSE On-demand SMR验证的应用方法,本文演示的示例应用为: Secure Bootloader对Linux Bootloader fip.bin的验证 目录 1    背景说明与参考资料... 2 1.1  背景说明... 2 1.2  参考资料... 3 2    S32G On-demand SMR Verification说明... 4 2.1  SMR Verify的说明... 4 2.2  On-demand SMR Verify. 4 3    环境搭建... 5 3.1  EB配置说明... 5 3.2  ATF编译说明... 8 3.3  镜像烧写... 9 4    Bootloader代码开发... 9 4.1  OnDemand SMR install 9 4.2  OnDemand SMR verify. 13 5    测试... 16 5.1  Lauterbach跟踪... 17 5.2  Fip.bin破坏实验... 19 5.3  硬件确认... 19   This application doc explains the application method of S32G HSE On_demand SMR verification. The example application demonstrated in this doc is: Secure Bootloader verification of Linux Bootloader fip.bin This application doc explains the application method of S32G HSE On_demand SMR verification. The example application demonstrated in this doc is: Secure Bootloader verification of Linux Bootloader fip.bin Contents 1    Background Description and Reference Materials. 2 1.1  Background Description. 2 1.2  Reference Materials. 3 2    S32G On-demand SMR Verification. 4 2.1  SMR Verify. 4 2.2  On-demand SMR Verify. 4 3    Build the Development Environment 5 3.1  EB Configuration. 5 3.2  ATF Compiling. 8 3.3  Burn Image. 9 4    Bootloader Codes Development 9 4.1  OnDemand SMR install 9 4.2  OnDemand SMR verify. 13 5    Testing. 16 5.1  Lauterbach Tracking. 16 5.2  Fip.bin Broken Test 19 5.3  Probe the Hardware. 19
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this doc and project explain how to integrate S32G M stby demo and Linux STR demo to one demo to achieve the fast boot, chinese version: 本文说明如何在S32G2 RDB2板上搭建 一个M7 MCAL Standby Fullboot GPIO resume Demo加A53 Suspend to RAM的Demo,主要的 应用场景是电动汽车的快速启动。 G3与更新版本BSP的支持情况与此类 似,不再另外说明,客户可以自行参考开发。 请注意本文为培训和辅助文档,本文不是 官方文档的替代,请一切以官方文档为准。     目录 1 参考资料说明与声明 .................................................. 2 2 STBY+STR的硬件注意点 .......................................... 3 3 修改M7 MCAL Standby Demo代码 ............................ 5 3.1 Clock相关修改 ........................................................ 5 3.2 MCU相关修改 ......................................................... 5 3.3 UART Clock相关修改 ............................................. 7 3.4 Port相关修改 .......................................................... 7 3.5 I2C相关修改 ........................................................... 7 3.6 实现M核进入STDY状态等待功能 ........................... 8 3.7 Main函数的修改 ..................................................... 8 4 修改Bootloader工程来支持同时Boot M/A核Demo ... 10 4.1 I2C Clock相关修改 ............................................... 10 4.2 Port相关修改 ........................................................ 11 4.3 其它修改 ............................................................... 12 5 修改A53 Linux代码 .................................................. 13 6 Demo 运行测试 ........................................................ 13 6.1 硬件连接 ............................................................... 13 6.2 镜像烧写 ............................................................... 13 6.3 Demo运行 ............................................................ 14 7 工程发布包............................................................... 15 8 未来开发建议 ........................................................... 17 8.1 M/A核同步机制 ..................................................... 17 8.2 功能安全与信息安全 ............................................. 17 9 遗留问题 .................................................................. 17 9.1 IPCF STR支持 ...................................................... 18 9.2 PFE Slave STR支持 ............................................. 18 注意以下说明与声明: 说明: 汽车网关有快速启动要求,而电动车因为驻车时有更大的电池提供待机电源,所以希望是使 用Linux 的suspend to ram 的功能来实现Linux 的快速启动,而在S32G 上则需要考虑将M 核的 Standby 功能 与A 核的STR 功能 结合起来,目前可用的资源包括:  从BSP32 起支持ATF,可以支持Linux 端的STR 功能,文档《S32G_Linux_STR_V1-*.pdf》 (John.Li)说明linux STR 的原理和与M7 Standby Demo 结合时所需要的修改。  NXP 的M7 内部standby demo,可以支持M 核端的standby 功能,支持full boot 和standby ram boot。文档《S32G_Standby_Demo_V4-*.pdf》(John.Li)有详细说明,本文使用MCAL full boot+GPIO resume Demo。  本Demo 与本文主要说明如何将这两个Demo 结合起来,形成一个整体的Demo。  由于需要Boot M 核加A 核,所以也需要Bootloader 工程的支持,文档 《S32G_Bootloader_V1-*.pdf》(John.Li)说明了如何创建一个MCAL sample 加Linux 的 Bootloader 工程。 声明: 请注意:  M7 standby demo 本来为NXP 内部Demo,不保证运行质量。而Linux 本身也是reference software。  Linux STR 本身会引入比较复杂的电源管理切换,也会引起系统级的不稳定性。  本文所说的方法也是实验性质,不保证运行质量。 所以客户应该谨慎决定其产品功能并自行保证其产品质量,本文及本Demo 仅为Demo 性质。   This article explains how to build a demo of M7 MCAL Standby Fullboot GPIO resume Demo plus A53 Suspend to RAM on the S32G2 RDB2 board. The main application scenario is the quick start of electric vehicles. The support situation of G3 and the newer version of BSP is similar to this, no further explanation is given, customers can refer to it for development by themselves.  Please note that this article is a training and auxiliary document. This article is not a substitute for the official document. Please refer to the official document. Contents 1    Reference materials and statement 2 2    STBY+STR hardware checkpoints. 3 3    Modified M7 MCAL Standby Demo codes. 5 3.1  Clock modification. 5 3.2  MCU related modification. 6 3.3  UART Clock related modificaiton. 7 3.4  Port related modification. 8 3.5  I2C related modification. 8 3.6  Enable the waiting function of M core entering STDY. 9 3.7  Main function modification. 9 4    Modify the Bootloader project to support simultaneous M/A core demo  11 4.1  I2C Clock related modification. 11 4.2  Port related modifcaiton. 11 4.3  Others modificaiton. 13 5    Modify A53 Linux codes. 14 6    Demo running and testing. 14 6.1  Hardware link. 14 6.2  Image burning. 14 6.3  Demo running. 15 7    Project release package. 16 8    Suggestion for the future development 17 8.1  M/A core sync mechanism.. 17 8.2  Function safety and Information security. 17 9    Remaining issues. 18 9.1  IPCF STR support 18 9.2  PFE Slave STR support 18   as need refer:   S32G_Linux STR This doc explain S32G Linux STR details and modify to integrate with M stdy demo https://community.nxp.com/t5/NXP-Designs-Knowledge-Base/S32G-Linux-STR/ta-p/1652680 S32G Standby Demo the project build a new Mcal standby demo and explain its details https://community.nxp.com/t5/NXP-Designs-Knowledge-Base/S32G-M-kernel-Standby-demo-and-how-to-porting-to-Mcal/ta-p/1556313 S32G Boot customization doc how to run bootloader to run mcal&linux https://community.nxp.com/t5/NXP-Designs-Knowledge-Base/S32G-Bootloader-Customzition/ta-p/1519838
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Demo Owner Rebeca   The Freescale concept car demonstrates multiple solutions for automotive systems in powertrain, infotainment, cluster, safety and body applications. Specific system solutions include engine control, small and large motor control, lamp control, radio, digital cluster, gauge drivers, TPMS, touch control, surround view camera, media player and fast boot Linux®.     https://community.nxp.com/players.brightcove.net/4089003392001/default_default/index.html?videoId=4282635362001" style="color: #05afc3; background-color: #ffffff; font-size: 14.4px;" target="_blank   Featured NXP Products Qorivva S12 MagniV S08 i.MX6 Links Automotive
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Demo Owner Mike Stanley   Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems (TPMS) help drivers with precise direct tire pressure measurement by providing individual tire readings – including the spare. NXP's world’s smallest, lowest-power, with highest memory for customer use TPMS is highly integrated with a pressure sensor, temperature sensor, accelerometer, MCU and a transmitter. Watch Mike Stanley explain the pressure sensor readings, temperature sensor display and the accelerometer/motion readings. These readings are time based periodic measurements where the data is given as an output to the driver.   Features Simulation that portraits the TPMS as if it were inside the vehicles tires and sending reports to the vehicle's display unit about tire pressure Module has the following: Pressure sensor, accelerometer, temperature sensor, low-frequency radio, Microcontroller   Featured NXP Products FXTH87 product page FXTH87 Fact Sheet Links Tire Pressure Monitoring Sensors Pressure Sensors Block Diagram  
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This doc explain how to optimize the Linux boot time, Contents as follows: 目录 1 默认BSP28 Linux内核的启动时间分析和优化方向 ..... 2 2 UBoot的优化 .............................................................. 3 2.1 缩小Uboot的DTS尺寸 ............................................ 3 2.2 缩小Uboot的尺寸 .................................................... 4 2.3 去掉等待3S输入时间 .............................................. 4 2.4 配合内核修改的Uboot参数 ..................................... 4 2.5 关闭串口调试信息 .................................................. 5 2.6 MMC read的方法来读取内核和DTB ....................... 5 3 Kernal的优化 ............................................................. 5 3.1 DTB中去掉不用的驱动和代码 ................................. 5 3.2 内核中去掉不用的平台与驱动及相关代码 ............... 6 3.3 内核中去掉不用功能,缩小内核大小 ...................... 7 3.4 去掉initramfs支持 ................................................... 7 3.5 关闭调试信息 .......................................................... 7 3.6 提前eMMC驱动加载时间 ........................................ 7 3.7 将Kernel与DTB打包在一起..................................... 8 4 Rootfs+应用程序的优化 ............................................. 8 5 最终全部启动时间比较 ............................................. 12
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This doc explain our Linux BSP driver and how to custom them. Contests as follows: include bsp30/32 目录 1 S32G Linux文档说明 ................................................. 2 2 创建S32G RDB2 Linux板级开发包编译环境 .............. 2 2.1 创建yocto编译环境: ................................................ 2 2.2 独立编译 ................................................................. 8 3 Device Tree ............................................................. 11 3.1 恩智浦的device Tree结构 ..................................... 11 3.2 device Tree的由来(no updates) ............................ 13 3.3 device Tree的基础与语法(no updates) ................. 15 3.4 device Tree的代码分析(no updates) .................... 37 4 恩智浦S32G BSP 包文件目录结构 .......................... 70 5 恩智浦Linux BSP的编译(no updates) ...................... 72 5.1 需要编译哪些文件 ................................................ 72 5.2 如何编译这些文件 ................................................ 73 5.3 如何链接为目标文件及链接顺序 ........................... 74 5.4 kernel Kconfig ...................................................... 76 6 恩智浦BSP的内核初始化过程(no updates) .............. 76 6.1 初始化的汇编代码 ................................................ 78 6.2 初始化的C代码 ..................................................... 82 6.3 init_machine ......................................................... 94 7 恩智浦BSP的内核定制 ............................................. 97 7.1 DDR修改 .............................................................. 98 7.2 IO管脚配置与Pinctrl驱动 .................................... 100 7.3 新板bringup ........................................................ 121 7.4 更改调试串口 ...................................................... 125 7.5 uSDHC设备定制(eMMC flash,SDcard, SDIOcard) 129 7.6 GPIO驱动 ........................................................... 137 7.7 GPIO_Key 驱动定制 .......................................... 145 7.8 GPIO_LED 驱动定制 ......................................... 150 7.9 芯片内thermal驱动 ............................................. 155 7.10 CAN接口驱动 ..................................................... 157 7.11 I2C及外设驱动 .................................................... 162 7.12 SPI与SPI Slave驱动 ........................................... 183 7.13 Watchdog test. ................................................... 190 7.14 汽车级以太网驱动定制 (未验证) (未完成) ........... 191
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This doc explain our Mcal driver and how to custome them. contents as follows: 目录 1 AutoSAR MCAL基本概念 .......................................... 2 1.1 AutoSAR目标 ......................................................... 2 1.2 AutoSAR概念 ......................................................... 2 1.3 AutoSAR基本方法 .................................................. 2 1.4 BSW(Basic Software) ............................................. 4 1.5 NXP Basic AutoSAR软件 ....................................... 4 1.6 RTE与BSW的配置 ................................................. 5 1.7 BSW的配置流程 ..................................................... 6 1.8 MCAL驱动 .............................................................. 7 2 MCAL工具 ................................................................. 7 3 MCAL说明 ................................................................. 8 3.1 MCAL的下载与说明 ................................................ 8 3.2 EB Tresos的下载,安装 ....................................... 13 3.3 RTD-MCAL安装 ................................................... 16 3.4 Trace32的下载与安装 .......................................... 18 3.5 样例工程的编译,运行 ......................................... 20 4 MCAL驱动配置与定制 ............................................. 40 4.1 MCU ..................................................................... 45 4.2 PORT ................................................................... 59 4.3 DIO ....................................................................... 69 4.4 FlexCAN ............................................................... 71 4.5 FlexLin ................................................................. 87 4.6 GMAC .................................................................. 93 4.7 I2C ..................................................................... 101 4.8 PMIC .................................................................. 108 4.9 PMIC WDOG ...................................................... 127 4.10 WDOG ............................................................... 137 4.11 UART ................................................................. 144 4.12 SPI ..................................................................... 149 4.13 PWM .................................................................. 165 4.14 ADC ................................................................... 171 4.15 Thermal .............................................................. 177
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Demo Wheel rotation is controlled by the SB0400 DC motor pre-driver. When the wheel is stopped manually, the Wheel Speed Sensor -KMI23- detects it & sends a signal to the SB0400 motor pre-driver & S32K MCU to activate the electromagnet Products 32-bit Automotive General Purpose MCUs|NXP Motorcycle Two-Wheel Antilock Braking (ABS)|NXP KMI23_KMI25|NXP  Links Motorcycle Two-Wheel Antilock Braking (ABS)|NXP  Analog Expert Software and Tools|NXP  Recommended product Link S32K144EVB https://www.nxp.com/design/development-boards/automotive-development-platforms/s32k-mcu-platforms/s32k144-evaluation-board:S32K144EVB?&fsrch=1&sr=1&pageNum=1
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Demo The MC33SB040X familly is an antilock brake controller designed especially for two wheeler system. Thanks to the plug and play evaluation module controlled by a friendly graphical unit interface, we will show the potential of our product.  Through this demo, we will demonstrate how it is easy to use our solutions and accelerate the development of a complete ABS Motorcycle / Scooter solution.   First Motorcycle ABS IC Familly One Channel ABS IC for Scooters - Two Channels ABS IC for Motorcycles Smallest ABS Package - Low RDSon Low Side Drivers Featured NXP Product http://cache.freescale.com/files/analog/doc/brochure/BR1569.pdf  
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NXP's secure over-the-air communication for automotive networks features embedded hardware crystallographic engine for the rapid decryption of received data.   Features   MPC5748G targets High-End Body and High-End gateway Rich communication peripheral set & HSM - embedded Security Module Encryption, decryption, message code generation, secured flash memory for secured storage Secured communication inside or outside the vehicle (wired or wireless) Encryption with different algorithms demo Decryption in both hardware (HSM) or software comparison Links High End Body Control Module Central Gateway / In-Vehicle Networking Block Diagram  
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本文说明如何配置MCAL ICU模块为GPIO Input。 默认的MCAL ICU模块是使用FTM输入为示例的。 本文采用软件版本为MCAL RTD 4.0.2 目录 1    背景与资料说明... 2 1.1  背景说明... 2 1.2  所需资料说明... 2 2    创建ICU工程... 3 2.1  打开工程... 3 2.2  编译与运行... 3 2.3  默认工程说明... 4 3    增加GPIO输入支持... 6 3.1  修改说明... 6 3.2  修改Port模块... 6 3.3  修改ICU模块... 7 3.4  Platform模块... 8 3.5  主测试程序修改... 9 3.6  测试结果... 10
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本文说明S32G3 M7核Standby MCAL demo 详细情况及定制,并在进入Standby之前 调用QSPI 接口将QSPI NOR flash配置进入 deep power down模式,以节省用电。 目录 1    参考资料说明... 2 2    G2和G3 Demo的区别... 2 3    G3 MCAL Demo的实现... 4 3.1  修改UART驱动... 4 3.2  实现时钟关闭代码... 4 3.3  配置电源模式切换驱动... 5 3.4  配置唤醒源... 5 3.5  加入PMIC驱动... 6 3.6  主函数逻辑实现... 7 3.7  运行测试... 7 3.8  未来开发计划... 8 4    将QSPI NOR设置进入Deep Power Down模式... 8 4.1  Fls层的修改... 10 4.2  中间层的修改... 10 4.3  QSPI_IP层的修改... 13 4.4  主测试函数调用... 16 4.5  Fls驱动的测试... 17 5    将Deep Power Down功能集成到STANDBY工程中并测试    18 5.1  EB配置... 18 5.2  主测试函数与编译修改... 20 5.3  运行测试... 21
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现在越来越多的客户,对于S32G PFE在master/slave的使用有了需求。 但是,PFE只有4个HIF接口,HIF0~HIF3,而PFE有3个EMAC口,以及LLCE2PFE也需要要给HIF,从而HIF成为一个关键资源。 同时,有些客户需要从A核,M核的业务考量,A核和M核的网络不仅要和外部设备进行通信,同时A核和M核内部也有通信需求,并且需要把业务报文和管理报文分离,这就对PFE master/slave的使用场景有了更多变化,以及对各种配置有了更多需求。 因此,针对PFE/Slave的几种使用典型的使用场景,进行配置。
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在进行时钟同步时,目前S32G2/G3有一种很典型的使用场景: Grand master clock  <-> S32G PFE <-> 其余连接在PFE 某些 eMAC口上的设备 外部的grand master clock,连接在PFE的一个eMAC上,要同步S32G以及连接在PFE其余eMAC上的设备时钟。 但是S32G2/G3的PFE仅仅是支持timestamp,对于将S32G PFE设置成交换机使用时,PFE不能实现Transparent clock的功能。 因此,本文讨论将PFE + S32G SoC当作Transparent clock,以及将PFE + S32G当作boundary clock,来同步S32G以及其余部件的时钟。
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本文说明了S32G如何储存mac地址,包括dts保存,systemd指定和fuse保存的办法: 目录 1 需要的软件................................................................. 2 2 背景说明 .................................................................... 2 3 PFE eMAC MAC地址说明 ......................................... 2 3.1 DTS配置 ................................................................. 2 3.2 源代码说明 ............................................................. 3 3.3 测试 ........................................................................ 4 4 GMAC0 MAC地址说明 .............................................. 4 4.1 DTS配置 ................................................................. 4 4.2 源代码说明 ............................................................. 4 4.3 SystemD脚本 ......................................................... 5 4.4 固定GMAC MAC地址的修改办法 ........................... 6 5 用Uboot命令烧写FUSE MAC地址项 .......................... 7 6 修改为从fuse中获得GMAC0 MAC地址 ...................... 9 6.1 Uboot代码修改 ....................................................... 9 6.2 Uboot写MAC寄存器说明 ...................................... 10 6.3 测试 ...................................................................... 10  
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本文为如下G2版本的升级篇,使用G3+更新的软件 目录 1    需要的软件与工具... 2 1.1  软件工具与文档... 2 1.2  开发说明... 3 2    测试软件安装编译说明... 3 2.1  安装LLCE Logger驱动... 3 2.2  编译LLCE驱动测试程序(以CAN Logger 为例) 4 2.3  Logger Demo功能说明... 5 2.4  M7 BootLoader ATF镜像冲突检查... 7 2.5  LLCE Logger Demo去掉CLOCK INIT. 9 2.6  LLCE Logger Demo去掉MCU 相关INIT. 10 2.7  LLCE Logger Demo程序去掉PORT INIT. 10 2.8  中断冲突说明... 10 2.9  去掉其它无用初始化... 11 3    Bootloader工程说明... 11 3.1  关掉XRDC支持... 12 3.2  关掉eMMC/SD支持(可选) 13 3.3  关掉secure boot(可选) 14 3.4  增加LLCE 驱动所需要的PORT 的初始化... 15 3.5  解决Bootloader,MCAL 与Linux 的clock 冲突... 16 3.6  配置A53 Boot sources: 34 3.7  配置M7 Boot sources: 36 3.8  关闭调试软断点... 37 3.9  编译Bootloader工程... 38 3.10 制造Bootloader的带IVT的镜像... 39 3.11 烧写镜像... 41 4    Linux LLCE logger功能修改... 42 4.1 ATF的修改... 42 4.2 Linux中关于LLCE配置... 44 4.3 LLCE相关初始化冲突说明... 45 5    测试... 46 5.1  硬件连接... 46 5.2  LLCE logger 测试过程... 46 S32G Boot customization doc how to run bootloader to run mcal&linux https://community.nxp.com/t5/NXP-Designs-Knowledge-Base/S32G-Bootloader-Customzition/ta-p/1519838
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doc&project&patch&script explain to support GD qspi nor in lauterbach, flash tool,ivt,fls mcal, fls bootloader and linux 目录 1    背景和参考资料... 2 1.1  背景说明... 2 1.2  参考资料... 3 1.3  硬件连接... 5 2    Lauterbach脚本驱动开发(可选) 5 2.1  准备参考脚本... 5 2.2  QuadSPI_ReadID.. 6 2.3  配置QSPI NOR为DOPI模式... 7 2.4  使用DOPI模式 READ_8DTRD.. 10 2.5  测试结果... 13 3    Flash tool算法镜像开发... 14 3.1  Flash SDK实现的算法... 15 3.2  开发新的flash源代码... 17 3.3  测试结果... 20 4    开发IVT参数头... 22 4.1  S32G QSPI控制器配置区别... 24 4.2  QSPI的配置区别... 28 4.3  测试结果... 29 5    开发MCAL Fls驱动... 30 5.1  MCAL Fls驱动工程说明... 30 5.2  FlsMem配置页... 34 5.3  MemCfg配置页... 35 5.4  测试结果... 49 6    开发Bootloader工程中Fls驱动... 51 6.1  Bootloader工程说明... 51 6.2  Bootloader与MCAL Fls驱动的不同点... 53 6.3  镜像打包... 54 6.4  测试结果... 56 7    开发Linux驱动(可选) 57 7.1  Linux GD驱动支持情况... 57 7.2  时钟相关的修改... 58 7.3  在DTS中增加GD flash的支持... 60 7.4  修改源代码增加flash信息结构体... 61 7.5  修改源代码中flash的fixup支持DTR模式... 62 7.6  Turning dummy值解决读错位的问题... 64 7.7  测试结果... 65
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