PN5180 read 3-5 tags ISO15693

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PN5180 read 3-5 tags ISO15693

Contributor II
Good afternoon NXP community!

I read ISO15693 tags, receive UID and data, write and rewrite data - but only for one tag.
But nowhere is the method described how to count several tags (from 3 to 5 pieces) that are in the field of action of PN5180.
How can you implement it and where can you read about it?
Even if there is a pseudo-code of the SPI it does not matter, the main thing is that the method is fully described.
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4 Replies

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @AlanSbor ,


Have you tried the NFC reader library for PN5180? It provides a demo for ISO15693, please kindly refer to the following for details.

2 Description of the NfcrdlibEx5_ISO15693

- NfcrdlibEx5_ISO15693 can be run with CLEV663B, PN5180 and PN7462AU. (See
Section-15 for supported versions)
- This example will load/configure Discovery loop with NFC profile via
- By using POLL mode of discovery loop, example will detect the ISO 15693
cards and display/print detected tag information like UID, Block Read and
Block Write status.
- This example will activate device at index zero whenever multiple cards are


To download the library, please kindly refer to .


Hope that helps,


Have a great day,

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Contributor II

Good evening Kan_Li,

"Have you tried the PN5180 NFC reader library?"

Yes, but I had to choose a simpler library to study YOUR 5180 microcircuits:

It is clear and written in human language what and where it comes from and why.

In your library, NfcrdlibEx5_ISO15693 is too complicated for Arduino lovers, and to use it you need to install your development environment and buy your own development kit, which is very, very expensive for a developer for Arduino.

You haven't completely written ... the complete excerpt from the file: "
* Example Source for NfcrdlibEx5_ISO15693 that uses the ISO15693 implementation.
* This example will load / configure Discovery loop for ISO15693, uses POLL mode to detect the ISO15693 card.
* Displays detected ISO15693 card information like UID, Card Type, Block Read and Block Write operation status.
*Example will activate the device at index zero whenever multiple MIFARE Classic cards are detected. "

     There are so many references to constants, functions from other files in your code that it is not easy to understand how your algorithm works, and it is clearly not described anywhere in the form of a normal algorithm.
You also have the opportunity to make the code easier, for Arduino fans, for example, they will thank you so much and will buy your microcircuits, tags and use and apply them, and you profit and we have where to apply.

Please make a simple sketch for Arduino lovers that shows the same as the example you referred to.


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @AlanSbor ,


We recommend NFC reader library for general NFC use cases, not only thanks to the multiple protocols it covers, but also due to the customers may easily have the tech support from NXP side. Please also note it is not a MUST option, we provide an app note for customers who just want to implement simple functions based on the reader ICs. You may refer to for more details , and for ISO15693 application on an Arduino platform, I would recommend CLRC663 plus instead of PN5180, as there is a RC663 dev kit for Arduino available, please kindly refer to for details.


Hope that helps,


Have a great day,

- If this post answers your question, please click the "Mark Correct" button. Thank you!
- We are following threads for 7 weeks after the last post, later replies are ignored
Please open a new thread and refer to the closed one, if you have a related question at a later point in time.

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Contributor II

Good day, learned to read a lot of tags under Arduino (esp32)?

the guys suggested what and how to fix it.


The anticollision scheme only checks the last 4 bits of a tag's UID, so if two tags have the same last 4 digits, it will not resolve the tags. Therefore, you need to select tags with different last 4 digits so that they are found together. Can this be corrected by code?

So that you can read all the tags attached to the antenna.

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