I need to desgin a nfc antenna. Therefore I read the AN11276 NTag Antenna Design Guide. I was wondering why there is an additional capacity of 130pF on the antenna board (see Picture below)? I did not found any Information in the design guide.
Anyone knows why it is placed there?
Hi Kai,
The capacitor of 130pF is used to tune the antenna frequency oscillation, it is not a MUST option, if you can tune the coil antenna to the target frequency, you need not put this capacitor.
Hope that helps,
Have a great day,
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Hi Kan,
I guess this tuning you mentioned is more like a smart design choice. Using a 130pF (with low tolerance) results in only +-6% inductance change, if the estimated internal capacities of the antenna, the IC and the connection would vary by +-20%. Without this capacitor the required inductance would vary by ~13%.
Thanks and regards,