NFC security using PN5180

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NFC security using PN5180

Contributor II

Hi, I am new to NFC technology and was wondering how secure different MIFARE cards are nowadays. There are different kinds of cards like: MIFARE Classic, MIFARE UltraLight and MIFARE DESFire. I am interested in developing a NFC reader to identify people using NFC card technology. It is of utmost importance that no clones of a certain card can be made and the data can’t be read by malicious people since this setup is to be used as an access control system. I am a bit in the dark about how to start, where to start, which technology/security to use, which data must be stored. I have planned to develop an application using Zephyr RTOS for the IMXRT1064 which is connected with a PN5180. In the datasheet of the PN5180 I don’t seem to find a lot about security except for `MIFARE_AUTHENTICATE`. (Is this very secure?) Does this mean that the PN5180 limits me to use MIFARE Classic since it doesn’t seem to support MIFARE DESFIRE, or is this a wrong assumption. Thanks in advance

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


PN5180 can support MIFARE  DESFIRE and there is the library for the customer. But the library is under NDA.  So you need an NDA to gain access to that documentation. If you has  NDA. Please refer to the attachment how to find the document on Docstore.


Have a nice day.


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