I'm trying to read ISO14443-4 type NFC Tag with MFRC522 or PN532 based NFC reader board. Are these ICs compliant with ISO14443-4?
Tag's info which is scanned with NXP's Tag Info App from Google Play store is Attached.
Best regards.
Dear Gökhan Taşçı,
both readers support MIFARE and iso 14443 so there should not be any problem interacting with layer 4 tags the thing here is that you might have to implement some commands for that layer since both of those products are no longer recommended for new designs, please check their replacement for :
MFRC52202HN1 - > MFRC630 | High-performance MIFARE and NTAG Frontend for Access | NXP
PN532 -> PN7150 | High performance NFC controller for smart devices | NXP
the image you attach is not from tag info is from NFC tools. but it should be supported by