Hello to all. I am new in this forum.
I plan to use the SPC5675K (Dual Core processor) as a BLDC controller with 3 Hall Sensors for position measurement and current measurement on the motorphases.
But I am not so familar with the using of the MPC family. Knows anyone some application notes or software example from NXP which infrastructure of the processor must be configured
Hi, Norber,
Regarding your BLDC control application with Hall sensor based on SPC5675K, I have not found the example code. Pls refer to the link which is BLDC sensorless solution:
3-phase Sensorless BLDC Development Kit|NXP
In the application, the eFlexPWM module is used to generate PWM signal, you can connect the three Hall signals to the eTimer input pin, and set the input pin in capture mode for rising/falling edge. Once the capture edge is detected, an capture ISR is executed, you can read the 3 hall logic and determine the which PWM pair is masked, which PWM pair is inverted based an table, BTW, you can compute the speed of rotor.
Anyway, for the detailed MPC56xx question, I suggest you post the question to MPC5xxx forum.
Hope it can help you
Xiangjun Rong