When we can get freeRTOS+TCP/UDP with PMSM FOC reference design base on KV5x ?
If You want to answer after so long time to this post,
let me know where the RTOS and LWIP is available for the KV5x. I tried to download the TWR-KV58F220M
KSDK with all the options enabled, and there is no RTOS and LWIP example in.
Thank You
Hi, Bryan,
Yes, it is okay to get the freeRTOS+TCP/UDP with PMSM FOC reference design base on KV5x.
You can download the SDK2.0 based on KV5x from the website:
Welcome to Kinetis Expert | Kinetis Expert
after you download SDK, you can see the LWIP example code in the directory:
each LWIP example includes two version:bare mental and FreeRTOS, you can use the example as platform and add the PMSM code, it is okay.
For the PMSM code based on FOC, you can download it from website:
3-Phase PMSM Motor Control Reference Design|NXP
Hope it can help you.
Xiangjun Rong