Ran across these two app-notes around PMSM / BLDC,
is there a reason why MCX A153 only provides an open loop / sensorless example?
while the MCX N947 example is closed-loop sensored:
Trying to iron out what the hardware limitations of the A15x series are when it comes to closed loop motor control as N5/9-series feels overkill putting the older LPC553x somewhere in the middle.
As far as I understand, both MCU's has the FlexPWM's needed, ADC to PWM XBAR, ADC's fast enough to read analog hall sensors, AOI and SINC filter, right?
also... just comparing the product-pages, could NXP shed some light on this
motor Control Subsystem
MCX A14x/15x
Motor Control Subsystem
differences based on above:
Q1)is there a reason why MCX A153 only provides an open loop / sensorless example?
>>>>>The MCX A153 can provide both open loop and closed loop example. For BLDC/PMSM control, the rotor position is required, for sensorless solution, the rotor position is estimated based on stator current and voltage. No matter whether MCX A or N family is used, at start-up stage, the open-loop control solution is used, after start-up, the closed loop is used.
Q2)differences based on above:
eFlexPWM vs FlexPWM
XiangJun Rong