When and how should I use the new CW eTPU Function set fo Motor Control?

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When and how should I use the new CW eTPU Function set fo Motor Control?

Contributor IV


Using the CodeWarrior eTPU Function Selector - NXP I can download eTPU functions for motor control, including PWMM, RESOLVER, AS and PMSM_FOC. What is the scope of these new functions, compared to the legacy set4 function set?  I could not find any AN explaining their use. I work with the MPC5777C.

Thanks a lot,


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6 Replies

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Some yet general notes -

1) Original eTPU function sets offered by 'eTPU Function Selector' is based on ByteCraft Compiler, its development has been ended and no support can be expected (in the meaning correcting of possible errors and so on). It can be used with benefits for instance during porting the code from older platforms to maintain backward compatibility. Also user can use eTPU graphical configuration tool (GCT) for simple generating of eTPU initialization code.

2) New eTPU function sets offered by 'CW eTPU Function Selector' is based NXP eTPU2 Development Suite, its development is still in progress and there is a chance of advanced support. In case user starts project from the scratch, this will be the better choice. Unfortunately eTPU graphical configuration tool (GCT) is no longer supported and files _gct.c and _gct.h must be hand written.

Contributor III

Is there some Application Notes already describing how to use these new functions? I am mostly interested in functions PMSM FOC / RESOLVER /AS / PWMM


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

There is no officially launched document. Preliminary appnote regarding Motor Control eTPU Library exists, I have already taken a screenshot above, consist some description of all functions, maybe some of them are described only partially as the document is still preliminary.

Please create new case according the procedure below with reference to this thread and I will send the document to you. I have just been agreed with authors.

How to submit a new question for NXP Support 

Contributor III

I created a case 00259916 for requesting these documents as well. Thanks.

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Contributor III

Thanks. I created case 00206373 to cover this request

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

I am attaching screenshot from preliminary appnote regarding Motor Control eTPU Library, also with descriptive text.


"The set3 and set4 eTPU functions enabled to create a closed-loop motor drive on the eTPU, running independently of the host CPU. It demonstrated the power of the eTPU to completely handle the control of all types of motors (DC, BLDC, PMSM and ACIM). The MPC55xx host application just commanded the required speed or torque and monitored the eTPU operation. The ASDC and ASAC eTPU functions also interfaced the eQADC via eDMA which in turn enabled to handle analog signals, DC-bus voltage and phase currents.
The primary goal of the new eTPU library is not to implement the simplest form of a closed-loop motor drive on the eTPU. The eTPU or eTPU2 on MPC56xx and MPC57xx is more powerful, can run on higher frequencies and can serve more advanced customer needs. The goal of the new eTPU functions is to serve as full-featured motor control peripheral modules and also to enable the customers to implement their own closed-loop control within a prepared framework.
The new functions are created using a new coding style, which is MISRA compliant, easy to read, reuse or modify. Assembly code, if any, is isolated in library routines."