Hi Martin
can you provide the PWM driver code for MPC5748g or any other reference code for that.
This example driver is included in MPC5748G cook book.
have a look at chapter 2.9 Timed I/O
And here is the link for SW: AN4830SW, NXP® Recipes for MPC574xG - Application notes software
Hmm, this is strange as I have opened SW package and there is eMIOS example included.
Can't you find it in SW package?
i have got that EMIOS and i have gone through that code, but i was searching for the particular PWM.
Hi Peter
Thank you for providing details.
I have downloaded the recipes of MPC5748G from the link which you have provided, but particular PWM module is not present, so can you help me to get the particular PWM driver code for MPC5748G.
we have requirement to write the PWM driver code in C++ for MPC5748G microcontroller, so can anyone provide the more detail information regarding PWM driver code and any reference code.