I am using S32 Design studio v 1.1 to debug some code on the MPC5777M board , I flashed the controller via JTAG with the PE micro Multi-link Universal.
When I tried to flash for third time (After Flashing two times ),the board is signalling RED LED(constantly glowing) stuck in reset state and not coming out of it.
And I am resetting board using the Watchdog timer , but same thing is happening .
After power off-on the MPC5777M board flashing is happening.
I have tried with this https://community.nxp.com/thread/395670 but it is not working.
Can you please suggest me that how to recover from this step.
First thing you need to do is to attach debugger before your SWT in micro expires.
Erase the flash.
Then you can attach normally.
Load program which service SWT. You can optionally disable reset escalation (MC_RGM_FRET =0)
Easiest way is to use Lauterbach function "attach on power on reset"