I'm trying to test lwip example.
But I can't see any response from my board.
I have checked the documentation of this example. (which is located in sdk path)
and "readme" file which is located in "chargen" folder.
I think IP address allocation is something wrong.
//this is sdk original setting
#define LWIP_PORT_INIT_IPADDR(addr) IP4_ADDR((addr), 192,168,0,200)
#define LWIP_PORT_INIT_NETMASK(addr) IP4_ADDR((addr), 255,255,255,0)
#define LWIP_PORT_INIT_GW(addr) IP4_ADDR((addr), 192,168,0,1)
1. Do i have to set the ipaddress to as the smae with my board?
But in the sdk document :
"Select Internet Protocol Version 4 and click Properties; select Use the following IP address and configure the IP address and subnet mask. Configuration example: IP -, subnet mask -"
: I did this. but no working.
2.and in sdk document
: Basic functionality can be checked by pinging the board from the host PC: ping
>>> i think this is something conflicting with "1".
* I'm using telnet utility with window cmd as the "readme" file mentions. and
working in debug ram mode.
Best regards