Dear Sir. or Mandam,
I have encountered some problem while configuring cmp module of MPC5748G. Attached is my test project. I have used CMP_0 module, the positive input is the voltage that I give through PG7, the negative input is set to 3.3V through DAC, the output pin is PC10, and its voltage will change with the result of comparision. When the voltage of PG7 is higher than 3.3V, LED2 is turned on, and PC10 is high. When the voltage of PG7 is lower than 3.3V, LED1 is turned on, and PC10 is low.
My questions are:
1. How to understand and test sampled, non- filered mode, sampled, filtered mode, windowed mode, windowed/ resampled and windowed/ filtered mode?Could you please give me the typical configuration and the corresponding wave result of these modes?
2. In windowed mode, windowed/ resampled and windowed/ filtered mode, how to configure the window?
3. Why in my project, PC10 is alway high in windowed mode, windowed/ resampled and windowed/ filtered mode?
Thank you very much for your help.
Yours sincerely,
QIAN Shifei
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regarding modes; this is described in the RM, I think.
For the rest see the window mode of MPC5748G,CMP module .
BR, Petr