MPC5744P ADC_isr problem

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MPC5744P ADC_isr problem

Contributor I

Hi, I have a problem about configuring the PWM switch control code.

In my code, I want to synchronize  PWM with ADC. 

So I configured PWM, CTU and ADC.

After that I tried to use ADC_ISR to make the main code  work. 

But since I don't know how to use ADC_ISR, I refer the etimer example code.

 Therefore, I made "ADC_ISR  in intc_SW_mode_isr_vectors_MPC5744p.c" file 

and put it into "ADC_ISR and ADC_init", but it didn't work.

I will attach the code here. Please help me to work it, if you can.

Thank you so much.

/* FILE NAME: intc_SW_mode_isr_vectors_MPC5744P.c COPYRIGHT(c) Freescale 2015*/
/* All Rights Reserved */
/* DESCRIPTION: MPC5744P ISR vectors for INTC in software vector mode */
/* Based on MPC5744P ref manual rev 5.1 Table 7-20. */
/* USAGE: For desired vector #, replace "dummy" with ISR name and declare */
/* your isr name extern like the example below: */
/* extern void MyPeripheralISR(void); */
/* */
/* --- ----------- ---------- --------------------- */
/* 1.0 S Mihalik 03 Aug 2015 Initial version */
#include "typedefs.h"
void dummy (void);
//extern void ETimer_ISR(void);
extern void ADC_ISR(void);


const uint32_t __attribute__ ((section (".intc_vector_table"))) IntcIsrVectorTable[] = {

(uint32_t) &dummy, /* Vector # 496 ADC_EOC ADC_0 */
(uint32_t) &dummy, /* Vector # 497 ADC_ER ADC_0 */
(uint32_t) &dummy, /* Vector # 498 ADC_WD ADC_0 */
(uint32_t) &dummy, /* Vector # 499 Reserved for ADC ADC_0 */

(uint32_t) &ADC_ISR, /* Vector # 500 ADC_EOC ADC_1 */
(uint32_t) &dummy, /* Vector # 501 ADC_ER ADC_1 */
(uint32_t) &dummy, /* Vector # 502 ADC_WD ADC_1 */
(uint32_t) &dummy, /* Vector # 503 Reserved for ADC ADC_1 */
(uint32_t) &dummy, /* Vector # 504 ADC_EOC ADC_2 */
(uint32_t) &dummy, /* Vector # 505 ADC_ER ADC_2 */
(uint32_t) &dummy, /* Vector # 506 ADC_WD ADC_2 */
(uint32_t) &dummy, /* Vector # 507 Reserved for ADC ADC_2 */
(uint32_t) &dummy, /* Vector # 508 ADC_EOC ADC_3 */
(uint32_t) &dummy, /* Vector # 509 ADC_ER ADC_3 */
(uint32_t) &dummy, /* Vector # 510 ADC_WD ADC_3 */


void dummy (void) { /* Dummy ISR vector to trap undefined ISRs */
while (1) {}; /* Wait forever or for watchdog timeout */


#include "derivative.h" /* include peripheral declarations */

#include "project.h"
#include "mode_entry.h"
#include "adc.h"

* Constants and macros
#define LED1_pin 43

* Function prototypes
static void SysClk_Init(void);
//static void InitPeriClkGen(void);
static void GPIO_Init(void);
static void HW_Init(void);
static void ETimer_Init(void);
static void FlexPWM_Init(void);
void ETimer_ISR(void);
void CTU_Init(void);
static void ADC_Init(void);

// for adc

void update_LEDs(void); /* Update LEDs with scaled chan 9 result */
extern uint16_t Result[3]; /* ADC channel conversion results */
extern uint16_t ResultInMv[0];

extern void xcptn_xmpl(void);

#define AUX0_clk_DIV1 7
#define SGEN_IOFREQ 1600

#define AUX0_clk_DIV0 0
#define PWM_MODULO 1600

int adc_count=0;
int etimer_cnt = 0;
uint16_t result[3];
float Duty=0.7, ADC_SCALE_I=0;
float VHsen = 0, VLsen = 0;
float VHfil = 0, VLfil = 0;
float Isen[3] = {0,0,0};

* Local functions

Function Name : HW_init
Engineer : Martin Kovar
Date : Dec-29-2015
Parameters :
Modifies :
Returns :
Notes : initialization of the hw for the purposes of this example
Issues :
static void HW_Init(void)
xcptn_xmpl (); /* Configure and Enable Interrupts */
// InitPeriClkGen();

Function Name : Sys_Init
Engineer : Martin Kovar
Date : Dec-29-2015
Parameters : NONE
Modifies : NONE
Returns : NONE
Notes : Enable XOSC, PLL0, PLL1 and enter RUN0 with PLL1 as sys clk (200 MHz)
Issues : NONE
// Enable XOSC, PLL0, PLL1 and enter RUN0 with PLL1 as sys clk (200 MHz)
void SysClk_Init(void)

MC_CGM.AC3_SC.B.SELCTL = 0x01; //connect 40 MHz XOSC to the PLL0 input

//MC_CGM.AC4_SC.B.SELCTL = 0x11; //connect 40 MHz XOSC to the PLL1 input 

/* Program PLL1 to same frequency as PLL0.
* MFD multiplies input by at least 10. So multiply by 10 and divide by 10.
* 10/10 = 1, so same frequency as PLL0

// Set PLL0 to 60MHz(PHI), 50MHz(PHI1) with 40MHz XOSC reference // PLL0 clock div -> 60MHz(PHI), 50MHz(PHI1)
//PLLDIG.PLL0DV.R = 0x3008100A; // PREDIV = 1, MFD = 10, RFDPHI = 8, RFDPHI1 = 6
PLLDIG.PLL0DV.B.RFDPHI1 = 8; //6 4. 320MHz -div 8-> 40MHz PHI1
PLLDIG.PLL0DV.B.RFDPHI = 1; //8 3. 320MHz -div 1-> 320MHz PHI
PLLDIG.PLL0DV.B.PREDIV = 2; //1 1. 40MHz -div 2 -> 20MHz
PLLDIG.PLL0DV.B.MFD = 16; //10 2. 20MHz -Mul 16-> 320MHz'

// MC_ME.RUN0_MC.R = 0x00130071; // RUN0 cfg: IRC ON,OSC0 ON,,PLL1 OFF, PLL0 ON, sysclk=XOSC(40MHz) 
MC_ME.RUN0_MC.B.PWRLVL = 0; // Power level -> 
MC_ME.RUN0_MC.B.PDO = 0; // I/O output power-down control -
MC_ME.RUN0_MC.B.MVRON = 1; // Main voltage regulator control -> 
MC_ME.RUN0_MC.B.FLAON = 3; // Flash power-down control -> 11:Flash is in normal mode 
MC_ME.RUN0_MC.B.PLL1ON = 0; // PLL1 disable
MC_ME.RUN0_MC.B.PLL0ON = 1; // PLL0 enable
MC_ME.RUN0_MC.B.XOSCON = 1; // XOSC enable -> MC_CGM.AC3_SC.B.SELCTL = 0x01; 
MC_ME.RUN0_MC.B.IRCON = 1; // IRCON enable -> MC_CGM.AC3_SC.B.SELCTL = 0x00; 
MC_ME.RUN0_MC.B.SYSCLK = 1; // system clock selector -> system clock

//MC_CGM.SC_DC0.R = 0x80030000; // PBRIDGE0/PBRIDGE1_CLK at syst clk div by 1 ... (20 MHz)

// Mode Transition to enter RUN0 mode:
MC_ME.MCTL.R = 0x40005AF0; // Enter RUN0 Mode & Key
MC_ME.MCTL.R = 0x4000A50F; // Enter RUN0 Mode & Inverted Key //
while (MC_ME.GS.B.S_MTRANS) {}; // Wait for mode transition to complete
while(MC_ME.GS.B.S_CURRENT_MODE != 4) {}; // Verify RUN0 is the current mode

// Set PLL1 to 200 MHz with 40MHz XOSC reference
PLLDIG.PLL1DV.R = 0x00020014; // MFD = 20, RFDPHI = 2
MC_ME.RUN_PC[0].R = 0x000000FE; // enable peripherals run in all modes
MC_ME.PCTL239.B.RUN_CFG = 0; //Make SGEN follow RUN_PC[0]
MC_ME.PCTL255.B.RUN_CFG = 0; //Make FlexPWM0 follow RUN_PC[0]
MC_ME.RUN0_MC.R = 0x001300F4; // RUN0 cfg: IRCON, OSC0ON, PLL1ON, syclk=PLL1

//adc_ enable peri clock for all RUN modes
MC_ME.RUN_PC[1].R = 0x000000FE; // enable peripherals run in all modes
MC_ME.PCTL126.B.RUN_CFG = 0x1;
MC_CGM.AC0_DC2.R = 0x80040000; //Enable ADC_CLK and divide PLL0_PHI source by 5 (i.e. 4+1)

// Mode Transition to enter RUN0 mode:
MC_ME.MCTL.R = 0x40005AF0; // Enter RUN0 Mode & Key
MC_ME.MCTL.R = 0x4000A50F; // Enter RUN0 Mode & Inverted Key
while (MC_ME.GS.B.S_MTRANS) {}; // Wait for mode transition to complete
while(MC_ME.GS.B.S_CURRENT_MODE != 4) {}; // Verify RUN0 is the current mode

// set peripheral clocks
MC_CGM.AC0_SC.R = 0x02000000; // Select PLL0 for auxiliary clock 0
MC_CGM.AC0_DC0.B.DE = 1;
MC_CGM.AC0_DC0.B.DIV = 1; // MOTC_CLK : Enable aux clk 0 div by 1 
MC_CGM.AC0_DC2.B.DE = 1;
MC_CGM.AC0_DC2.B.DIV = 3; // ADC_CLK : Enable aux clk 0 div by 3  (80 MHz)

MC_ME.DRUN_MC.R = 0x00130072;
MC_ME.MCTL.R = 0x30005AF0;
MC_ME.MCTL.R = 0x3000A50F;
while(MC_ME.GS.B.S_MTRANS == 1); /* Wait for mode transition complete */

Function Name : SUIL2_Init
Engineer : Martin Kovar
Date : Dec-29-2015
Parameters : NONE
Modifies : NONE
Returns : NONE
Notes : SIUL2 initialization (ports),
Issues : NONE
static void GPIO_Init(void)
SIUL2.MSCR[LED1_pin].R = 0x32000000; //PC[11] GPIO - Red LED
SIUL2.GPDO[LED1_pin].R = 0x00000001;

// SIUL2.MSCR[55].R = 0x02000000; // D[7] pin as SGEN output

SIUL2.MSCR[11].R = 0x02800002; // A[11] pin as FlexPWM A[0] output
SIUL2.MSCR[10].R = 0x02800002; // A[10] pin as FlexPWM B[0] output


Function Name : ETimer_Init
Engineer : Martin Kovar
Date : Jan-12-2016
Parameters : NONE
Modifies : NONE
Returns : NONE
Notes : ETimer0 channel 0, count mode for delay, Primary source is MOTC_CLK divided by 128
Issues : NONE
static void ETimer_Init(void)
ETIMER_0.ENBL.R = 0x0; // disable Timer0 channels
ETIMER_0.CH[0].CTRL1.R = 0x3E40; // Counts only rising edge of the MC_CLK (160MHz in RUN0), divide by 128, count up, count repeatedly, count until compare, then reinitialized
ETIMER_0.CH[0].COMP1.R = 0x007c; // Compare value for 1 second delay (160MHz/2 = 80MHz)
ETIMER_0.CH[0].INTDMA.R = 0x0002; // enable interrupt for COMP1
ETIMER_0.CH[0].CCCTRL.R = 0x0240; // compare on COMP1 when counting up, CAPT1 on rising edge,
ETIMER_0.ENBL.R = 0x0003; // Enable Timer0 channel


Function Name : ETimer_ISR
Engineer : Martin Kovar
Date : Jan-12-2016
Parameters : NONE
Modifies : NONE
Returns : NONE
Notes : ETimer interrupt routine
Issues : NONE
void ETimer_ISR(void)

ETIMER_0.CH[0].STS.R = 0x0002; //clear interrupt flag
SIUL2.GPDO[LED1_pin].R = ~SIUL2.GPDO[LED1_pin].R; //toggle with pin (LED blinking)


void ADC_ISR(void)
ADC_1.ISR.R = 0x0000001f;//clear Endof CTU INT Service Routine
//SIUL2.MSCR[PE12].B.APC = 1; //Configure ADC1_AN6 to analog pad control function. Analog is default function so SSS says 0

//ADC_1.NCMR0.B.CH6 = 1; //Enable channel 6 for normal conversion on ADC1
//result[3] = ADC_1.CDR[6].B.CDATA; //Read ADC1_AN6 conversion result data


static void FlexPWM_Init(void)
/* Submodule 0 Initialisation */
FlexPWM_0.OUTEN.R = 0x110; // enable A and B outputs on submodule 0

FlexPWM_0.SUB[0].CTRL1.R = 0x0400|(PWM_PRESCALER<<4); // full cycle reload, every opportunity
FlexPWM_0.SUB[0].CTRL2.R = 0xA000; // independent outputs, debug enable
FlexPWM_0.SUB[0].DTCNT0.R = 0x0000; // deadtime values
FlexPWM_0.SUB[0].DTCNT1.R = 0x0000;
//FlexPWM_0.SUB[0].INIT.R = 0x1;
FlexPWM_0.SUB[0].VAL0.R = 0x0; // PWM start
FlexPWM_0.SUB[0].VAL1.R = PWM_MODULO; // PWM A0 max
FlexPWM_0.SUB[0].VAL2.R = 0x0; // out_trig  (trigger points for CTU MRS event)
FlexPWM_0.SUB[0].VAL3.R = PWM_MODULO*Duty; // PWM A0 falling edge
FlexPWM_0.SUB[0].VAL4.R = PWM_MODULO*Duty; // PWM B0 rising edge
//FlexPWM_0.SUB[0].VAL5.R = 0x0; // PWM B0 falling edge

/* FlexPWM_0.SUB[0].INIT.R = 0x1;
FlexPWM_0.SUB[0].VAL1.R = PWM_MODULO; // PWM modulo
FlexPWM_0.SUB[0].VAL2.R = PWM_MODULO*Duty; // PWM A0 rising edge
FlexPWM_0.SUB[0].VAL3.R = 0x1; // PWM A0 falling edge
FlexPWM_0.SUB[0].VAL4.R = 0x1; // PWM B0 rising edge
FlexPWM_0.SUB[0].VAL5.R = PWM_MODULO*Duty; // PWM B0 falling edge*/

FlexPWM_0.SUB[0].DISMAP.R = 0x0000; // disable fault pin condition

FlexPWM_0.MCTRL.B.LDOK = 0x1; // Load the PRSC bits of CTRL1 and the INIT, and VALx registers into a set of buffers Load OK

//for CTU
FlexPWM_0.SUB[0].TCTRL.B.OUT_TRIG_EN = 3; // Output Trigger Enables (OUT_TRIG_EN2 = 1 )
FlexPWM_0.MCTRL.B.RUN = 0x1; // Run PWM


void CTU_Init(void)
//Select the input trigger source (master reload interval) for CTU module and clock for CTU module
CTU_0.TGSISR.B.I0_RE = 0x1; // Select the MRS for CTU - PWM reload - period 50usec
CTU_0.CR.B.TGSISR_RE = 0x1; // TGS Input Selection Register Reload Enable
CTU_0.TGSCR.B.ET_TM = 0; // pulse mode
CTU_0.TGSCR.B.TGS_M = 0; // sequential mode
CTU_0.TGSCR.B.PRES = 0x0; // CTU prescaler is set to 1

//Fill CTU trigger compare registers. (In our case only 1 register (T0CR) is filled with value 1).
//As soon as counter reaches value 1, the time trigger from TGS (trigger generator submodule) is linked to one ADC command sequence trigger.
//ADC command sequence trigger points to the first command in the command list.
CTU_0.TCR[0].R = 0x1; // CTU Timer compare register 0 value

//Counter will stop and wait for reload trigger from PWM at value 0xFFFF.
CTU_0.TGSCCR.R = 0xFFFF; // TGS Counter Compare Register

//Counter is starts to count from 0 after reload.
CTU_0.TGSCRR.R = 0; // TGS Counter Reload Register

//Enables Trigger 0 and enables ADC command output.
CTU_0.THCR1.B.T0_E = 1; // Trigger 0 output enable
CTU_0.THCR1.B.T0_ADCE = 1; // Trigger 0 ADC Command output enable
CTU_0.CLCR1.B.T0_INDEX = 0; // Trigger 0 command list - first command address

//FIFO DMA control register (FDCR) setting.
(*(volatile uint16_t *)0xFFE0C06C) = 1; // CTU.FDCR = 1 - ebable DMA on FIFO (missing in header file!)
CTU_0.FCR.R = 0; // FIFO control register

//The example of ADC command sequence list is presented on Figure 7 - CTU ADC command
//sequence list. Select the ADC module and channels to be converted as shown below in example
//code. End the command list with the additional command with value 0x4000 to stop execution of next
// CTU triggers ADC - ADC command list
// SU : ADC command list
CTU_0.CLR[0].A.R = 0x0; // ADC_0 module, channel 0 First command - CTU starts sending commands to ADC after this command
CTU_0.CLR[1].A.R = 0x1; // ADC_0 module, channel 1
CTU_0.CLR[2].A.R = 0x2; // ADC_0 module, channel 2
CTU_0.CLR[3].A.R = 0x3; // ADC_0 module, channel 3
CTU_0.CLR[4].A.R = 0x4; // ADC_0 module, channel 4
CTU_0.CLR[5].A.R = 0x5; // ADC_0 module, channel 5
CTU_0.CLR[6].A.R = 0x6; // ADC_0 module, channel 6
CTU_0.CLR[7].A.R = 0x7; // ADC_0 module, channel 7
CTU_0.CLR[8].A.R = 0x8; // ADC_0 module, channel 8
CTU_0.CLR[9].A.R = 0x9; // ADC_0 module, channel 9
CTU_0.CLR[10].A.R = 0xA; // ADC_0 module, channel 10
CTU_0.CLR[11].A.R = 0xB; // ADC_0 module, channel 11
CTU_0.CLR[12].A.R = 0xC; // ADC_0 module, channel 12
CTU_0.CLR[13].A.R = 0xD; // ADC_0 module, channel 13
CTU_0.CLR[14].A.R = 0xE; // ADC_0 module, channel 14
CTU_0.CLR[15].A.R = 0xF; // ADC_0 module, channel 15
CTU_0.CLR[16].A.R = 0x4000; // First command - this command is not send to ADC

//Set FIFO threshold for 0xE so the eDMA transfer will be triggered automatically when FIFO reached
//depth of 15, measured results will be transferred automatically by eDMA state machine.
CTU_0.FTH.B.TH0 = 0xE; // FIFO 0 Threshold. Maximum value of 15, as the threshold value must be less than the number of FIFO 0 entries.

//In case the interrupt on FIFO overflow is needed enable also FIFO overflow interrupt in FCR register.
CTU_0.FCR.B.OF_EN0 = 1; // FIFO 0 threshold Overflow interrupt enable - read FIFO 0 in this interrupt

//In order to guarantee the coherency, the reload of all double-buffered registers is enabled by setting GRE (General Reload Enable) bit in the CTU Control Register.
//The user must ensure that all intended double-buffered registers are updated before a new MRS occurrence.
CTU_0.CR.B.TGSISR_RE = 1; /* MRS signal을 발생 시킬꺼냐? Reload Enable on PWM event */
CTU_0.CR.B.GRE = 1; // General Reload Enable

void DMA_Init (void)
//EDMA.CR.R = 0x00000002; /* Enable debug mode */
DMA_0.EEI.R = 0x00000000; /* Error Interrupt disabled for all channels */
DMA_0.ERQ.R = 0x11111111; /* Enable eDMA request 0 -> CTU FIFO_0 trigger */

void DMA_TCD_0(void)
(*(volatile uint16_t *)0xFFF4501C) = 0x0; //Clear DMA.TCD[0]0.WORD7

//Select the source address for transfer. The data will be transferred from CTU FIFO_0.
DMA_0.TCD[0].SADDR.R = 0xFFE0C080; /* Source Address - CTU FIFO_0 */

//Select destination address where the data from CTU FIFO_0 will be transferred
DMA_0.TCD[0].DADDR.R = (uint32_t) &result[0]; /* Destination Address - SRAM */
DMA_0.TCD[0].ATTR.B.SMOD = 0x0; /* Source Address Modulo */
DMA_0.TCD[0].ATTR.B.DMOD = 0x0; /* Destination Address Modulo */
DMA_0.TCD[0].ATTR.B.SSIZE = 0x2; /* Source Transfer Size: 32 bits*/
DMA_0.TCD[0].ATTR.B.DSIZE = 0x2; /* Destination Transfer Size: 32 bits*/

//Read always from the same source address, because of FIFO buffer.
DMA_0.TCD[0].SOFF.R = 0x0; /* Signed Source Addr Offset adjustment*/

//Transfer 64 bytes in minor loop.
DMA_0.TCD[0].NBYTES.MLNO.R = 0x40; /* Inner 'minor' byte count */
DMA_0.TCD[0].SLAST.R = 0x0; /* Last signed Source Address Adjust */

//Set destination address offset to 4 bytes.
DMA_0.TCD[0].DOFF.B.DOFF = 0x4; /* Signed Destination Address Offset */
//After major loop completion decrement destination address by 64 bytes. This will set the destination address to beginning of the result buffer
DMA_0.TCD[0].DLASTSGA.R = 0xFFFFFFC0; /* Signed Destination Address Offset -64 */
DMA_0.TCD[0].BITER.ELINKYES.B.ELINK = 0x0; /* Channel-to-channel linking on Minor Loop Complete: Disabled*/ // ??

//Used is one major loop.
DMA_0.TCD[0].BITER.ELINKYES.B.LINKCH = 0x1; /* Current Major Iteration Count or Link Channel Number */
DMA_0.TCD[0].CITER.ELINKYES.B.ELINK = 0x0; /* Channel-to-channel linking on Minor Loop Complete: Disabled*/
DMA_0.TCD[0].CITER.ELINKYES.B.LINKCH = 0x0; /* Channel Number for Channel-to-Channel Linking on Minor Loop : Not Complete*/
DMA_0.TCD[0].CITER.ELINKYES.B.CITER = 0x0001; /* Current Major Iteration Count or Link Channel Number */
DMA_0.TCD[0].CSR.B.BWC = 0x00; /* Bandwidth control */
DMA_0.TCD[0].CSR.B.MAJORLINKCH = 0x00; /* Major Channel number */
DMA_0.TCD[0].CSR.B.MAJORELINK = 0x00; /*Channel-to-channel Linking on Major Loop Complete: Disabled*/
DMA_0.TCD[0].CSR.B.DONE = 0x00; /* Channel Done bit */
DMA_0.TCD[0].CSR.B.ACTIVE = 0x00; /* Channel Active bit */
DMA_0.TCD[0].CSR.B.ESG = 0x00; /* Enable Scatter/Gather: Disabled*/
DMA_0.TCD[0].CSR.B.DREQ = 0x00; /* Disable the DMA channel when Done: Disabled*/
DMA_0.TCD[0].CSR.B.INTHALF = 0x00; /* Interrupt on Half Major Count completion: Disabled*/
DMA_0.TCD[0].CSR.B.INTMAJOR = 0x01; /* Interrupt on major loop completion: Disabled*/
DMA_0.TCD[0].CSR.B.START = 0x00; /* Explicit Channel Start bit */ //eDMA

static void ADC_Init(void)

//ADC_0.MCR.R = 0x80020000; // enable result overwriting, enable CTU triggered injected conversion
//ADC_0.CTR0.R = 0x00000016; // setup conversion time, use default value
//ADC_1.MCR.B.PWDN = 0x1; // Enter power down state

//from 誘쇳샇�삎 肄붾뱶
ADC_1.MCR.B.PWDN = 0x1; /* Enter power down state */
ADC_1.MCR.B.ABORT =0x1; // Abort all conversion in process

/* ADC0 Pads conf. */

// SIUL2.MSCR[29].R = 0x2000; // B[13] : ANP0 : Current2
// SIUL2.MSCR[30].R = 0x2000; // B[14] : ANP1 : Current3
//SIUL2.MSCR[31].R = 0x2000; // B[15] : ANP2 : Current1

/* ADC Configuration Start */
//ADC_0.MCR.R = 0x00000000; /* Initialize ADC0(Main Configuration Register) for One shot mode */
ADC_1.ISR.R = 0x0000001F; /* Clear all interrupt status flags */

/* Sampling Timing Setting */
//CTR0 : ADC 0 - 14 channel, Tck = (1/2 * ADC peri Clock) : ADC 120Mhz PLL Clock --> ref 8.4.4
//ADC_1.CTR0.B.INPLATCH = 1; //INPLATCH값에 따라 값 latch하는 clock이 변함 Fig23 in page 150 참조
// ADC_1.CTR0.B.INPCMP = 3; //Tbiteval = INPCMP * Tck = 3 * 1/60MHz = 50nsec
ADC_1.CTR0.B.INPSAMP = 0x14; //Tsample = (INSAMP - 1) * Tck (INSAMP가 8보다 큰 경우) = 19 * 1/60MHz = 316nsec
//Teval = 12 * Tbiteval
// Total Conversion duration : Tconv = Tsample + Teval + Tck

ADC_1.MCR.B.PWDN = 0; /* Exit from power down */
ADC_1.PDEDR.R = 0x00000000; /* Power down reset이후 얼마 지연 시간뒤에 실제 power down에서 빠져 나올 것인가? : 0 clock Cycle */
ADC_1.MCR.B.CTUEN = 0x1; /* Cross Triggering Unit for ADC0(injected Conversion): Enabled */

/*ADC Interrupt Mask */
ADC_1.IMR.B.MSKEOCTU = 1; //CTU가 완료되면 호출?
// ADC_0.IMR.B.MSKEOC = 1; /* End Of Chain INT */

// ADC_0.CIMR0.B.CIM2 = 1; /* Channel 2 */
ADC_1.CIMR0.B.CIM1 = 1; /* Channel 1 */
//ADC_0.CIMR0.B.CIM0 = 1; /* Channel 0 */
INTC_0.PSR[82].R = 0x01; /* ADC Interrupt priority 8 */

/* ADC Configuration Stop */
ADC_1.MCR.B.ABORT =0x0; /* do not abort ongoing conversion */

__attribute__ ((section(".text")))
int main(void)
int counter = 0;

ADC1_PadConfig_ChanSelect(); /* Configure ADC pads & select scan channels */
ADC1_Calibration(); /* Calibrate to compensate for variations */

INTC_0.PSR[611].R = 0x8001; //set interrupt priority

FlexPWM_0.MCTRL.B.RUN = 0x1; // Submodule 0 PWM generator enabled

/* Loop forever */

while (1)

return 0;

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1 Reply

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


You are setting priority for vector 82 which is DMA and you have dummy loop there.


Configure priority for vector 500 where you set ISR for ADC1 EOC.




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