I want to use the IPF function of the eMIOS to filter my entries.
I initialized my channel :
EMIOS_0.CH[u8TorId].CCR.B.BSL = 0x0; /* Use counter bus A (default) */
EMIOS_0.CH[u8TorId].CCR.B.EDPOL = 1; /* positive edge */
EMIOS_0.CH[u8TorId].CCR.B.MODE = 0x00; /* GPIO mode (input) */
EMIOS_0.CH[u8TorId].CCR.B.UCPRE=0; /* Set channel prescaler to divide by 1 */
EMIOS_0.CH[u8TorId].CCR.B.UCPEN = 1; /* Enable prescaler; uses default divide by 1 */
EMIOS_0.CH[u8TorId].CCR.B.IF = 0x02;
Then to recover the level of my entry :
val = EMIOS_0.CH[u8TorId].CSR.B.UCIN;
It is correct or not?
Thanks for your help.
Hi Sandrine,
The IPF ensures that only valid input pin transitions are received by the eMIOS Channel edge detector. The IPF is enabled by EMIOS_CHx.CCR[IF] field, configuring the filter latency.
In fact filter latency represents minimum pulse width which can pass the filter. Input signal is sampled on clock edge of selected clock(I guess rising edge); suppose minimum IF[0:3] = 0x0001 (meaning minimum pulse width of 2 filter clock periods), then if input signal is stable for 3 clock edges, the input signal propagates through filter.
FCK selects a clock for IPF; Prescaled clock means clock after channel prescaler, so you need to include both the global and channel prescaler into a calculation. Moreover the channel prescaler have to be enabled by UCPREN bit. The Main clock means the peripheral clock.
So if you have for example IF = 0b1000, FCK = 0, GPRE = 7, peripheral clock is 60Mhz then the minimum pulse width, which pass the filter should be
Width = (FLT_CLK periods+1) / [60Mhz/(GPRE+1)/(UCPRE+1)]
Thus for example for UCPREN=1 and UCPRE=0
Width = (16+1) / [60Mhz/(7+1)/ (0+1)] = 2.7us
BR, Petr