The environment is BE tresos software, configuration AUTOSAR_OS compilation error, what happened
Problem 1: Project "os_demo_sc" has errors, see Problems View
Problem 2: The external generator for module Os_TS_T2D35M4I0R92 terminated with exit code 7
Problem 3:Fails to run generator "OS_TS_T2D35M4I0R92GeneratorID" (mode: "verify") for module "OS_TS_T2D35M4I0R92"
Problem 4:Error in external generator: C:\EB\tresos\workspace\os_demo_sc\output\generated\epc\project.epc(13)
Multiplicity check error for '/Os/OsAppMode'
Used generator commandline:
But I can use the official example of NXP to compile the past, why
Looking forward to your reply
Here are the pictures