I've been developing on Embedded Artists iMX RT1062 OEM board for a while now and I debug using Segger's j-link device.
I recently upgraded my IDE from MCUXpresso IDE v11.3.1_5262 to v11.4.0_6237 and I couldn't debug the board anymore. There was an error after linking and the windows that normally comes up to show it is flashing the eeprom doesn't appear.
The issue appears to be with the Segger J-Link driver bundled with the latest IDE.
I simply reverted this from J-Link V750 (32bit) to J-Link V698s (32bit) by uninstalling it from Windows and re-installing an older one from the previous IDE install directory: "\nxp\MCUXpressoIDE_11.3.1_5262\Drivers".
I did try the latest driver from Segger's website, V754a (64bit), but it didn't help.
Has anyone else had this issue?
I had the same problem - only it happened after I did a routine update on the P & E micro drivers.
@danielchen seems to have the right idea and you should load in 11.4.1, I did and the problem hasn't reappeared.
Good luck!
I would suggest you try MCUXpresso IDE v11.4.1. Please refer to below release note, updated newer Segger J-link software.
Unfortunately upgrading to 11.4.1 didn't help, it has the same issue.
SEGGER J-Link is now at V7.54b
If I force a Program using the GUI Flash Tool for Segger I get the following error:
Downloading file [C:\Users\graem\Documents\MCUXpressoIDE_11.4.1_6260\workspace\eaimxrt1062_hello_world\Debug\eaimxrt1062_hello_world.hex]...
****** Error: Failed to prepare RAMCode using RAM
Error while determining flash info (Bank @ 0x60000000)
Could not start CPU core. (ErrorCode: -1)
Unspecified error -1
Script processing completed.
Unable to perform operation!
Command failed with exit code 1"
As I did before I just reverted the j-link driver to an older one and it all works fine again.