SWO Trace not working with MCUXpresso 10.2.0

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SWO Trace not working with MCUXpresso 10.2.0

Contributor III

With MCUXpresso 10.2.0 I am not able to use SWO Trace. When I go to the SWO Trace Config I get the following error message: "Could not create the view: com.crt.javaswv.views.config.SwvConfigFormView". I get a similar error message in the tabs

Instruction Trace: Could not create the view: com.crt.etmetb.views.EtbView,

Power Measurement Tool: Could not create the view: com.nxp.current.views.CurrentGraphView,

SWO ITM Console: Could not create the view: com.crt.javaswv.views.Itm,

SWO Int Stats: Could not create the view: com.crt.javaswv.views.interruptstats

SWO Data: Could not create the view: com.crt.javaswv.views.DataView,

SWO Profile: Could not create the view: com.crt.javaswv.views.ProfileView

See also attach image. 

How can i fix this?

I have added the .log file

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6 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

As per the notes in the overview presentation provided in our MCUXpresso IDE v10.2 announcement blog, as well as the IDE's installation guide, we strongly recommend using a new workspace when moving to a new IDE version. This is partially because workspace settings can be different between IDE (and Eclipse) versions - and I suspect that this is what has triggered the trace view issues you have seen.

Anyway, its good to hear that you have now got SWO trace working. 


MCUXpresso IDE Support

Contributor III

Deleting the folder .plugins in .metadata in the project folder solves the problem. But you might need to import your project again

0 Kudos

Contributor III

You are onto something here. When I create an empty workspace the tabs seems to work correct. I was working on a project that was created with LPCXpresso, upgraded with MCUXpresso 10.0.2 and finally upgraded with MCUXpresso 10.2.0.

Closing and opening the IDE does not help. Neither does closing the tabs and opening them again. But creating a new workspace and importing the project works!

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

I suspect that Erich's suggestion is in this case a red herring.

One thing that would be interesting to know though is whether you using a workspace that was created using MCUXpresso IDE v10.2.0, or was it originally created using an earlier version of the IDE?

But that aside - does closing down the IDE and reopening "fix things"? Or closing the trace related views, then reopening them using the Window -> Show Views menu? Or switching to a completely new workspace?


MCUXpresso IDE Support

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Terje,

What host system are you using?

To my understanding these views are based on a SWT browser, and by default it uses the internal web browser.

Can you check your settings in the workspace preferences. It looks like this for me:


And just for a try, can you try using an external web browser if this solves your problem?

Other than that, the .log in the workspace folder might show some details about the problem, can you share it?

I hope this helps,


0 Kudos

Contributor III

Hi Erich,

Thanks for you reply.

I am using MS Windows 10.

I have attached an image of my Web Browser settings. It is similar to yours, but without the Firefox option. I have tried to change to external web browser, but the SWO errors are still there. The only difference I noticed was that the Welcome web page was opened in the external browser. 


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