MCUXpresso New baremetal project, shell run and then add a new pin configuration and get a crash

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MCUXpresso New baremetal project, shell run and then add a new pin configuration and get a crash

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Contributor III

MCUXpresso IDE v10.1.1 [Build 606] [2018-01-02]

SDK for FRDM-K28F board

I create a new project from the Quickstart Pane.

Mostly default stuff for baremetal app.

I added the ftm driver 

I added the shell utility

I change the "Project Options" from Semihost to UART.

Advanced Project Settings I leave to the default setting.

Select "Finish", Build and debug and everything works.

So far so good.  Get a printout hello world on the UART port.

I then go to the Project Explorer Window

Select my project 


and then I select the MCUXpresso "button" and I select "Open Pins" in the drop down box.

I then go and select Under Peripheral Signals

FTM 3 ---> CH, 3 PTE8


FTM 4 ---> CH, 4 PTE9

And select "Update Project Code"

Then let the default run.

<x> Pins

    - board/pin_mux.c

    - board/pin_mux.h

Peripherals greyed out. 

<x> Clocks

    - board/clock_config.c

    - board/clock_config.h

Select "OK"

I run the code and WHAMMO.

HardFault_Handler() at semihost_hardfault.c:72 0x174a
<signal handler called>() at 0xfffffff9
LPUART_EnableTx() at fsl_lpuart.h:571 0x5bc
IO_Init() at fsl_io.c:279 0x676
LOG_Init() at fsl_log.c:284 0x77e
DbgConsole_Init() at fsl_debug_console.c:107 0x438
BOARD_InitDebugConsole() at board.c:64 0x4b0c
main() at MK28FN2M0xxx15_Project.c:56 0x1710

Now before I try to dig into this and figure out what the heck is going on, am I doing something stupid??



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1 Solution
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

My first question is what project settings got updated? The semihost exception seems to be getting triggered despite the fact you’re not using semihosting - I think. The first thing I’d check is which library you’re linking in. The semihost exceptions are embedded (forgive the pun) in the semihost library version. First make sure you’re linking to a non-semihost library.

Thanks and regards,

MCUXpresso Support 

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5 Replies
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

My first question is what project settings got updated? The semihost exception seems to be getting triggered despite the fact you’re not using semihosting - I think. The first thing I’d check is which library you’re linking in. The semihost exceptions are embedded (forgive the pun) in the semihost library version. First make sure you’re linking to a non-semihost library.

Thanks and regards,

MCUXpresso Support 

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Contributor III

So I've tried all sorts of different clocks.

It's an actual crash I think that's caused because of the following code:

static inline void LPUART_EnableTx(LPUART_Type *base, bool enable)


    if (enable)


        base->CTRL |= LPUART_CTRL_TE_MASK;




        base->CTRL &= ~LPUART_CTRL_TE_MASK;



when this line executes 


It hits the hardfault handler, but even though it says it's the semihost_hardfault function, it realizes that's it's a true hardfault and just sits in a while loop, as you would expect.

I have no idea why the tool is not configuring everything correctly.  I want the LPUART, but I never really turned it on.  So I checked the clock and it wasn't turned on so I turned it on.  Still nothing.. .any help would be appreciated.

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Contributor III

And it was a "New Project..." I did not update any project.

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Contributor III

Ugh.. sorry... I thought I also told you that I tried all sorts of different libraries to no avail.  I even tried using only Semi-hosting libs and calls, still get the crash.

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Contributor III

I figured it out... I told you it was something stupid.

I never initialized the LPUART peripheral.. doh!

Once I did that it all worked... 
