GUI flash tool fails on "error on restart - Ee(07)"

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GUI flash tool fails on "error on restart - Ee(07)"

Senior Contributor I


I am using MIMXRT1050-EVK with SDK 2.3.0

On trying to use Gui flash tool, it seems that the programming works fine (according to printing after reset).

Yet, for some reason I get most of the time (more than 50%) the following error:

Executing flash operation 'Program' (Program file into flash: evkmimxrt1050_hello_world_xip.axf) - Sun Oct 28 13:17:06 IST 2018
Checking MCU info...
Scanning for targets...
Executing flash action...
MCUXpresso IDE RedlinkMulti Driver v10.2 (Jul 25 2018 11:25:37 - crt_emu_cm_redlink.exe build 555)
( 0) Reading remote configuration
Wc(03). No cache support.
Found chip XML file in C:/Users/ransh/Documents/MCUXpressoIDE_10.2.1_795/workspace/evkmimxrt1050_hello_world_xip/Debug\MIMXRT1052xxxxx.xml
( 5) Remote configuration complete
Reconnected to existing link server
Connecting to probe 1 core 0:0 (using server started externally) gave 'OK'
Probe Firmware: CMSIS-DAP (ARM)
Serial Number: 0227000040214e4500231018c89200449e11000097969900
VID:PID: 0D28:0204
USB Path: \\?\hid#vid_0d28&pid_0204&mi_03#7&1c929f40&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
Using memory from core 0:0 after searching for a good core
( 30) Emulator Connected
( 40) Debug Halt
( 50) CPU ID
debug interface type = Cortex-M7 (DAP DP ID 0BD11477) over SWD TAP 0
processor type = Cortex-M7 (CPU ID 00000C27) on DAP AP 0
number of h/w breakpoints = 8
number of flash patches = 0
number of h/w watchpoints = 4
Probe(0): Connected&Reset. DpID: 0BD11477. CpuID: 00000C27. Info: <None>
Debug protocol: SWD. RTCK: Disabled. Vector catch: Disabled.
Content of CoreSight Debug ROM(s):
RBASE E00FD000: CID B105100D PID 000008E88C ROM dev (type 0x1)
ROM 1 E00FE000: CID B105100D PID 04000BB4C8 ROM dev (type 0x1)
ROM 2 E00FF000: CID B105100D PID 04000BB4C7 ROM dev (type 0x1)
ROM 3 E000E000: CID B105E00D PID 04000BB00C ChipIP dev SCS (type 0x0)
ROM 3 E0001000: CID B105E00D PID 04000BB002 ChipIP dev DWT (type 0x0)
ROM 3 E0002000: CID B105E00D PID 04000BB00E ChipIP dev (type 0x0)
ROM 3 E0000000: CID B105E00D PID 04000BB001 ChipIP dev ITM (type 0x0)
ROM 2 E0041000: CID B105900D PID 04001BB975 ARCH 23B:4A13r0 CoreSight dev type 0x13 Trace Source - core
ROM 2 E0042000: CID B105900D PID 04004BB906 CoreSight dev type 0x14 Debug Control - Trigger, e.g. ECT
ROM 1 E0040000: CID B105900D PID 04000BB9A9 CoreSight dev type 0x11 Trace Sink - TPIU
ROM 1 E0043000: CID B105F00D PID 04001BB101 System dev (type 0x0)
Inspected v.2 External Flash Device on SPI MIMXRT1050-EVK_S26KS512S.cfx
Image 'MIMXRT1050-EVK_S26KS512SOct 19 2017 16:37:47'
Opening flash driver MIMXRT1050-EVK_S26KS512S.cfx
Sending VECTRESET to run flash driver
Flash variant 'S26KS512S' detected (64MB = 256*256K at 0x60000000)
Closing flash driver MIMXRT1050-EVK_S26KS512S.cfx
Non-standard DAP stride detected - 1024 bytes
NXP: MIMXRT1052xxxxx
( 65) Chip Setup Complete
Connected: was_reset=true. was_stopped=false
( 70) License Check Complete
Loading 'evkmimxrt1050_hello_world_xip.axf' ELF 0x60000000 len 0x5A0C
Opening flash driver MIMXRT1050-EVK_S26KS512S.cfx (already resident)
Sending VECTRESET to run flash driver
Flash variant 'S26KS512S' detected (64MB = 256*256K at 0x60000000)
Writing 23052 bytes to address 0x60000000 in Flash
( 0) Mass erasing Flash
Mass erased flash in 3844msec
1 of 1 ( 0) Writing pages 0-0 at 0x60000000 with 23052 bytes
( 0) at 60000000: 0 bytes - 0/23052
( 71) at 60000000: 16384 bytes - 16384/23052
(100) at 60004000: 16384 bytes - 32768/23052
Wrote page 0-0 with 23052 bytes in 1360msec
Closing flash driver MIMXRT1050-EVK_S26KS512S.cfx
(100) Finished writing Flash successfully.
Flash Write Done
Loaded 0x5A0C bytes in 5581ms (about 4kB/s)
Reset target (system)
Starting execution using system reset
error on restart - Ee(07). Bad ACK returned from status - wire error.
(100) Target Connection Failed
Unable to perform operation!
Command failed with exit code 1

What does it mean ? Should I just ignore this error ?

Thank you,


1 解決策
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

We have seen occasional issues with RT10xx devices when pulling the default systemreset to trigger a reset of the MCU/board after programming the flash (particularly with the built-in OpenSDA probe's default firmware). In the circumstance of using the GUI Flash Programmer this should definitely be harmless - I presume that if you press reset on your board manually after programming, you can see your code is running OK?

But you may well be able to avoid this by changing the "Reset Handling" option in the GUI Flash Tool from "Default" to "VECTRESET" (to pull a core reset only after programming, rather than a full system one). Or else unticking the "Reset target on completion" option (and then manually resetting the board).


MCUXpresso IDE Support


3 返答(返信)
Contributor I

In case you need the automatic reset, try the following command (shown here for windows command):

%MCUX_IDE_BIN%/crt_emu_cm_redlink --reset hard

Note that MCUX_IDE_BIN comes from GUI Flash Tool --> Preview Command

Worked on RT1170 EVK and MCUXPresso 11.3.0

0 件の賞賛
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

We have seen occasional issues with RT10xx devices when pulling the default systemreset to trigger a reset of the MCU/board after programming the flash (particularly with the built-in OpenSDA probe's default firmware). In the circumstance of using the GUI Flash Programmer this should definitely be harmless - I presume that if you press reset on your board manually after programming, you can see your code is running OK?

But you may well be able to avoid this by changing the "Reset Handling" option in the GUI Flash Tool from "Default" to "VECTRESET" (to pull a core reset only after programming, rather than a full system one). Or else unticking the "Reset target on completion" option (and then manually resetting the board).


MCUXpresso IDE Support

Contributor II

Thank you NXP for replying to this issue.  I had exactly the same problem (although using Embedded Artists i.MX RT5052 Developers Kit) and followed your advice to untick the "Reset target on completion" option.  After that the error no longer appears, and pressing reset button on the board will have the code running perfectly.

Thank you!

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