I am using the LPC4088 development board and my primary goal is to configure a certain GPIO pin as an analog input. In theory, I understand what bits need to be changed in order to achieve this, but I am finding it difficult to actually program this in the LPCXpresso environment.
Specifically I want to configure IOCON_P0_24 (0x4002 C060) to act as an analog input. My plan to do this was to define the register and then use the |= operator to change the value, for example:
#define IOCON_P0_24 0x4002C060
IOCON_P0_24 |= (0x1 << 0);
I am getting an error that is saying "lvalue required as left operant of assignment". This leads me to believe that I need to define IOCON_P0_24 differently or include it from somewhere else.
Could anyone suggest what the best way to adjust the register value? Any help is very much appreciated!
Hi, Blake,
Pls try to cahge the code as:
#define IOCON_P0_24 0x4002C060
*(unsigned int *)IOCON_P0_24 |= (0x1 << 0);
*(uint32_t *)IOCON_P0_24 |= (0x1 << 0);
Pls have a try
XiangJun Rong