MCUXpresso IDE v11.4.0 Now Available

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MCUXpresso IDE v11.4.0 Now Available

MCUXpresso IDE v11.4.0 Now Available

Important Note. Previously announced MCUXpresso IDE v11.4.0 build 6224 has been replaced by build 6237 to address a potential problem related to the Eclipse updater mechanism which under some circumstances could inadvertently update the Java Runtime Environment to a newer version (jre-15) which is incompatible with the IDE. When this problem arises the MCUXpresso IDE will no longer start.
In the case you have previously installed MCUXpresso IDE build 6224, it is highly recommended to uninstall it and install build 6237 instead.


We are pleased to announce that MCUXpresso IDE v11.4.0 (build 6237) is now available. This is a major new version of the IDE and contains new features, enhancements and bug fixes over the previous versions, including latest announced MCUXpresso IDE v11.3.1.


Installer Downloads

To download the installers for all platforms, please login to our download site via: 



Additional information can be found in the updated User Guide and other documentation, which can be accessed from the built in help system available via IDE's Help menu and in PDF form from within the installation directory or downloaded from:


Notification of future releases

To receive notifications about future releases, please follow: MCUXpresso IDE - Release History 


Summary of Changes - version 11.4.0 - July 2021

  • Upgraded: Eclipse version to 2020.12 (Eclipse Platform 4.18.0 /  CDT 10.1.0).
  • Upgraded: IDE now integrates with OpenJDK11 (HotSpot engine,  v11.0.10).
  • Upgraded: GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain to 10-2020-q4-major.
    • Note that on top of GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain 10-2020-q4-major,  gcclib was recompiled using the bug fix from This patch prevents the run-time application corruption when using -mcmse support (applied for armv8m only).
  • Upgraded: Version v10 of MCUXpresso Config Tools.
  • Upgraded: Newer SEGGER J-Link software (v7.50, 32-bit version on Windows, 64-bit version on Linux/macOS).
    • Note that v7.50 comes with a 64-bit version of Windows. This 64-bit version is compatible and can be used if desired, but please note that the MCUXpresso IDE 11.4.0 installation does not include this and only partial testing has been possible due to timing of the release. If you prefer to use the 64-bit version on Windows:
      • Install 64-bit Windows SEGGER J-Link software
      • Go to IDE -> Preferences -> MCUXpresso IDE -> Debug Options ->  J-Link Options -> J-Link Server executable and change it from the existing path to the 64-bit version installation path, i.e. for the default installation path:  C:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLink\JLinkGDBServerCL.exe
  • Upgraded: Newer PEmicro plugin (v5.0.4).
  • Upgraded: FreeRTOS TAD synchronization with FreeRTOS v10.4.3.
  • Added: MKE1xZ support.
  • Feature: [Azure RTOS ThreadX] Added GDB thread awareness. The user is able to see threads in Debug view (only when using all-stop debug mode, similar to FreeRTOS usage) and also the register context associated with the current selected thread.


  • Feature: [Azure RTOS ThreadX] Added views, similar to the FreeRTOS, for: Thread list, Message queues, Semaphores, Mutexes, Event flags, Timers, Memory block pools, Memory byte pools. These views are available under a new menu group called "RTOS", where older FreeRTOS views can be also found.


  • Feature: [Azure RTOS ThreadX] Added the ability to export trace data generated by the application at run-time. Decoding of exported data is done using Microsoft's Azure RTOS TraceX host-based analysis tool. Detailed procedure is described in the Azure RTOS User Guide.
  • Feature: [Energy Measurement] Added measurement/plot capability for MCU-Link Pro and on-board probes. Power measurement can be done using:
    • The new MCU-Link double channel measurement capability (simultaneously measured current and voltage);
    • Existing capability (used over LPC-Link2 probes) of caching voltage measurement to use on power computation over current measurement.


  • Feature: [Offline Peripherals] Added offline peripheral view. With this view, the peripheral registers can be inspected outside of a debug session. A device selector or the current project selection can be used to load register information for a particular device. Additionally, an SVD file can be imported.


  • Feature: [Debugger][MCU-Link] Differentiation of MCU-Link product names used when MCU-Link probes enumerate on USB:
    • Example:
      • base model: MCU-LINK (r0FF) CMSIS-DAP V2.219
      • Pro model : MCU-LINK Pro (r0C7) CMSIS-DAP V2.219
      • on-board  : MCU-LINK on-board (r0CF) CMSIS-DAP V2.219
  • Feature: [Debugger][J-Link] Added possibility to connect to a remote gdb server. In launch configuration -> J-Link Debugger tab -> GDB Server Settings, use Server execution option to set a remote server.
  • Improvement: [Debugger][J-Link] Add nickname for J-Link probes in Probes Discovered Dialog and in J-Link Debugger tab.
  • Improvement: [Debugger][PEmicro] Added nickname for PEmicro probes in Probes Discovered Dialog.
  • Feature: [SDK Integration] UART console is the default debug console when importing a project.
  • Feature: [Flash Programmer] External flash drivers for i.MX RT500 and i.MX RT600 available as examples in <install_dir>/ide/Examples/Flashdrivers/NXP/iMXRT.
  • Improvement: [Peripherals+] Peripherals+ view design was changed to support register group expansion directly into the Peripherals+ view, with no extra Memory View usage. Consequently, all elements shown before in Memory View are now available directly in the Peripherals+ view: values, bitfields, details. Reset value can be inspected as well together with the rest of the register elements.
  • Improvement: [IDE] Added a link to MCU-Link firmware page in 'Additional resources' menu entry under Help's main menu.
  • Improvement: [IDE] Toolbar naming and grouping: some icons re-grouped to reflect better categories and functionalities.
  • Improvement: [SWO] Adapt SWO trace config error to better reflect possible causes.
  • Improvement: [Flash Programmer] Use probe serial number instead of probe index when generating command line.
  • Fixed: [Flash Programmer][Command Prompt] Wrong usage of double quotes in GUI Flash Tool Command Line generates errors in command prompt execution.
  • Fixed: [Flash Programmer][J-Link][Command Prompt - Windows] GUI Flash Tool preview command - lower pane script not working when project name contains spaces.
  • Fixed: [Flash Programmer] Cannot program flash from Quickstart Panel if "preview command" is checked in launch config.
  • Fixed: [Flash Programmer] Wrong usage of double quotes in GUI Flash Tool Command Line.
  • Fixed: [Debugger] Cannot relaunch (using "Terminate and Relaunch") a running session.
  • Fixed: [Debugger] Suspend "bubble" project crashes debugger connection on LinkServer when using Non-Stop mode.
  • Fixed: [Debugger] Debugger sets two breakpoints at the same address when debugging with J-Link. This generates a warning when trying to restart the debug session.
  • Fixed: [Debugger] Always meet "Not Responding" issue when clicking the debug button without build first (for larger projects).
  • Fixed: [Debugger] J-Link debug button does nothing when load image is set.
  • Fixed: [Debugger] hello_world doesn't read the input from the console.
  • Fixed: [Debugger] "Interrupt failed" pop-up error window during debug with FRDM-K64F and LPC-Link2 for some projects.
  • Fixed: [Debugger] First attempt to manually modify the PC register is ignored.
  • Fixed: [Debugger] Exceptions occurring while closing a project with an active debug session.
  • Fixed: [Debugger] Restart not working in attach mode.
  • Fixed: [Debugger][88MW320] Attach to a running target with PEmicro on FreeRTOS projects starts with faults.
  • Fixed: [Debugger][88MW320] Cannot debug twice with J-Link and PEmicro.
  • Fixed: [Debugger][FreeRTOS] Heap and Stack Usage View shall work with FreeRTOS enabled projects.
  • Fixed: [Debugger] Multiple J-Link instances (named as "3rd party CMSIS-DAP") appear in Probes Discovered view: now these are filtered out. If a user still wants to see them, check the option from Preferences -> Debug Options -> J-Link Options -> Enable discovering of "3rd party CMSIS-DAP" probes.
  • Fixed: [Debugger][J-Link] Master core in multicore context will be attached (instead a regular debug session) to target after debugging.
  • Fixed: [Debugger][iMX RT595] Unable to flash application using crt_emu_cm_redlink raw command:
    • Added preconnectscript argument to stub;
    • Added --preconnectscript in the IDE's flash tool preview command window bottom;
    • Note: Preconnect scripts have been changed to use variable a% instead of p% to receive the probe index. The user might need to update custom preconnect scripts.

  • Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Format Y axis using a scale suitable for all displayed values (when having large Oy scale to represent data).
  • Fixed: [Energy measurement] Unable to exit probe discovery for boards with unsupported firmware for SWO.
  • Fixed: [Energy Measurement] The Energy measurement cannot collect if associated with a debug session and SWO is not initialized.
  • Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Making a selection on the plot may lose part of the status line.
  • Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Negative zero (-0.00) values shown.
  • Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Lot of remaining allocated heap after clearing a plot.
  • Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Incorrect representation of individual samples when the probe has been booted for some time: there are multiple values represented at the same point in time.
  • Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Table containing analog sources not empty after terminating analysis session.
  • Fixed: [Energy Measurement] When a view is already connected to a board and the underlying board is changed (without using the Terminate button), a subsequent operation will cause an error dialog with two entries and no useful information. View becomes unusable after this point.
  • Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Export contains much more data than intended.
  • Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Power/energy info in status line does not follow the currently visible part of the measurement.
  • Fixed: [Energy Measurement] IDE now reports an error in the case the connection was interrupted while collecting power measurement data.
  • Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Wrong resistor values displayed for QN9090 measurement circuit.
  • Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Fixed 'None' in Tooltip for Cursor options in the Energy measurement toolbar.
  • Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Export contains much more data than intended (from previous measurements).
  • Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Old recorded values displayed on the graph. This makes a starting graph to look having unexpected data.
  • Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Reading from target never finishes in some situations.
  • Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Not all plotted values are using the same scale. This results into some values being displayed with wrong values.
  • Fixed: [SWO][RT1010/RT1170/RT1160] Fixed SWO support for LinkServer.
  • Fixed: [SWO] detecting clock feature is not overwriting the value. This is inducing some errors on enabling SWO features.
  • Fixed: [SWO] Misleading error message when trying to enable SWO on sub-cores in a multicore environment.
  • Fixed: [FreeRTOS] Sometimes cannot suspend FreeRTOS application using LinkServer.
  • Fixed: [FreeRTOS] Modifying a register causes it to be set to 0.
  • Fixed: [FreeRTOS] Attach to a FreeRTOS application returns faults.
  • Fixed: [FreeRTOS] Empty tooltip for "Runtime" column from Tasks list view.
  • Fixed: [FreeRTOS] Queue items incorrectly decoded in the Queues list view.
  • Fixed: [FreeRTOS] No FreeRTOS queue data details shown.
  • Fixed: [FreeRTOS] LinkServer FreeRTOS awareness does not activate in case of secure projects.
  • Fixed: [FreeRTOS] GDB shuts-down when restarting RTOS debug session while stopped at BP.
  • Fixed: [SDK Integration] The 'Open SDK handling preference page' button opens an unexpected option from Preferences.
  • Fixed: [SDK Integration] SDK component replacement options is ignored.
  • Fixed: [SDK Integration] It is not possible to disable "--sort-section=alignment" linker option from SDK generators.
  • Fixed: [SDK Integration][SDK Details Page] Various NPE when using the details in Outline view.
  • Fixed: [SDK Importer] Sometimes, board memory ranges are missing when importing an example project.
  • Fixed: [SDK Importer] MCUXIDE mixes files from different versions of packages while importing examples.
  • Fixed: [SDK Importer] All SDKs are present after clicking on the outside of SDKs image areas.
  • Fixed: [SDK Importer] The linked example from Board SDK Wizard is not visible in Import SDK example Wizard.
  • Fixed: [SDK Importer] Selected SDK, in the case of multiple SDKs using the same device, is not honored when importing or creating an example project.
  • Fixed: [SDK Importer] SDK Import Wizard gives the wrong selection after it's opened and choose expand arrow.
  • Fixed: [SDK Importer] CMSIS component with "type: CMSIS" is ignored when importing sdk project.
  • Fixed: [SDK Importer] Boards vs device filter doesn't work when clicking in "Available boards" section but outside the board picture areas.
  • Fixed: [SDK Importer] Non-multicore projects of boards with multicore support have master decorator when created.
  • Fixed: [SDK Importer] Doc folder is declared as source folder in versions 2.9.x of the RT SDK.
  • Fixed: [SDK Importer] SDK cannot set default launch config options for J-Link.
  • Fixed: [SDK Importer] Fail to use an SDK with "/" included in the family name.
  • Fixed: [SDK Importer] Project-specific linker file is ignored for MCUXIDE.
  • Fixed: [SDK Importer] Default components are now displayed for a device project.
  • Fixed: [SDK Importer] "Select SDKs for selected MCU" widget is not correctly populated when 2 SDK are installed for the same device.
  • Fixed: [SDK CLI] command exits with null pointer exception when use.all.components is set on true.
  • Fixed: [SDK CLI] command not working on multicore projects.
  • Fixed: [SDK CLI] Command line will generate project name with not allowed character ("(", ")").
  • Fixed: [SDK CLI] Null pointer exception when using sdk.validate command.
  • Fixed: [SDK CLI] Null pointer exception obtained when using -help argument.
  • Fixed: [NPW] Creating a project using "Makefile Project using Existing Code" template, fails at debugging with LinkServer.
  • Fixed: [NPW] Device project template is not correctly referred when using NPW to create a project with "selected device without board".
  • Fixed: [NPW] Unable to create a project for the second board when 2 SDK for the same device are installed.
  • Fixed: [Image Info] missing functions from CallGraph building in release build configuration.
  • Fixed: [Image Info] CallGraph doesn't display stack info for c symbols located within cpp sources.
  • Fixed: [IDE] Key binding conflict reported with new workspace.
  • Fixed: [IDE] Tooltips missing for PEmicro Debugger Launch Configuration Startup Tab.
  • Fixed: [Dark Theme] Usage in Heap and Stack Usage view.
  • Fixed: [Dark Theme] pop-up hover not readable for longer preference text.
  • Fixed: [Dark Theme] Selection is not visible in the Installed SDKs list.
  • Fixed: [Dark Theme] MCUXpresso Icon in Smart Import Wizard shows white corners.
  • Fixed: [Installer] Uninstaller error in the case of uninstall with a started eclipse session.


Known issues

  • LPC55S16 TrustZone examples might not work with J-Link.
    • Workaround: Use LPC-Link2 FW on on-board probes for TrustZone projects.
  • SWO issues on iMX RT500 / iMX RT600 / LPC55xx when debugging with J-Link.
    • Workaround: Choose other debugger probes for SWO usage on that particular list of devices.
  • ITM console does not work as input console.
    • Workaround: none, this will be fixed in a further release version.
  • While installing the product, users may encounter a security alert from the operating system stating that some of the software comes from an unknown publisher.
    • Workaround: If this happens it is safe to allow access. This will be corrected in a future release.
  • In the case of an SDK component removal, the build process will fail if the component was also containing linked libraries.
    • Workaround: Manually remove the libraries referenced by that component at project settings -> MCU Linker -> Libraries, then rebuild.
  • 88MW320 with PEmicro and SDK version 2.9.5 or older: Debugging a project linked to flash with a PEmicro probe stops with faults at the start of the debug session. The target does reach main() if the execution is continued after the faults.
    • Workaround: To remove the faults, enable "Launch Configuration -> Startup tab -> Set PC (absolute hex address or symbol)" and set it to "ResetISR". This workaround should not be used when attaching.
  • "Open MCUXpresso SDK Builder" web link (from "Installed SDKs" view) is not correctly rendered within Eclipse's Internal Browser feature due to discontinued support for Internet Explorer for NXP web pages.
    • Workaround: Go to Preferences -> General -> Web Browser and select "Use external web browser".
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Version history
Last update:
‎08-09-2021 01:05 PM
Updated by: