U-boot build error for custom board based on LS1043A

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U-boot build error for custom board based on LS1043A

Contributor I

I need to compile u-boot for a custom board based on LS1043A. I create board_sdcard_defconfig, I create a board directory with board specific files (board.c, ddr.c and also pbi.cfg and rcw.cfg etc), configs/board.h & configs/board_common.h

I have enabled CONFIG_SPL in the defconfig.  

when I compile u-boot with make board_sdcard_defconfig it gives me error as: 

make[1]: *** No rule to make target `checkarmreloc', needed by `all'. Stop.
make: *** [spl/u-boot-spl] Error 2

(please see attached u-boot compile error.img and log as well).

When I compile u-boot for QSPI boot with board_qspi_defconfig, it compiles with no error and outputs u-boot-dtb.bin.

What could be the cause of this compilation error and how can I solve this u-boot build issue. If you could outline what steps should I follow to build/compile u-boot for a custom board. I have access to NXP RDB, the source files of which I use as reference.

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1 Reply

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Usually the following command sequence is used for u-boot building if SDK based on Yocto is used:

bitbake -c cleansstate u-boot

bitbake -c patch u-boot // source of the u-boot

bitbake -c compile -f u-boot

bitbake u-boot


The following commands are used for u-boot building if LSDK is used:

flex-builder -c uboot -m ls1043ardb -b nor // for NOR boot

flex-builder -c uboot -m ls1043ardb -b sd // for SD boot

flex-builder -c uboot -m ls1043ardb -b nand // for NAND boot

flex-builder -c uboot -m ls1043ardb -b qspi // for QSPI boot


Do you use these SDK from NXP?

Have a great day,
Pavel Chubakov


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