I just making my first steps in bare metal coding for the LS1046A SoC.
I have a working setup with the Freeway Board and CodeWarrior + Probe and I am able to debug C code.
The problems have started when I tried to initialize the PCIe.
As one of the first steps I wanted to access the PEX1 register on address 0x340_0000.
First I failed to access this address and the debugger seems to disconnect by stepping into this instruction by deref a pointer with 0x340_0000.
Then I kind of figured out that by setting the CSU_CSL registers to zero the debug session seems to be able to step over the instruction.
I set the following registers to zero:
Now I concentrated back on the PEX1 register and I was able read out a value. It was just 0x0000_0000 which was unexpected since in my opinion it should contain the Venor ID and Device ID with the reset value 0x81C0_1957 (QorIQ LS1046A Reference Manual Chapter But it is still empty.
Now I am a little bit lost and I hope someone can help here.
Let me know if I shall provide additional information.