I am using codewarrior IDE (CodeWarrior Development Studio for QorIQ LS series - ARM V7 ISA
Version: 10.0.9) and TAP device using via USB, I am doing bareboard application for LS1021TWR EVK board that is working fine and properly debugging, but in our custom board we tried the same thing, it gave CCSProtocolPlugin : Failed to correctly configure the JTAG chain error, can you please tell me any new configuration required for custom board.
Test your connection using the following commands in CCS window:
log v
source IDcode.tcl
Attached file contains example for the LS1046ARDB board.
If there is no connection for these commands, compare schematic for JTAG connection on your board and the TWR-LS1021a.
Check your JTAG connection using the Chapter 4.4.1 and the Figure 90 in the LS1021a Datasheet:
Thanks @Pavel , I changed the hardcoded RCW, now it working file.