Using a project/workspace created in Windows on Linux

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Using a project/workspace created in Windows on Linux

Contributor I

I've used LPCXpresso for a number of years on windows. The Lab I work at has fully migrated to Ubuntu Linux and I've made a new install of LPCXpresso. The problem is, I can't make my old projects work on the ubuntu install. If I try creating a new workspace and a new project and then copy manually the .c and .h files from the other projec over I get a multiple definition error from some variables defined on a header file. If I mark those variables as extern (wich I chouldn't but just in case) I get a '/home/administrador/Área de Trabalho/Teste Bernardo/LPCxpresso/workspaceAluno/Teste/Debug/Teste.axf' warning and the .bn file does not work when flashed.


I don't know if there is an extra configuration I should be doing or if there is a simpler conversion method I'm not aware of.


I'm programming a lpc1314F Arm.

A copy of a simplified code, used to test the transition between windows and linux is in the attachment

Original Attachment has been moved to: workspaceT.tar.gz

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3 Replies

Senior Contributor V

To move projects between computers, you either need to Export/Import them, or use a version control system.

To Export/Import, see: 

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Contributor I

When Exported/Inported as shown in the FAQ, the program compiles, but has the warning 'Invalid project path: Referenced project is not accessible.    Programa_Principal_V-centro        pathentry    Path Entry Problem'. The .bin generated does not work when flashed either. The FAQ of how to solve the warning ( How do I fix "Invalid project path" warning messages? |  ) in the step 'Open the project properties | C/C++ Build | Discovery Options' the option 'Discovery Options' does not appear for me.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

The current version of that FAQ can be found at: How do I fix "Invalid project path" warning messages? (though I don't think it says anything different to the old LPCware version).

What version of LPCXpresso IDE were you previously using successfully on Windows, and what version are you now using on Ubuntu? Is it possible that you failed to transfer one of the projects in your workspace?

With regards to the .bin file not working,  if you can successfully debug the AXF directly generated by your project, then the problem with the bin could be because it does not contain the correct checksum value : LPC Image Checksums 

Aside: You might also want to consider moving to the new MCUXpresso IDE product, which runs directly on Ubuntu 64bit. For more details, visit :


LPCXpresso IDE Support

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