What voltage regulators should I use for the LPC11C24?

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What voltage regulators should I use for the LPC11C24?

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Contributor I

The LPC11C24 needs 3.3V and 5V (for CAN). Could anyone recommend me some stable voltage regulators to use? My input will be 12V.

One concern I have is current draw. I noticed that voltage regulators have a minimum current load requirement in order to be stable. After some research, I estimate that I should be drawing from 5-50mA for the 5V regulator (powers CAN transceiver) and around 10mA for the 3.3V  regulator (powers microcontroller and a current sensor).

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923 次查看
Contributor III

Usually that minimum current is fairly small, a few mA, you could have just an LED to tell the thing is powered up.

I would first guess what your maximum current is, I assume not more than 100 mA, so you can choose a linear regulator with those ratings:

Vin > 12V, Vout 3V3 or 5V, Iout >= 100mA

An additional note on power: for 12V in, 3V out you will dissipate 0,9W at 100 mA. That's relatively a lot, the smallest packages (SOT-23) may not cope with that, check the ones in DPAK, etc. Also, for your PCB, keep a decent copper area and vias to ground plane for heat sinking.

Alternatively, the cooler although pricier way is to have a switching regulator. You can get 90% efficiency but will have to design it, put more components, etc.

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923 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee


You can use some schematic file as reference, for example check the below link:


Have a great day,

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