LPCXpresso54608 USB host

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LPCXpresso54608 USB host

Contributor IV


I am using 'usb_keyboard2mouse' and I am trying to understand how the full speed host (USB0) is being configured.

The example configures USB0 as a host controller.


The specs (Chapter 38.6.1 Pin Description) defines USB0_VBUS as "device only function" . I interpret this as “USB0_VBUS” should not be configured (the table does not even define this as an Output)". So I am confused at the source code in the example. I have the following 2 questions:


  1. why is the function pin_mux.c::BOARD_InitPins() configuring USB0_VBUS since it should only be configured when using USB0 in device mode and the program actually configures USB0 as a host controller?
  2. what is the purpose of configuring PIO4_9 (main.c) as GPIO output ? I don’t  find any references to PI04_9 in the dev board manual. The comment refers to VBUS and I am trying to understand how it relates to USB0_VBUS.

Thank you

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Ben,
Thank you for your interest in NXP Semiconductor products and for the opportunity to serve you.
1)why is the function pin_mux.c::BOARD_InitPins() configuring USB0_VBUS since it should only be configured when using USB0 in device mode and the program actually configures USB0 as a host controller?
-- Thanks for your reporting, I'll contact to SDK team for checking it.
2) what is the purpose of configuring PIO4_9 (main.c) as GPIO output ? I don’t  find any references to PI04_9 in the dev board manual. The comment refers to VBUS and I am trying to understand how it relates to USB0_VBUS.
-- The PIO4_9 is nothing with the USB0_VBUS pin, you can figure it out when reviewing the SCH of LPCXpresso54608 board.


Fig 1

Hope it helps.
Have a great day,

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