I have a question in relation about the Usart Interrupt LPC54608 example, that I re-write down here:
First question: Why I collect data from the usart also if I have an error (kUSART_RxError) ?
Second question: I haven't found any point where the status of kUSART_RxError is deleted in the code?
If I well understand, on the relative manual it is sayed that must be reset by software.
Where I'm wronging ?
Thanks a lot for help.
First let me say that I do not have the example and I am only replying from my experience without actually looking at the code
First question: Why I collect data from the usart also if I have an error (kUSART_RxError) ?
If you received this error the FIFO is full. the data needs to be pulled out of the FIFO or it will keep getting this error when new data arrives
Second question: I haven't found any point where the status of kUSART_RxError is deleted in the code?
DEMO_USART_IRQHandler() is not invoked directly as an interrupt handler. It is called by the actual USART interrupt handler, my guess is that it is cleared in the actual interrupt handler (e.g. USART0_IRQHandler)