Kinetis Microcontrollers Knowledge Base

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Kinetis Microcontrollers Knowledge Base


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Hello All, Power consumption of devices and implications around designing on embedded systems is a common topic nowadays. Kinetis MCUs offer different power modes to fit user's needs. Among these low power modes, we can find the lowest consumption modes: Low-Leakage Stop (LLS) and Very Low-Leakage Stop modes (VLLS). Attached document provides a brief introduction/explanation on these modes and lists the steps needed to configure MCU to operate in any of these modes. It is a bare-board project for FRDM-KL26Z but same principle applies to other Kinetis families. Also, two projects for KDS v3.2 are attached for reference. I hope you can find them useful! Regards, Isaac
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For Remote Control means, that is needed two computers - Server Computer and User Computer, which will be in connection. There are two types of connection, which can be used - HTTP or DCOM. There are two different ways how to set up the remote control in Windows. I made the tutorial, which describes both types of Remote Control. Ok - so, let´s start! HTTP Settings On the Server Computer side: 1. Plug the board to the Server Computer 2. Go to Remote Communication Server 3. Set HTTP connection and choose the right COM Port according the plugged board If the plugged board is on e.g. COM23, it is possible to edit number of Port in Device Manager On the User PC side: 1. Open FreeMASTER,  go to Project -> Options 2. Choose Plug-in Module: FreeMASTER CommPlugin for Remote Server (HTTP) and type the IP address of the server, do not forget join to IP address :8080 3. And start communication by STOP button to successful connection DCOM Settings On the Server Computer side: 1. Plug board to the Server Computer 2. Launch DCOM in FreeMASTER Remote Server Choose COM according plugged board or edit COM according to step 2 - Server Computer in HTTP Connection (up). 3. Setting permissions for the user, User PC. Right click on Computer -> Manage. In Computer Management click to Distributed COM Users. In Distributed COM Users Properties add the user, User Computer. After that, set the permissions in Component Services. In cmd type dcomcnfg.exe In Component Services go to Computers -> My Computer -> DCOM Config -> MCB FreeMASTER Remote Server Application Right click on MCB FreeMASTER Remote Server Application and go to Properties. In Security Tab is possible to add the permissions. There are 3 types of permissions. First permission - Launch and Activation Permissions. There are 4 permission options. Local Launch and Remote Launch means, that user, User Computer can launch e.g. FM Remote Server Application. But for success communication is needed allowing Local Activation and Remote Activation. Second permission - Access Permissions. Click to Edit and Allow Local Access and Remote Access for the user. Do not forget that if there is a change of permissions, specifically allowing, it is necessary for User to log out and log in. On the User Computer side: 1. Open Freemaster, go to Project -> Options 2. Choose Plug-in Module: FreeMASTER CommPlugin for Remote Server (DCOM) and for filling Connect string is possible to use Configure. Definitely, type the IP address of the server and ;Port Name. 3. And start communication by STOP button in FreeMASTER to successful connection And now.. you can do anything 🙂
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        在我们嵌入式工程应用中,中断作为最常用的异步手段是必不可少的,而且在一个应用程序中,一个中断往往是不够用的,多个中断混合使用甚至多级中断嵌套也经常会使用到,而这样就涉及到一个中断优先级的问题。         以我们最熟悉的Cortex-M系列为例,我们知道ARM从Cortex-M系列开始引入了NVIC的概念(Nested Vectors Interrupts Controller),即嵌套向量中断控制器,以它为核心通过一张中断向量表来控制系统中断功能,NVIC可以提供以下几个功能: 1)可嵌套中断支持; 2)向量中断支持; 3)动态优先级调整支持; 4)中断可屏蔽。         抛开其他不谈,这里我们只说说中断优先级的问题。我们知道NVIC的核心工作原理即是对一张中断向量表的维护上,其中M4最多支持240+16个中断向量,M0+则最多支持32+16个中断向量,而这些中断向量默认的优先级则是向量号越小的优先级越高,即从小到大,优先级是递减的。但是我们肯定不会满足于默认的状态(人往往不满足于约束,换句俗话说就是不喜欢按套路出牌,呵呵),而NVIC则恰恰提供了这种灵活性,即支持动态优先级调整,无论是M0+还是M4除了3个中断向量之外(复位、NMI和HardFault,他们的中断优先级为负数,它们3个的优先级是最高的且不可更改),其他中断向量都是可以动态调整的。         不过需要注意的是,中断向量表的前16个为内核级中断,之后的为外部中断,而内核级中断和外部中断的优先级则是由两套不同的寄存器组来控制的,其中内核级中断由SCB_SHPRx寄存器来控制(M0+为SCB_SHPR[2:3],M4为SCB_SHPR[1:3]),外部中断则由NVIC_IPRx来控制(M0+为NVIC_IPR[0:7],M4为NVIC_IPR[0:59]),如下图所示: M0+中断优先级寄存器: M4中断优先级寄存器:         其中M4所支持的动态优先级范围为0~15(8位中只有高四位[7:4]才有效),而M0+所支持的动态优先级范围则为0~3(8位中只有高两位[7:6]才有效),而且秉承着号越小优先级越高的原则(0最高,15或3为最小),同时也间接解释了为什么复位(-3)、NMI(-2)和HardFault(-1)优先级最高的原因,很简单,人家都是负的了,谁还能比他们高,呵呵,而且这三位中复位优先级最高,NMI其次,HardFault最低(这个最低仅限于这三者)。 下面给出个ARM CMSIS库中关于M0+和M4中断优先级设置的API函数NVIC_SetPriority(IRQn_Type IRQn, uint32_t priority)实现供大家来参考: M0+: NVIC_SetPriority(IRQn_Type IRQn, uint32_t priority) {   if(IRQn < 0) {     SCB->SHP[_SHP_IDX(IRQn)] = (SCB->SHP[_SHP_IDX(IRQn)] & ~(0xFF << _BIT_SHIFT(IRQn))) |         (((priority << (8 - __NVIC_PRIO_BITS)) & 0xFF) << _BIT_SHIFT(IRQn)); }  /* set Priority for Cortex-M  System Interrupts */   else {     NVIC->IP[_IP_IDX(IRQn)] = (NVIC->IP[_IP_IDX(IRQn)] & ~(0xFF << _BIT_SHIFT(IRQn))) |         (((priority << (8 - __NVIC_PRIO_BITS)) & 0xFF) << _BIT_SHIFT(IRQn)); }   /* set Priority for device specific Interrupts  */ } M4: void NVIC_SetPriority(IRQn_Type IRQn, uint32_t priority) {   if(IRQn < 0) {     SCB->SHP[((uint32_t)(IRQn) & 0xF)-4] = ((priority << (8 - __NVIC_PRIO_BITS)) & 0xff); } /* set Priority for Cortex-M  System Interrupts */   else {     NVIC->IP[(uint32_t)(IRQn)] = ((priority << (8 - __NVIC_PRIO_BITS)) & 0xff);    }        /* set Priority for device specific Interrupts  */ }
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Microgenios viabilizou a realização de videos de treinamentos de curta duração para ensinar os primeiros passos com o microcontrolador Kinetis L como parte do Road Show de Microcontroladores ARM cortex-M0+ (Kinetis L Freescale), projeto realizado em parceria pela a Freescale em 10 cidades espalhadas pelo Brasil. Veja os videos para iniciar seu projeto com Kinetis L: Neste vídeo aprenderemos o processo de download e instalação do CodeWarrior V10.3 e outros pacotes de softwares Freescale: Neste vídeo aprenderemos o processo de atualização do CodeWarrior V10 (baseado no Eclipse) e conheceremos as pastas criadas na instalação: Neste vídeo conheceremos a ferramenta de hardware Freedom Board da Freescale com microcontrolador ARM cortex-M0+; e entenderemos a utilização da interface de gravação e depuração OpenSDA: Neste vídeo aprenderemos a criar nosso primeiro projeto com a Freedom Board (FRDM-KL25Z), que possui microcontrolador da família Kinetis L (núcleo ARM cortex-M0+) da Freescal; utilizaremos como ferramenta de software o CodeWarrior V10.3 e o Processor Expert: Neste vídeo conheceremos a IDE cloud mbed, que possibilita desenvolvimento e aplicações diretamente no navegador: Mais informações visite:
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When using ADCs it is not enough to just configure the module, add a clock signal, apply the Nyquist criteria and hope for the best, because normally that is just not enough. Even if we use the best software configuration, sampling rate, conversion time, etc; we might end up with noisy conversions, and worst of all a low ENOB figure which sums up in a lousy, low resolution ADC application. To complement the software end you need to follow some basic hardware design rules, some of them might seem logical, other might even weird or excessive however they are the key to a successful conversion, I took the time to compile a short list of effective design best practices trying to cover the basics of ADC design. If you think I missed something feel free to comment and ask for more information. Ground Isolation Because ground is the power return for all digital circuits and analog circuits, one of the most basic design philosophies is to isolate digital and analog grounds. If the grounds are not isolated, the return from the analog circuitry will flow through the analog ground impedance and the digital ground current will flow through the analog ground, usually the digital ground current is typically much greater than the analog ground current.  As the frequency of digital circuits increases, the noise generated on the ground increases dramatically. CMOS logic families are of the saturating type; this means the logic transitions cause large transient currents on the power supply and ground. CMOS outputs connect the power to ground through a low impedance channel during the logic transitions. Digital logic waveforms are rectangular waves which imply many higher frequency harmonic components are induced by high speed transmission lines and clock signals.                              Figure 1: Typical mixed signal circuit grounding                              Figure 2: Isolated mixed signal circuit grounding Inductive decoupling Another potential problem is the coupling of signal from one circuit to another via mutual inductance and it does not matter if you think the signals are too weak to have a real effect, the amount of coupling will depend on the strength of the interference, the mutual inductance, the area enclosed by the signal loop (which is basically an antenna), and the frequency. It will also depend primarily on the physical proximity of the loops, as well as the permeability of the material. This inductive coupling is also known as crosstalk in data lines.                               Figure 3: Coupling induced noise It may seem logical to use a single trace as the return path for the two sources (dotted lines). However, this would cause the return currents for both signals to flow through the same impedance, in addition; it will maximize the area of the interference loops and increase the mutual inductance by moving the loops close together. This will increase the mutual noise inductance and the coupling between the circuits. Routing the traces in the manner shown below minimizes the area enclosed by the loops and separates the return paths, thus separating the circuits and, in turn, minimizing the mutual noise inductance.                               Figure 4: Inductance decoupling layout Power supply decoupling The idea after power decoupling is to create a low noise environment for the analog circuitry to operate. In any given circuit the power supply pin is really in series with the output, therefore, any high frequency energy on the power line will couple to the output directly, which makes it necessary to keep this high frequency energy from entering the analog circuitry. This is done by using a small capacitor to short the high frequency signals away from the chip to the circuit’s ground line. A disadvantage of high frequency decoupling is it makes a circuit more prone to low frequency noise however it is easily solved by adding a larger capacitor. Optimal power supply decoupling A large electrolytic capacitor (10 μF – 100 μF) no more than 2 in. away from the chip. A small capacitor (0.01 μF – 0.1 μF) as close to the power pins of the chip as possible. A small ferrite bead in series with the supply pin (Optional).                               Figure 5: Power supply decoupling layout Treat signal lines as transmission lines Although signal coupling can be minimized it cannot be avoided, the best approach to effectively counteract its effects on signal lines is to channel it into a conductor of our choice, in this case the circuit’s ground is the best choice to channel the effects of inductive coupling; we can accomplish this by routing ground lines along signal lines as close as manufacturing capabilities allow. An very effective way to accomplish this is routing signals in triplets, these works for both digital and analog signals.The advantages of doing so are an improved immunity not only to inductive coupling but also immunity to external noise. Optimal routing: Routing in “triplets” (S-G-S) provide good signal coupling with relatively low impact on routing density Ground trace needs to be connected to the ground pins on the source and destination devices for the signal traces Spacing should be as close as manufacturing will allow                               Figure 6: Transmission line routing Signal acquisition circuit To improve noise immunity an external RC acquisition circuit can be added to the ADC input, it consists of a resistor in series with the ADC input and a capacitor going from the input to the circuit’s ground as the figure below shows:                                                             Figure 7: ADC with an external acquisition circuit The external RC circuit values depend on the internal characteristics and configuration of the ADC you use, such as the availability of an internal gain amplifier or the ADC’s architecture; the equation and circuit shown here represents a simplified form of ADC used in Freescale devices. The equivalent sampling resistance RSH is represented by total serial resistance connected between sampling capacitance and analog input pin (sampling switch, multiplexor switches etc.). The sampling capacitance CSH is represented by total parallel capacitance. For example in a case of Freescale SAR ADC equivalent sampling capacitance contains bank of capacitances. The equation shown how to calculate the value of the input resistor based on the values of both the input and sample and hold circuit. It must be noted the mentioned figures could have an alternate designation in any given datasheet; the ones mentioned here are specific to Kinetis devices: TAQ=      Acquisition time (.5/ADC clock) CIN=       Input capacitance (33pF min) CSH=      Sample & Hold circuit capacitance ( CDAIN in datasheet) VIN=       Input voltage level VCSH0= Initial voltage across S&H circuit (0V) VSFR=    Full scale voltage (VDDA) N=           bit resolution Note:  Special care must be taken when performing the calculation since a deviation from the correct values will result in a significant conversion error due to signal distortion.
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Kinetis L series MCUs combine the exceptional energy-efficiency and ease-of-use of the new ARM® Cortex™-M0+ processor with the performance, peripheral sets, enablement and scalability of the Kinetis 32-bit MCU portfolio. The Kinetis L series frees power-critical designs from 8- and 16-bit MCU limitations by combining excellent dynamic and stop currents with superior processing performance, a broad selection of on-chip flash memory densities and extensive analog, connectivity and HMI peripheral options. Kinetis L series MCUs are also hardware and software compatible with the ARM Cortex-M4-based Kinetis K series, providing a scalable migration path to more performance, memory and feature integration. The Kinetis L Series MCUs are Energy-Efficient Product Solutions by Freescale. For more information visit\Lseries
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Hi team ,      I would like to share an experiment that about the Fast IO - zero wait state access of KL series . Detail please refer to attached file . Best regards, David
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Although most of us have a basic understanding of how an ADC works and how to understand some of the basic figures that define an ADC performance, that is far from really understanding how to fully interpret and use the figures depicted in a datasheet ADC section. With all those numbers it is easy to get lost on which ones to look at when we want to know how it will react to conditions such as frequency, signal amplitude, temperature, etc; having such knowledge would allow us to better fit a specific ADC to your application and take full advantage of its features. Having this in mind I took the time to compile some information related to what the most common figures that describe an ADC performance depicted in a datasheet mean, most of the material can be found in any Analog to Digital Conversion theory book; as I mentioned before this is just a general compilation of knowledge I hope will help you better understand those specifications. It assumes those of us who use datasheets are somehow familiar with the basic working of ADCs, so I will spare the basic concepts. Now down to business, this is a extract of a typical ADC section from a microcontroller's datasheet: I am almost certain not a lot of people who use microcontrollers, and more specifically ADCs; have a clear idea of what Total Unadjusted Error, Integral Non-Linearity or Differential Non-Linearity describe in the behavior of an ADC. Even though I will try to describe in detail the most common parameters I might miss some others and there is the possibility some of the information might not be as accurate as I would like it to be, if any of you reading this brief document have specific questions regarding any parameter I describe or miss by all means comment. Common ADC electrical characteristics depicted in datasheets EQ          Quantization error      Since the analog input to an ADC can take any value, but the digital output is quantized, there may be a difference of up to ½ Less Significant Bit between the actual analog input and the exact value of the digital output. This is known as the quantization error or quantization uncertainty as shown below. In ac (sampling) applications this quantization error gives rise to quantization noise. SINAD, SNR and ENOB (Signal to Noise plus Distortion, SIgnal to Noise Ratio and Effective Number of Bits)      Signal-to-Noise-and Distortion (SINAD, or S/(N + D) is the ratio of the rms signal amplitude to the mean value of the root-sum square (rss) of all other spectral components, including harmonics, but excluding dc. SINAD is a good indication of the overall dynamic performance of an ADC      as a function of input frequency because it includes all components which make up noise (including thermal noise) and distortion. It is often plotted for various input amplitudes. SINAD is equal to THD + N if the bandwidth for the noise measurement is the same. SINAD is often converted      to effective-number-of-bits (ENOB) using the relationship for the theoretical SNR of an ideal N-bit ADC: SNR = 6.02N + 1.76 dB, the equation is solved for N, and the value of SINAD is substituted for SNR.      Effective number of bits (ENOB) is a measure of the dynamic performance of an analog to digital converter and its associated circuitry. The resolution of an ADC is specified by the number of bits used to represent the analog value, in principle giving 2 N signal levels for an N-bit signal. However, all real ADC circuits introduce noise and distortion. ENOB specifies the resolution of an ideal ADC circuit that would have the same resolution as the circuit under consideration. Often ENOB is calculated using the relationship for the theoretical SNR of an ideal N-bit ADC: SNR =      6.02N + 1.76 dB, the equation is solved for N, and the value of SINAD is substituted for SNR. SFDR      Spurious Free Dynamic Range     One of the most significant specification for an ADC used in a communications application is its spurious free dynamic range (SFDR). SFDR of an ADC is defined as the ratio of the rms signal amplitude to the rms value of the peak spurious spectral content measured over the bandwidth      of interest. SFDR is generally plotted as a function of signal amplitude and may be expressed relative to the signal amplitude (dBc) or the ADC full-scale (dBFS) as shown in Figure n. For a signal near full-scale, the peak spectral spur is generally determined by one of the first few harmonics of the fundamental. However, as the signal falls several dB below full-scale, other spurs generally occur which are not direct harmonics of the input signal. This is because of the differential nonlinearity of the ADC transfer function as discussed earlier. Therefore, SFDR      considers all sources of distortion, regardless of their origin. INL      Integral Non-Linearity     Integral nonlinearity (acronym INL) is the maximum deviation between the ideal output of an ADC and the actual output level (after offset and gain errors have been removed). The transfer function of an ADC should ideally be a line and the INL measurement depends on the ideal line selected. Two often used lines are the best fit line, which is the line that minimizes the INL result and the endpoint line which is a line that passes through the points on the transfer function corresponding to the lowest and highest input code. In all cases, the INL is the maximum distance between the ideal line selected and the actual transfer function. DNL        Differential Non-Linearity      Differnetial NonLinearity relates to the linearity of the code transitions of the converter. In the ideal case, a change of 1 LSB in digital code corresponds to a change of exactly 1 LSB of analog signal. In an ADC there should be exactly 1 LSB change of analog input to move from one           digital transition to the next. Differential linearity error is defined as the maximum amount of deviation of any quantum (or LSB change) in the entire transfer function from its ideal size of 1 LSB. Where the change in analog signal corresponding to 1 LSB digital change is more or less than 1 LSB, there is said to be a DNL error. The DNL error of a converter is normally defined as the maximum value of DNL to be found at any transition across the range of the converter. The following figure shows the non-ideal transfer functions for an ADC and shows the effects of the DNL error.      A common result of excess DNL in ADCs is missing codes resulting from DNL < –1 LSB. THD      Total Harmonic Distortion Total harmonic distortion (THD) is the ratio of the rms value of the fundamental signal to the mean value of the root-sum-square of its harmonics (generally, only the first 5 are significant). THD of an ADC is also generally specified with the input signal close to full-scale, the harmonics of the input signal can be distinguished from other distortion by their location in the frequency spectrum. The second and third harmonics are generally the only ones specified on a data sheet because they tend to be the largest. EFS     Full Scale Error Full-scale error can be defined as the difference between the actual value triggering the transition to full-scale and the ideal analog full-scale transition value. Full-scale error is equal to the offset error + gain error Offset error The transfer characteristics of both DACs and ADCs may be expressed as a straight line given by D = K + GA, where D is the digital code, A is the analog signal, and K and G are constants. In a unipolar converter, the ideal value of K is zero. The offset error is the amount by which the actual value of K differs from its ideal value. Gain error The gain error is the amount by which G differs from its ideal value, and is generally expressed as the percentage difference between the two, although it may be defined as the gain error contribution (in mV or LSB) to the total error at full-scale. TUE      Total Unadjusted Error This is the result of performing conversions without having calibrated the ADC, it is dominated by the uncalibrated gain and uncalibrated offset terms in the data sheet. Although most devices will be well within the data sheet limits, it should be noted that they are not centered around zero and full range of the incoming analog signal is not guaranteed. Therefore, an uncalibrated ADC will always show unknown levels of gain and offset error, thus reflecting the worst case of conversion error the module can provide.
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This is a Processor Expert project created by CodeWarrior for MCUs v10.6 which implements the charge-discharge time of a RC circuit for measuring capacitance. The charge-discharge sequence is performed by TPM0 operating in PWM mode, while the time is measured by TPM1 operating in Input Capture mode. A 100K ohm series resistor is being used, and the result is expressed on nF. It is also using the LCDHTA component from Erich Styger for showing the measurements on a 16x2 LCD, connected to the FRDM-KL05Z through a proto shield. The project is attached, and the pictures shows the measurements of three different capacitors: 10nF, 47nF and 1uF.
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Hi All Kinetis Lovers, Microcontroller programming is a passion for all we are following this Community, but sometimes, trying to understand the peripherals of a Microcontroller is not an easy task, especially if we are in our first approach to a new module or device. In this post you will find a document that explains in detail the DMA module for Kinetis devices and also some examples for CodeWarrior and Kinetis Design Studio using DMA and other peripherals. The Documentation found here is: Using DMA module in Kinetis devices (complete): Document that includes DMA module explanation: everything you need to know when using DMA and the necessary information to understand the code included (K20_DMA for CW or K20D72_DMA for KDS). Using DMA module in Kinetis devices (example): Document that includes the necessary information to understand the code included (K20_DMA for CW or K20D72_DMA for KDS). Attached are two folders named: DMA examples for CW: include the DMA example projects for CW DMA examples for KDS: include the DMA example projects for KDS. Each folder includes 5 examples that are: Please feel free to modify the examples; I hope this will be useful for you. Many thanks and credits to manuelrodriguez for his valuable help developing and editing this project. :smileyinfo:For the SPI examples it is necessary to make a bridge between MOSI and MISO pins (master loop mode is used for the example). For this the TWR Elevators were used.     In the attachments you can find some extra information when using SPI and DMA. Best Regards, Adrian Sanchez Cano Technical Support Engineer
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Recently, some customers have provided us with feedback stating they have been experiencing difficulties when connecting  Kinetis L series  microcontrollers using Multilink Universal probes, after checking the connection and software settings no obvious errors could be found. This recurrent problem has been confirmed by several customers, the  problem is caused by a long connection line. My suggestion is to keep connection line length to 10cm or less; otherwise, the IDE may not be able to establish the connection through the Multilink Universal.
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作者 Sam Wang & River Liang 在RISC架构的MCU中,通常是加载-存储(Load and Store)的操作机制,而这种方式不能提供传统8bit架构MCU的直接位操作内存和地址空间。为此飞思卡尔在M0+系列MCU上集成了BME(Bit Manipulation Engine)位操作引擎功能,例如KE和KL系列里都带有BME,它从硬件上提供了对外设地址空间用读-修改-写的操作方式来实现位操作。         使用BME能够降低总线的占用率和CPU执行时间,这些效果都能够降低系统的功耗。另外使用相比于用C语言实现相同功能的代码,使用BME能够更节省代码空间。这些可以参照         BME功能支持访问从0x4000_0000开始的,大小为512K的地址空间,并把它映射成从0x4400_0000到0x5fff_ffff的内存空间。         好了,长话短说。下面转入正题,我们应该如何使用BME来进行位操作,并达到节省代码空间、提高效率的效果。 一、写操作方式,对定义内容用写的方式来实现与、或、异或、位域插入功能 1:BME的&操作可以一次对IO的几个bit清0     //     0x21<<26 | addr (A0~A19) //GPIOA_PDOR   地址为   400F_F000 #define GPIOA_AND *((volatile unsigned char *) (0x44000000+0xFF000)) 例: GPIOA_AND=0xaa; #define GPIOA_AND_I *((volatile unsigned int *) (0x44000000+0xFF000)) 例: GPIOA_AND_I=0x55aa; 实际上命令是将400f_f000的内容与目标数进行&运算。修改volatile unsigned char, volatile unsigned int, volatile unsigned long来实现BME的所谓8,16,32位操作.下面命令相同。 2:BME的|操作可以一次对IO的几个bit置1     //       0x22<<26 | addr (A0~A19) #define GPIOA_OR *((volatile unsigned char *) (0x48000000+0xFF000)) 例: GPIOA_OR=0xaa; #define GPIOA_OR_I *((volatile unsigned int *) (0x48000000+0xFF000)) 例: GPIOA_OR_I=0x55aa; 实际上命令是将400f_f000的内容与目标数进行|运算。 3: BME的^操作          //     0x23<<26 | addr (A0~A19) #define GPIOA_XOR *((volatile unsigned char *) (0x4C000000+0xFF000)) 例:GPIOA_XOR=0xaa; #define GPIOA_XOR_I *((volatile unsigned int *) (0x4C000000+0xFF000)) 例: GPIOA_XOR_=0x55aa; 上面3个例子讲解了一般的与、或、异或等常用操作,下面来点复杂一点的。                                                                                           4: BME的位域插入操作BFI(Bit Field Insert)//   (5<<28) | (bit<<23) | (width<<19) | addr (A0~A18) #define BME_BFI_ADDR (ADDR, BIT, WIDTH)   (*(volatile uint32_t *) (((uint32_t) ADDR) | (1<<28) | (BIT<<23) | (WIDTH<<19))) 在这里bit是插入的位置,表示被操作目标的最低位开始被操作,Width这里是插入的数据长度 例:BME_BFI_ADDR(&ADC0_CFG1, 0x05, 0x01) = 0x40; 结果是将寄存器ADC0_CFG1从bit5开始,用0x40的bit5来替换ADC0_CFG1的bit5,0x40的bit6来替换ADC0_CFG1的bit6,调用该命令后,寄存器ADC0_CFG1_ADIV = 2 相当于执行了mask = ((1 << (w+1)) - 1) << b;                          //等一系列位操作。                             (ADC0_CFG1 & ~mask) | (0x40 & mask); 使用BFI功能需要注意的是,操作地址是A0到A18,而GPIO寄存器的A0到A19是从FF000开始,因此会有1bit 的地址冲突。为此,在使用BFI操作GPIO的寄存器时,使用的是内存映射出来的地址空间,此时GPIO的起始地址将为F000,如果还使用原来的地址,命令将会无效。之前提到的AND、OR、XOR操作,对于GPIO地址空间在FF000还是F000都适用 #define BME_BFI_GPIOA (BIT, WIDTH)        (*(volatile uint32_t *) ((uint32_t) (5<<28) | (BIT<<23) | (WIDTH<<19) | 0xF000)) 例:BME_BFI_GPIOA(0,3) = 0x0a; 结果是GPIO_PDOR从bit0开始,一共4位被1010替换了。 二、读操作方式 5, BME的读操作使某位置1, Load-and-Set 1 Bit// #define PTA1_SET   (void) (*((volatile unsigned char *) (0x4C000000+ (1<<21) + 0xF000))) #define PTA1_SET_I   (void) (*((volatile unsigned int *) (0x4C000000+ (1<<21) + 0xF000))) 例: PTA1_SET;   //效果是GPIOA1高电平         LAS1      第1位    GPIOA_PDOR地址的A0-A15 6, BME的读操作使某位清0, Load-and-Clear 1 Bit #define PTA2_CLR   (void) (*((volatile unsigned char *) (0x48000000 + (2<<21) + 0xF000))) #define PTA2_CLR_I   (void) (*((volatile unsigned int *) (0x48000000 + (2<<21) + 0xF000))) 例: PTA2_CLR;     //效果是GPIOA2低电平        LAC1      第2位     GPIOA_PDOR地址的A0-A15 7, BME同时提取多个bit,Unsigned Bit Field Extract 前8位内                     //UBFX      第1位开始       取1+1位   GPIOA_PDOR地址的A0-A18 #define PTA_OUT    *((volatile unsigned char *) (0x50000000+ (1<<23) + (1<<19) + 0xF000)) 前16位内                   //UBFX      第1位开始       取1+1位   GPIOA_PDOR地址的A0-A18 #define PTA_OUT_I    *((volatile unsigned int *) (0x50000000+ (1<<23) + (1<<19) + 0xF000)) 例: 初始值GPIO_PDOR = 0x3a;   //            11_1010   temp = PTA_OUT; //                    此时temp = 0x01 例: 初始值GPIO_PDOR = 0x35;   //            11_0101   temp = PTA_OUT; //                    此时temp = 0x02 该宏定义UBFX功能是将GPIO_PDOR从bit1开始提取1+1位,并以bit1为最低位赋值到目标变量。          需要注意的是UBFX与BFI一样操作的都是映射内存空间,用来操作GPIO时要以F000为起始地址。         BME执行的是读-修改-写操作,而我们很多寄存器有些位是w1c,也就是所谓的write-1-clear,写1清0的工作方式。使用BME时就需要特别注意和小心了,否则会出现很多不可预料的后果。               如果一个寄存器中有多个连续的W1C位,我们就不要使用LAS1来对寄存器写1清0了,因为在LAS1这个操作中,其中有一步操作是将数据读回(在reference manual中有read data return to core一说)。这一步会将原本不需要清0的位给清了。         下面介绍这个情况的实验。 在我们M0+的PWM模块中,寄存器TPM0_STATUS所有有效位都为w1c,我们模拟一个情景: 系统48MHz,TPM时钟128分频,TPM0定时中断计数器最大值为37499,并使能溢出中断。 通道0设置为output compare模式的match output low,比较值为10000,不触发中断。 通道1设置为output compare模式的match output high,比较值为20000,不触发中断。 上面的设置可以使我们每50ms进入一次中断,需要我们在中断服务程序中清中断标志。 TPM0_STATUS 地址为 0x4003_8050 中断函数中设置断点观察TPM0_STATUS的值,为1_0000_0011 B #define TPM0_STATUS_LAS1   (void) (*((volatile unsigned int *) (0x4C000000| (1<<21) | 0x38050))) 中断程序中用TPM0_STSTUS_LAS1将bit1置1清0,得到的结果是TPM0_STATUS = 0,使用LAS1作用在该寄存器的其他位结果都一样。将其他不需要改动的位都清0了。     我们换种方式。 #define TPM0_ STSTUS_BFI *((volatile unsigned int *) (0x50000000 | (0<<23) | (8<<19) | 0x38050)) =0x001 中断里用BFI去修改该连续的w1c位,从bit0开始,长度为8+1位,执行TPM0_STSTUS_BFI后bit8和bit2仍为1, bit0已经被清0了。这确实是我们想要的效果。         此后我们遇上一个寄存器有多个连续w1c时,可以使用BFI的方式来改写寄存器w1c位的值,而位判断则采用UBFX的方式来提取该位域。 下面是针对比较器的CMP0_SCR寄存器操作的例程. CMP0_SCR是8bit的寄存器bit1和bit2是w1c #define CMP_SCR_CFR_CLR *((volatile unsigned char *) (0x50000000+ (1<<23) + (1<<19) + 0x73003)) =4 #define CMP_SCR_CFF_CLR *((volatile unsigned char *) (0x50000000 + (1<<23) + (1<<19) +0x73003)) =2              //           BFI                    第一位开始   1+1位          2对应bit2bit1为01          4对应bit2bit1为10 #define CMP_SCR_CFR    *((volatile unsigned char *) (0x50000000 + (2<<23) + (0<<19) + 0x73003)) #define CMP_SCR_CFF    *((volatile unsigned char *) (0x50000000 + (1<<23) + (0<<19) + 0x73003))             //            UBFX                分别是提取bit2和bit1的值 void CMP_Change(void) { If (CMP_SCR_CFR) { CMP_SCR_CFR_CLR; }                   If (CMP_SCR_CFF) { CMP_SCR_CFF_CLR; } }         总结,BME功能可以有效提高M0+的位操作性能并减少代码占用空间,但用于处理w1c位时要特别小心,总的来说BME是个好东西,在内核资源紧张的时候可以给用户提供一个精简代码的手段。
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Introduction The K32L3A60VPJ1AT MCU is a next generation Kinetis dual core device.  This device brings processing and multi-tasking capabilities that legacy Kinetis devices did not support.  In addition, the K32L3A60VPJ1AT offers improved power consumption and security features.   Some important aspects of these security features lie in a nonvolatile information register (IFR) memory region and how this region is programmed.  The IFR memory region is a memory space with restricted access separate from the main array and is comprised of an erasable IFR region and a non-erasable IFR region.  The non-erasable IFR region contains the program once identifier and the version identifier.  The erasable IFR region holds the flash security, flash options, mass erase enable, and other such features that governs how the device behaves.  In legacy Kinetis devices, certain fields of the main flash array (flash addresses 0x400 - 0x40F) configured the IFR at boot time.  In the K32L3A60VPJ1AT however, the IFR memory region is no longer controlled in this manner.  This presents challenges when trying to configure these settings.  The purpose of this document is to explain how these settings can be changed and provide some options of how to make these changes.   IFR Field Programming Process The first step in configuring the IFR fields is understanding how the these fields are programmed via the hardware. IFR fields are programmed using a special flash command called the Program Index Command. Once programmed, the flash configuration values cannot be reprogrammed without first erasing these fields.  The only way to erase these values is via a mass erase.  This provides security in that the IFR values cannot be changed without erasing the user code as well.  In addition, changes to the user code image cannot affect the bootloader operation, ensuring that a secure boot function can be executed.  The procedure for writing the erasable IFR values is described here:   Write FCCOB0 with the Program Index command (0x43). Write FCCOB1 with the Index to be programmed. The possible Indexes are listed in Erasable IFR Map table (table in the K32L3A6 reference manual). Write FCCOB2 and FCCOB3 with 0x00 as they are not used with this command.  Write FCCOB4 - FCCOBB with the desired value.  (Note that not all of the indexes use all of the FCCOB fields.  Be sure to consult the Erasable IFR Map table for which FCCOB fields are used for the index you are programming). NOTE:  For 2 byte IFR fields that map to 2 bit wide register bit fields (i.e., SEC0, FSLACC, MEEN, and KEYEN fields which map to the FSEC register bit fields), the lower FCCOB register maps to the LSB of the bit field and the upper FCCOB register maps to the MSB of the bit field.  For example, to write 0b'10 to the FSEC field, FCCOB6 should be written to 0xFF and FCCOB7 should be written to 0x00 before executing the Flash command.  Write 0x70 to the Flash status register (FSTAT) to clear any errors that might have been present from the last flash command. (Note that this command MUST be a byte write.) Write 0x80 to the Flash status register (FSTAT) to initiate the programmed flash command. Poll the FSTAT register until the CCIF bit field (bit field 7) is one ('1').  (Note that it may not be possible in your scripting language to do this, or it may just be easier to simply wait for the flash command to finish executing. In these cases, wait significantly longer than the typical Program Index command completion time of 110us.)   After the IFR has been programmed, the IFR should be read back to verify that it completed correctly.  The process for this is as follows:   Write FCCOB0 with the Read Index command (0x41). Write FCCOB1 with the Index to be read.  The possible Indexes are listed in Erasable IFR Map table (table in the K32L3A6 reference manual). Write FCCOB2 - FCCOBB with 0. The results will be stored in FCCOB4 - FCCOBB so, these should be cleared to ensure correct results are received. Write 0x70 to the Flash status register (FSTAT) to clear any errors that might have been present from the last flash command. Note that this command MUST be a byte write. Write 0x80 to the Flash status register (FSTAT) to initiate the programmed flash command. Poll the FSTAT register until the CCIF bit field (bit field 7) is one ('1').  (Note that it may not be possible in your scripting language to do this, or it may just be easier to simply wait for the flash command to finish executing. In these cases, wait significantly longer than the maximum Read Index command completion time of 35us.)   When using the Program Index Command, you must know which index you want to modify to create the correct flash commands.  The index list can be found in the IFR descriptions section of the Flash chapter in the K32L3A60VPJ1AT reference manual.     There are several different options for programming the FOPT fields. These options are: Using the Kinetis Flash Tool  Using blhost Debugger script Subroutine in user software   Option #1: Kinetis Flash Tool Using the Kinetis Flash Tool is likely the most convenient method to change the IFR values.  The Kinetis Flash Tool uses either the UART or USB protocol to interface with the K32L3A6 bootloader and write the IFR fields desired. One of the biggest advantages for the Kinetis Flash Tool is that it provides a graphical interface for users to easily program the IFR fields. The following figure is a picture of the Kinetis Flash Tool and highlights the important input controls and tabs to be used when programming the IFR fields:     This field is the Port set box.  It selects the interface (UART or USB) to be used when communicating to the bootloader.  This box also allows for configuration of the interface.  Consult the K32L3A6 reference manual for default configurations.   This is the Flash Utilities tab.  Select this tab to see the controls shown in this image.  This is the Index input field.  The Index of the IFR to program should be entered here.  This is the Hex digits field.  This value will be programmed at the IFR Index indicated in the Index field. The value here should be in hex format WITHOUT the preceding "0x".  Note that this will write to the FCCOBs in descending order.  For example, to write 0b'10 to the KEYEN field, FFFFFF00 should be written to the Hex digits field. Refer to the programming process outlined in the IFR Field Programming Process in this document for more information.    This is the Byte Count field.  This tells the utility how many bytes to program and must be the byte count of that IFR field.  Consult the Erasable IFR Map table in the reference manual for the value of the specific IFR index to be programmed.   This is the Program button.  After all of the fields have been filled out, click this button to program the desired IFR location.    Option #2: BLHOST The MCUBoot package also includes a command line executable to interface with the bootloader.  This tool, blhost, can be used to program the IFR fields as well.  The "flash-program-once" command should be used to program the desired IFR location.  The syntax of this command is as follows:   flash-program-once <index> <byteCount> <data>   So for example, if you want to program the FOPT IFR field (record index 0x84) with 0xFFFFF3FF, the correct syntax using this command would be   flash-program-once 0x84 4 FFFFF3FF   After programming, the "flash-read-once" command can be used to read back and verify the programmed IFR field(s).  Below is an example using the previous IFR locations   flash-read-once 0x84 4   Below is a full example of erasing the device, programming the FOPT IFR, and reading the FOPT IFR back from the command line using blhost.     When Programming two byte fields, blhost orders the bytes in descending FCCOBx order (just like the Kinetis Flash Tool).  The blhost utility also requires the input to be 4 or 8 byte aligned, but the flash-program-once command only uses the last 2 bytes.  The upper 4 bytes can be padded with 0's or F's. For example, to write the KEYEN field such that the KEYEN bit field is 0b'10, the command would be as follows: flash-program-once 0x83 4 FFFFFF00 Below is a full example of using the blhost command line to erase the device, program the KEYEN IFR, read the KEYEN IFR back, and evaluate the FSEC bit field using the Attach to Running Target function in a debugger.     After executing a pin reset and attaching to the running target:     Option #3: Debugger Script A simple debugger script is another convenient way to write the IFR values.  Debugger scripts are executed in the background of the debug session initiation process (therefore are hidden operations from the user) and typically can be edited easily using any text editor.  However, it can be cumbersome to change the value because this generally must done manually with each programming by the user. With that in mind, it is a good idea to have different connect scripts for different configurations   The first step in using a debugger script is writing a debugger script.  The capabilities and syntax of a debugger script are dependent on your toolchain. For the purposes of this document, we will focus on MCUXpresso IDE.  MCUXpresso IDE uses the PokeXX and PeekXX (where XX is 8, 16, or 32 depending on whether you want to byte access, half-word or word access to the desired register) commands, which are debugger agnostic. So the same commands that work on a device will continue to work whether you are debugging with a JLink or CMSIS-DAP, or whatever other debugger you are using. Below is an example of a MCUXpresso connect script which writes the FOPT register and then reads it back for printing to the debug log.    5140 REM ====================Program FOPT=================================== 5150 Poke32 this 0x40023004 0x43840000 5160 REM Stuff FCCOB registers with desired FOPT value 5170 Poke32 this 0x40023008 v% 5171 s% = Peek32 this 0x40023008 5172 Print "New Val ";~s% 5180 Poke32 this 0x4002300c 0x00000000 5180 Poke8 this 0x40023000 0x70 5190 Poke8 this 0x40023000 0x80 5200 wait 1000 6000 REM ================== Read FOPT ===================================== 6001 REM Now read the FOPT back 6010 Poke32 this 0x40023004 0x41840000 6020 Poke32 this 0x40023008 0x00000000 6030 Poke32 this 0x4002300c 0x00000000 6040 Poke8 this 0x40023000 0x70 6050 Poke8 this 0x40023000 0x80 6060 wait 1000 6070 s% = Peek32 this 0x40023008 6080 Print "New FOPT Val ";~s%   Note in the above script that v% is the desired FOPT value and it has been defined in sections of the script not shown (at line 164).    162 REM This is the value to be written to the FOPT 164 v% = 0xfffff3ff   After the script is written, MCUXpresso must be told to use the connect script.  This is done in the Debug Configurations window.  Assuming a debug configuration has already been created, click on the arrow next to the green bug icon and select Debug Configurations.       In the resulting dialog box, select the debug configuration you want to use, and select the Linkserver Debug tab.  In the Connect Script field, point MCUXpresso to the location of your connect script.       That's all that needs to be done in the IDE. The selected debug configuration should now be using the script which was written.     Some debuggers will allow standalone command line running of a script, such as a JLink debugger.  As the JLink is one of the more popular external debuggers that we encounter, an example of programming using this script has been provided below.     // Now Program the FOPT w4 0x40023004, 0x43840000 // The 43 selects the Program Index command. The 84 selects the FOPT IFR field. // Stuff the FCCOB registers (4-7) with the FOPT value we want to write. // ** (Boot Settings) ** w4 0x40023008, 0xfffff3ff // Write 0xFFFF_1FFF to boot the M4 from internal Flash. Asserting the NMI pin will force booting from the ROM. // Write FCCOB registers 8-B with dummy values. w4 0x4002300c, 0x00000000 // Write the FSTAT register to clear any errors that could have been present. w1 0x40023000, 0x70 // Launch the flash command. w1 0x40023000, 0x80 // Wait for the flash command to finish. Sleep 1 // Now Read the FOPT back w4 0x40023004, 0x41840000 // The 43 selects the Program Index command. The 84 selects the FOPT IFR field. // Stuff the FCCOB registers (4-7) with the FOPT value we want to write. // ** (Boot Settings) ** w4 0x40023008, 0x00000000 // Write 0xFFFF_F1FF to boot the M0+ from internal Flash. Asserting the NMI pin will force booting from the ROM. // Write FCCOB registers 8-B with dummy values. w4 0x4002300c, 0x00000000 // Write the FSTAT register to clear any errors that could have been present. w1 0x40023000, 0x70 // Launch the flash command. w1 0x40023000, 0x80 // Wait for the flash command to finish. Sleep 1 // Read the memory back to verify the FOPT settings that should be present after reset. mem32 40023000,4     Option #4: Subroutine in User Software Occasionally the requirements of your system will prevent implementation of any of the above methods to program the IFR values.  In these cases, you may need to implement your own subroutine to program the IFR.  The procedure to do this is essentially the same as in the debugger script methods, just written in code instead of an external script.  The flash drivers provided in the SDK aid in this process.  One key to remember is that you likely will need to erase the entire flash.  So this subroutine and flash drivers should be placed in RAM memory.  The SDK flash drivers also operate a little differently from the Kinetis flash tool and blhost.  The FCCOB registers will be loaded in ascending order.  For example, to write 0b'10 to the SEC0 bit field in the FSEC register, the command would be: result = FLASH_ProgramOnce(&s_flashDriver, 0x80, ifr2write, 0x2); where ifr2write is an array defined as uint8_t ifr2write[2] = {0x00, 0xFF}; The above will result in 0x00 being loaded to FCCOB6 and 0xFF being loaded to FCCOB7 and SEC0 will then be 0b'10 on the reset after the command is successfully executed.   Conclusion In summary, the IFR registers are nonvolatile information registers that govern certain behaviors of the K32L3A MCU.  The IFR is dividing into an erasable IFR space and non-erasable IFR space, both of which are not a part of the main flash array.  Programming these values requires the use of special flash commands and requires that these values haven't been previously written since the last mass erase.  There are, in general, four different methods of programming the FOPT register settings.  The four methods are:   Kinetis Flash Tool BLhost command line interface Debugger script  User software subroutine   Each method has its advantages, therefore, you should pick the one that meets your needs and is most convenient. However with any of the methods chosen, the IFR values must not have been programmed before writing erasable IFR fields. It is best to perform a mass erase (which can be done using any of the methods presented in this document) before attempting to program any IFR fields.     
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The following file contains codewarrior code that was migrated from the IAR example code in the sample code package at the freescale webpage. It contains the following examples: adc_demo freedom_greem_led freedom_red_led lcd_rtc_lowpower PIT_basic sLCD_freedom uart_low_power_wu_dut Regards
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    以DMA方式通过UART发送数据应该是工程应用中很常用的一种方式了,尤其是在需要频繁发送数据或者数据包长度较大的场合,如果使用传统的UART查询或者中断方式发送和接收数据,对CPU资源的占用将是极大的浪费,带操作系统的应用还好些,如果是纯粹的前后台程序有时不能容忍的,所以DMA方式是很恰当的选择。而本篇以Kinetis L系列为例介绍一下以DMA方式通过UART端口发送长数据包,当然不同于K系列复杂强大的eDMA功能,L系列的DMA模块配置起来还是比较简单的。 测试平台:IAR6.7 + KL26 FRDM 测试代码:FRDM-KL26Z_SC\FRDM-KL26Z_SC_Rev_1.0\klxx-sc-baremetal\build\iar\uart0_dma        其实KL26的官方sample code中是自带uart0_dma例程的,但是实现的功能只是将UART口接收到的每一个字节的数据通过DMA方式再发送出去(即环形缓冲),这样用来作为一个功能演示的demo是可以,但是往往我们需要的是将某缓冲区的数据以DMA方式发送出去或者将接收到的数据以DMA方式写到某缓冲区这样的功能,为此我们就需要在原有的例程上进行修改从而达到我们的应用目的,这里给出几点需要修改的地方,并做了相关注释(整个工程见最后附件): 1)定义待发送缓冲区: /* array to be sended */ uint8 testdata[]={"\nFreescale Kinetis KL26\n"}; 2)设置DMA源地址: #define DMA0_DESTINATION  0x4006A007    /* the memory adress of UART0_D register */ #define DMA0_SOURCE_ADDR  (uint32)testdata    /* define the source data array address */ 3) 在DMA0_init()函数中修改发送数据包的长度: DMA_SAR0 = DMA0_SOURCE_ADDR;    //Set source address to UART0_D REG DMA_DSR_BCR0 = DMA_DSR_BCR_BCR(sizeof(testdata));    //Set BCR to know how many bytes to transfer DMA_DCR0 &= ~(DMA_DCR_SSIZE_MASK | DMA_DCR_DSIZE_MASK);    //Clear source size and destination size fields 4)添加源地址自动加1功能,因为之前的环形缓冲方式只是单字节数据,所以不需要源地址递增,但是由于我们这次需要发送整个数据包,所以这里我们就需要将源地址递增功能打开,而具体递增1,2还是4则取决于发送数据的最小单位(8bit,16bit or 32bit): /* Set DMA as follows: Source size is 8-bit size Destination size is 8-bit size Cycle steal mode External requests are enabled source address increments 1 automatically */ DMA_DCR0 |= (DMA_DCR_SSIZE(1) | DMA_DCR_DSIZE(1) | DMA_DCR_CS_MASK | DMA_DCR_ERQ_MASK | DMA_DCR_EINT_MASK | DMA_DCR_SINC_MASK); 5)配置DMAMUX通道为UART0 TX即发送通道(通道号为3),因为我们需要的是UART0_TX触发DMA传送: DMA_DAR0 = DMA0_DESTINATION;    //Set source address to UART0_D REG DMAMUX0_CHCFG0 = DMAMUX_CHCFG_SOURCE(3);    //Select UART0 TX as channel source DMAMUX0_CHCFG0 |= DMAMUX_CHCFG_ENBL_MASK;    //Enable the DMA MUX channel 6)在UART0_DMA_init()函数中修改UART0发送缓冲区为空时即触发DMA发送: void UART0_DMA_init(void) { UART0_C2 &= ~(UART0_C2_TE_MASK | UART0_C2_RE_MASK);  //Disable UART0 UART0_C5 |= UART0_C5_TDMAE_MASK;                      // Turn on DMA request(Transmit) for UART0 UART0_C2 |= (UART0_C2_TE_MASK | UART0_C2_RE_MASK);  //Enable UART0 } 7)在DMA发送完成中断服务函数中禁掉DMA通道,实现单次发送,即每个数据包发送完成之后即停止发送,否则不禁掉的话会一直触发DMA发送,造成串口堵塞: void DMA0_IRQHandler(void) {  /* Create pointer & variable for reading DMA_DSR register */ volatile uint32_t* dma_dsr_bcr0_reg = &DMA_DSR_BCR0; uint32_t dma_dsr_bcr0_val = *dma_dsr_bcr0_reg; if (((dma_dsr_bcr0_val & DMA_DSR_BCR_DONE_MASK) == DMA_DSR_BCR_DONE_MASK)      | ((dma_dsr_bcr0_val & DMA_DSR_BCR_BES_MASK) == DMA_DSR_BCR_BES_MASK)      | ((dma_dsr_bcr0_val & DMA_DSR_BCR_BED_MASK) == DMA_DSR_BCR_BED_MASK)      | ((dma_dsr_bcr0_val & DMA_DSR_BCR_CE_MASK) == DMA_DSR_BCR_CE_MASK)) { DMA_DSR_BCR0 |= DMA_DSR_BCR_DONE_MASK;                //Clear Done bit DMA_DSR_BCR0 = DMA_DSR_BCR_BCR(sizeof(testdata));      //Reset BCR dma0_done = 1; } /* once the array complete the transfer, then disable the DMA channel.*/ DMAMUX0_CHCFG0 &= ~DMAMUX_CHCFG_ENBL_MASK; }        将上述代码做完相应修改即可实现单次将内存缓冲区数据以DMA方式通过UART0发送出去,效果如下。此外,如果想周期性触发或者条件性触发,则只需再相应位置添加“DMAMUX0_CHCFG0 |= DMAMUX_CHCFG_ENBL_MASK;”这句代码即可打开通道,然后立即会触发UART0_TX发送数据,然后待数据包发送完之后再次停止等待下次使能。 另外,关于DMA的传输速度的话,因为其独立占用一条自己的总线,其搬运时钟为系统时钟(即coreclock/Systemclock),相比于总线上的传输速度,本例程中整个数据包的发送时间主要是取决于UART串口的波特率*数据包长度。 附件为修改好后的完整工程:
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With the merger of NXP and Freescale, the NXP USB VID/PID program, which was previously deployed on LPC Microcontrollers, has been extended to Kinetis Microcontrollers and i.MX Application Processors. The USB VID/PID Program enables NXP customers without USB-IF membership to obtain free PIDs under the NXP VID. What is USB VID/PID Program? The NXP USB VID program will allow users to apply for the NXP VID and get up to 3 FREE PIDs. For more details, please review the application form and associated FAQ below. Steps to apply for the NXP USB VID/PID Program Step 1: Fill the application form with all relevant details including contact information. Step 2: NXP will review the application and if approved, will issue you the PIDs within 4 weeks FAQ for the USB VID/PID Program Can I use this VID for any microcontroller in the NXP portfolio? >> No. This program is intended only for the Cortex M based series of LPC Microcontrollers and Kinetis Microcontrollers, and Cortex A based series of i.MX Application Processors. What are the benefits of using the NXP VID/PID Program? >> USB-IF membership not required >> Useful for low volume production runs that do not exceed 10,000 units >> Quick time to market Can I use the NXP VID and issued PID/s for USB certification? >> You may submit a product using the NXP VID and issued PID/s for compliance testing to qualify to use the Certified USB logo in conjunction with the product, but you must provide written authorization to use the VID from NXP at the time of registration of your product for USB certification. Additionally, subject to prior approval by USB-IF, you can use the NXP VID and assigned PID/s for the purpose of verifying or enabling interoperability. What are the drawbacks of using the NXP VID/PID program? >> Production run cannot exceed 10,000 units. See NXP VID application for more details. >> Up to 3 PIDs can be issued from NXP per customer. If more than 3 PIDs are needed, you have to get your own VID from >> The USB integrators list is only visible to people who are members of USB-IF. NXP has full control on selecting which products will be visible on the USB integrators list. How do I get the VID if I don't use NXP’s VID? >> You can get your own VID from Please visit Do I also get the license to use the USB-IF’s trademarked and licensed logo if I use the NXP VID? >> No. No other privileges are provided other than those listed in the NXP legal agreement. If you wish to use USB-IF’s trademarked and licensed USB logo, please follow the below steps:                 1. The company must be a USB vendor (i.e. obtain a USB vendor ID).                 2. The company must execute the USB-IF Trademark License Agreement.                 3. The product bearing the logo must successfully pass USB-IF Compliance Testing and appear on the Integrators List under that company’s name. Can I submit my product for compliance testing using the NXP VID and assigned PIDs? >> Yes, you would be able to submit your products for USB-IF certification by using the NXP VID and assigned PID. However, if the product passes the compliance test and gets certified, it will be listed under “NXP Semiconductors” in the Integrators list. Also, you will not have access to use any of the USB-IF trademarked and licensed USB logos. How long does it take to obtain the PID from NXP? >> It can take up to 4 weeks to get the PIDs from NXP once the application is submitted. Are there any restrictions on the types of devices that can be developed using the NXP issued PIDs? >> This service requireds the USB microcontroller to be NXP products. Can I choose/request for a specific PID for my application? >> No. NXP will not be able to accommodate such requests.
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  Hello Freedom community users Few weeks before, I produced for the Element14 community a full video review of the FRDM-KL46Z including all the steps to program and debug your first project example. Video has a length of less than 13 min so your evaluation of the Kinetis KL46 should be really quick and easy Enjoy Greg
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As general introduction on thread , I did a smart LED application with GoKit and FRDM-KL02. In this design, FRDM-KL02 will communicate with GoKit by WIFI, and control LED flash. Code Structure Code Basic Introduction In this project structure, you need to do following items on code. ü Add your functions, such as UART, LED, motor driver code. ü Add function running functions in protocol.c ü Add functions order in main loop. You can find my main.c and protocol.c as attachment. In this document, I would like to detail introduce function MessageHandle(), void MessageHandle(void) {                 pro_headPart    tmp_headPart; //Common command package                 memset(&tmp_headPart, 0, sizeof(pro_headPart));                 if(get_one_package)                 {                                                                              get_one_package = 0;                                 memcpy(&tmp_headPart, uart_buf, sizeof(pro_headPart));                                                                 //CRC error, send back error command                                 if(CheckSum(uart_buf, uart_Count) != uart_buf[uart_Count-1])                                 {                                                 SendErrorCmd(ERROR_CHECKSUM,;                                                 return ;                                 }                                 So, you can see that only get_one_package=1, we can receive frame completely.                                 switch(tmp_headPart.cmd)                                 {                                                              case       CMD_GET_MCU_INFO:                                                                 CmdGetMcuInfo(;                                                                                                                                     break;                                                                   case CMD_SEND_HEARTBEAT:                                                                 SendCommonCmd(CMD_SEND_HEARTBEAT_ACK,;                                                                                 break;                                                 case CMD_REBOOT_MCU:                                                                 SendCommonCmd(CMD_REBOOT_MCU_ACK,;                                                 case       CMD_SEND_MCU_P0:                                                                 CmdSendMcuP0(uart_buf);                                                                 break;                                                 case       CMD_REPORT_MODULE_STATUS:                                                                 CmdReportModuleStatus(uart_buf);                                                                 break;                                                 default:                                                                 SendErrorCmd(ERROR_CMD,;                                                                 break;                                 }                              } } After that, you can do operations mentioned in thread You can see smart LED device and been found.
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Many customers reported that their ADC function works on FRDM-KL27Z board but meet issue on their own board. We need to pay attention to the difference between the ADC reference voltages of different packages (on board MKL27Z64VLH4 is 64LQFP package). This tip introduce the ADC Reference Options on KL17/KL27 32/36pin package Part number involved: 32-pins 36-pins MKL17Z32VFM4 MKL17Z32VDA4 MKL17Z64VFM4 MKL17Z64VDA4 MKL27Z32VFM4 MKL27Z32VDA4 MKL27Z64VFM4 MKL27Z64VDA4 PTE30/VREF_OUT- connected as the primary reference option on 36-pin and below packages VDDA/VSSA - connected as the VALT reference option   ADCx_SC2[REFSEL] selects the voltage reference source used for conversions.   About the primary reference option: When on-chip 1.2V VREF is enabled, PTE30 pin must be used as VREF_OUT and has to be configured as an analog input, such as ADC0_SE23 (PORTE_PCR30[MUX] = 000). Notice: this pin needs to connect a capacitor to ground.   PTE30 can also be used as an external reference voltage input as long as PTE30 is configured as analog input and VREF module is disabled. It means you can connect external reference voltage to PTE30 pin and use it as ADC reference voltage. (For example 3.3V) KL17P64M48SF2RM     Kinetis KL17: 48MHz Cortex-M0+ 32-64KB Flash (32-64pin) (REV 4.1) KL27P64M48SF2RM     Kinetis KL27: 48MHz Cortex-M0+ 32-64KB Flash (32-64pin) (REV 4.1)
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There is a popular WIFI platform called “GoKit” in China. This testing kit can be use to do some customized application. Not only WIFI communication, kit also support other functions. You can find interfaces listed as below. GoKit Interfaces: I try to use FRDM-KL02 to communicate with this kit to do a WIFI communication application. Board connection as below. This platform has two running mode. One is AirLink mode, and another is normal running mode. AirLink mode is used to WIFI communication or pair. Go to AirLink mode steps: Power on FRDM-KL02 Long press key1 to reset WIFI module. Wait until RED led on. Short press Key2 to go into configuration mode, wait until RED led flash on WIFI module. Open demo APP, select “adding device”, input SSID password. Waiting for configuration finish. Command Format HOF: 2bytes, value 0xFFFF Length: 2bytes Cmd:1byte SN:1byte Flags:2bytes DATA: Xbytes Checksum:1byte WIFI acquire device information MCU inform WIFI into configure mode MCU reset WIFI WIFI inform MCU status WIFI ask for reset Illegal command For detail code, I will post another thread for your reference.
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