Unable to debug KwikStik V5 with J-link

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Unable to debug KwikStik V5 with J-link

Contributor II

I have been unable to get the j-link interface working with KwikStik V5.  My normal environment is Eclipse with GCC.  However, I was not able to connect and debug with CodeWarrior 10.5 either.  Device Manager does show a J-Link Driver when the USB is connected to the KwikStik.  Where can I find step by step instructions for configuring J-Link with the board.

1 解決策
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Brian:

Yes, I think that KwikStik MQX project is not suitable anymore. I will recommend to remove it from the page.

It is good to know you are moving forward. In any case do not hesitate to post new questions that may arise.


Jorge Gonzalez


9 返答(返信)
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Brian:

What is the problem you have when connecting to your KwikStik? Please provide more details, such as screenshots or the Console output.

At least in CodeWarrior, you just have to select the J-Link connection from the new project wizard. Other than that you should not have to configure anything else.

About the documentation, you can find some useful documents at the next product page:

Ultra low-cost development tool for Kinetis MCUs


/Jorge Gonzalez

0 件の賞賛
Contributor II

I am starting with the KWIKSTIK_DEMO_SW_LAB download from http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/prod_summary.jsp?code=KWIKSTIK-K40&fpsp=1&tab=Design_Tools_....  I am using CodeWarrior 10.5.  I imported the project into CW using the pdf instructions.


The project doesn't build.  I'm not sure if all source files are present.  There are no files in the sources folder.

CodeWarrior is not my normal development environment, the environment is not familar except for its similarities with Eclipse.

I'm involved in a project that is migrating from the KL46 to the K40.  It's important that I be able to build, debug, and flash the K40.

0 件の賞賛
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hello Brian:

The example you mention was developed using MQX v3.7, a very old version of MQX.

This version used to be installed by default in C:\Program Files, and if you are using Windows 7 then the Program Files folder will not allow you to compile MQX libraries. Are you actually using Windows 7, or what OS you have?

Jorge Gonzalez

Note: If this post answers your question, please click the Correct Answer button. Thank you!

0 件の賞賛
Contributor II

Hi Jorge,

I ended up abandoning the KWIKSTIK DEMO example and downloaded the KWIKSTIK STOPWATCH example. The stopwatch project built without issue and I was able to use j-link to flash and debug. I followed the steps outlined in the KwikStik Demo Lab pdf without success. I tried relocating the MQX install to a different directory. I notice that other users have had difficulty getting the KWIKSTIK DEMO to build. If this example is creating frustration , it should probably be removed from the website.

Anyways, I am no longer stuck. Thanks for getting back to me.


Contributor II

Well I might be sounding a bit dumb here.. But how to get back the default demo applications of the KwikStik once I'm done with reprogramming the kwikstik with other demos(I have to return a borrowed Kwikstik from my frnd just as recieved)... Plzz help..!! :smileyhappy:

Thanks in advance,

Prafful !

0 件の賞賛
Specialist V


1. You will need a copy of the original SW (to be programmed back)

2. With CodeWarrior it is quite easy (as binary or SREC) using its Flash Utility

3. Same should be true for KDS but rather more complicated in its operation

4. Most IDEs include such a Flashing utility but they may restrict the format in some way



Contributor II

Hi Mark, Thank you so much for ur response.

The thing is that, I want the original software(or source code) . I've reprogrammed the kwikstik and theres no way i can retrieve the orginal source code from the device. I was looking for the source code online if availiable. Plz help me in this regard if possible.. :smileyhappy:

0 件の賞賛
Specialist V


I have no idea where demo source code can be found (or what it actually did). There doesn't seem to be any system used to manage demo software so probably your best bet is to just order a new board for the one that you borrowed; it will probably have the same SW pre-loaded which you can read from the Flash and program back to the first board.

Or you may be lucky and find someone who has just bought the kit and not erased the demo yet; they could read out the Flash memory and send you the binary.

On the other hand it was only a demo software and the board is made for developing with so I can't imagine that anyone is going to be upset because it doesn't have a demo still loaded to it - it was maybe even their fault for lending it you without making a backup if it was important....;-)



NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Brian:

Yes, I think that KwikStik MQX project is not suitable anymore. I will recommend to remove it from the page.

It is good to know you are moving forward. In any case do not hesitate to post new questions that may arise.


Jorge Gonzalez