I'm using MK64, the FB_RW keeps being low after the write operation is finished, and the FB_RW returns high after the read operation, which seems to be 6800 mode, I need 8080 mode
解決済! 解決策の投稿を見る。
As you can see from the graph, the FB_RW stays low after the data is written
From the attached FlexBus timing, it is incorrect, at least, the data bus should be valid until the rising edge of /CS signal.
Pls try different parameter in the FB_CSCRn register, especially, WRAH and WS bits, do not use burst mode, set AA bit in 1.
Pls have a try.
XiangJun Rong
The Flex_Bus of K64 is in 8086 mode instead of 68K mode.
This is the reading timing:
This is writing timing:
Compare the two timing, you can see that the /FB_OE low and the FB_RW high are observed in reading timing, the /FB_OE high and the FB_RW low are observed in writing timing.
If the timing is 68K mode, the /FB_OE is always low no matter whether it is reading or writing.
Hope it can help you
XiangJun Rong
The DM9000 write timing is shown in the figure, how does the MK64 FlexBUS implement it?