I am using the demo "BLDC_HS_TWR-56F8400" with TWR-56F8400-KIT, and I did all the steps on Quick Start Guide, the code have aready been download. It seems that all the things are OK, no problem with the BLDCM, but the motor could not work. If anyone have some1similar problems?
Question is, I heard that I have to connect one of the header to GND or Vcc, which is not mentioned in the documents of thr TWR, I wonder if it is true? Or any one can know what is the problem might be.
Hi, Freeman,
I am sorry for the delay.
I suppose that you connect the TWR-8400, TWR_MC_LV3PH board via elevator board, you need to connect the motor power pins:PHASE_A, PHASE_B,PHASE_C to J5, connect the Hall cable to J6, it is okay.
XiangJun Rong