Use the DEMO52233 circuit diagram together with the M52235 data sheet (not the RM) - the document is named "MCF52235DS Rev. 3, 02/2007".
Here you see a table of all pin functions for various device types (the DEMO52233 has the 80 pin chip on it and so doesn't support all GPIO) - starts at page 17.
In the DEMO52233 diagram most pins are referenced by function name and from the table you can quite easily see exactly which GPIO they correspond to.
As an aid I have attached a screen shots of the uTasker simulator simulating the DEMO52233 board and the M52235EVB (which has the 112 pin device on it). You can see which ports are missing on the smaller device. Pins with '-' are not available on the particular chip.
Note that the device has 8 analog inputs but these can not be used as analogue outputs (no DAC). To use them, simply set them for ADC use in the PANPAR register
PANPAR = 0xff; // this sets all 8 ADC pin for ADC use