Hello again,
I want to execute my code without BDM. So I have to flash my Code into FLASH. But you know, I'm a newbie:
I've read the article "Flash Programmer" in CodeWarrior Help System, all my settings are as told. Only this message appears after pressing "program"-button :
"0x00004438 bytes of Target Memory at 0x20000500 is not within flash boundaries."
My Question: What does it mean? I want to write to the FLASH and not the RAM (which is addressed at 0x20000000).
I click on "Details" -> ": No Error"
Now I thought, I am able to use my EVB without the BDM. But if I plugged off the BDM-USB cable the "red" LED at the RESET-Button started to glow and wont stop until I replugged the BDM-cable.
I have turned off the supply-voltage and immediately turned it on again. I thought now, my code would be executed automatically (BDM not connected at this moment). But if my code would run, the LEDs should turn off and i should gain i message via UART, which all works fine in BDM-debug-mode.
I am astonished, because I have tested other IDEs ,e.g. pemicro's pkgcfz, in my opinion, its an ugly software, but I was easily able to bring my code into FLASH.
Please help. And Thanks in Advance
Still use the free CodeWarrior version, but my Code has only 21 files with 96K and 16K of Data.