Correct Codewarrior Tap setup for the T2080 QDS.

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Correct Codewarrior Tap setup for the T2080 QDS.

2,390 次查看
Contributor II

I am trying to Flash to the NOR on a T2080QDS and get this error
Error: The algorithm was not able to run on the target or the flash is not configured properly.
Error: Getting flash ID failed
Error: The algorithm was not able to run on the target or the flash is not configured properly.
when I try to do an erase and write. The device is configured as I can not find any references to verify that is correct so any help would be great.



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2,374 次查看
Contributor II

Here is the console
fl::target -lc "jnts-core00_RAM_T2080_Download"
fl::target -b 0x0 0x80000
fl::target -v off -l off
cmdwin::fl::device -d "MT29F4G08ABBDA-IFC" -o "512Mx8x1" -a 0x0 0x1fffffff
cmdwin::fl::image -f "C:\\Users\\dsiebert\\Documents\\Yocto\\flash-image\\QorIQ_SDK_V2.0_T2080QDS-64B_20160527_NOR_Flash.bin" -t "Binary/Raw Format" -re off -oe off
Beginning Operation ...
Programming file C:\Users\dsiebert\Documents\Yocto\flash-image\QorIQ_SDK_V2.0_T2080QDS-64B_20160527_NOR_Flash.bin
Performing target initialization ...
Downloading Flash Device Driver ...
Reading flash ID .......
Error: The algorithm was not able to run on the target or the flash is not configured properly.
Error: Getting flash ID failed
Error: The algorithm was not able to run on the target or the flash is not configured properly.
fl::target -lc "jnts-core00_RAM_T2080_Download"
fl::target -b 0x0 0x80000
fl::target -v off -l off
cmdwin::fl::device -d "MT29F4G08ABBDA-IFC" -o "512Mx8x1" -a 0x0 0x1fffffff
cmdwin::fl::image -f "C:\\Users\\dsiebert\\Documents\\Yocto\\flash-image\\QorIQ_SDK_V2.0_T2080QDS-64B_20160527_NOR_Flash.bin" -t "Binary/Raw Format" -re off -oe off
Beginning Operation ...
Programming file C:\Users\dsiebert\Documents\Yocto\flash-image\QorIQ_SDK_V2.0_T2080QDS-64B_20160527_NOR_Flash.bin
Performing target initialization ...
Downloading Flash Device Driver ...
Reading flash ID .......
Error: The algorithm was not able to run on the target or the flash is not configured properly.
Error: Getting flash ID failed
Error: The algorithm was not able to run on the target or the flash is not configured properly.

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2,369 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

It seems that you are using the template file for T2080QDS NAND flash.

Please right click "Root" and import T2080QDS_NOR_FLASH.xml, please add Program/Verify Action to check "Erase sectors before program", "Restrict to Addresses in this Range", "Apply Address Offset" and specify the Address as "0xE8000000".

If your problem remains, when create a bareboard project, in "Debug Target Settings" panel, please select "Download/Connect SRAM" Launch configuration, then connect to the target board with SRAM launch configuration "<project>-core00_SRAM_T2080_Download".

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2,358 次查看
Contributor II

I tried that with these options.


And I get this console output.
fl::target -lc "test-core00_RAM_T2080_Download"
fl::target -b 0x0 0x80000
fl::target -v off -l off
cmdwin::fl::device -d "MT29F4G08ABBDA-IFC" -o "512Mx8x1" -a 0x0 0x1fffffff
cmdwin::fl::image -f "C:\\Users\\dsiebert\\Documents\\Yocto\\flash-image\\QorIQ_SDK_V2.0_T2080QDS-64B_20160527_NOR_Flash.bin" -t "Auto Detect" -re on -r 0x0 0x1fffffff -oe on -o 0xe8000000
cmdwin::fl::erase image
Beginning Operation ...
Auto-detection is successful.
File is of type Binary/Raw Format.

Image size is 0 bytes, nothing to erase.
Nothing to erase. No sectors selected
Performing target initialization ...
Erase Command Succeeded.
cmdwin::fl::write verify
Beginning Operation ...
Using restricted address range 0x00000000 to 0x1FFFFFFF
Programming file C:\Users\dsiebert\Documents\Yocto\flash-image\QorIQ_SDK_V2.0_T2080QDS-64B_20160527_NOR_Flash.bin
Auto-detection is successful.
File is of type Binary/Raw Format.

0 Bytes Programmed, Check Restricted Address Range
Program Command Succeeded


So  I tried to change the range.


And I got the same results.

fl::target -lc "test-core00_RAM_T2080_Download"
fl::target -b 0x0 0x0
fl::target -v off -l off
cmdwin::fl::device -d "MT29F4G08ABBDA-IFC" -o "512Mx8x1" -a 0x0 0x1fffffff
cmdwin::fl::image -f "C:\\Users\\dsiebert\\Documents\\Yocto\\flash-image\\QorIQ_SDK_V2.0_T2080QDS-64B_20160527_NOR_Flash.bin" -t "Auto Detect" -re on -r 0xe8000000 0xefffffff -oe on -o 0xe8000000
cmdwin::fl::erase image
Beginning Operation ...
Auto-detection is successful.
File is of type Binary/Raw Format.

Restricted address range is not within flash.
Error: command failed


I will try the ram next.

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2,352 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

The Flash MT29F4G08ABBDA-IFC is NAND flash not NOR flash, you didn't select the correct template file for T2080QDS.

In Target Tasks panel, please right click "Root" and import "T2080QDS_NOR_FLASH.XML", then double click "T2080QDS_NOR_FLASH" to open "PA Flash Programmer Task" panel.

Please refer to the Flash Programmer configuration.



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2,380 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Here are some simple steps for you.

1. Please create a new bareboard project for QorIQ target following new project wizards from File->New->CodeWarrior Bareboard Project Wizard. In Debug Target Settings panel, please specify Connection Type according to your requirement.

2. Connect CodeWarrior to the target from Run->Debug Configurations->CodeWarrior-><project>-core0_RAM_<processor>_Download->Debug.

Please check whether the bareboard project can connect to your target board successfully.

3. Open Target Tasks panel from window->show view->Target Tasks, right click root and import a xml template file for your target, modify the flash device and add Erase and Program tasks.

4. Execute flash programmer tasks.

If your problem remains, please capture the whole flash programming console log to me to do more investigating.

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