Connect CodeWarrior TAP to CodeWarrior Version: 10.5.1

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Connect CodeWarrior TAP to CodeWarrior Version: 10.5.1

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Contributor II

I am using a CodeWarrior TAP to CodeWarrior on a T2080. I need it just to flash the board but I can not get find how to connect the TAP to  Version: 10.5.1. 
I went to the Run menu and Debug config and can not find the connections tab. 
Any help would be great. Thanks.



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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

For flash programming with CodeWarrior for PA, please refer to the attached application note AN4948.

Here are some simple steps for you.

1. Please create a new bareboard project for QorIQ target following new project wizards from File->New->CodeWarrior Bareboard Project Wizard. In Debug Target Settings panel, please specify Connection Type according to your requirement.

2. Connect CodeWarrior to the target from Run->Debug Configurations->CodeWarrior-><project>-core0_RAM_<processor>_Download->Debug.

3. Open Target Tasks panel from window->show view->Target Tasks, right click root and import a xml template file for your target, modify the flash device and add Erase and Program tasks.

4. Execute flash programmer tasks.

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