I can't find on this page any information about Kinetis MCU familie!
Please check here.
O'k, you right CW 10.1 support Kinetis familie, but I can't find explanation about licensing :smileysad:
OK. Kinetis is supported in the marketing literature and even says good words in the CW 10.1 Microcontroller release notes but after two frustrating days its obvious this software should have never been released.
There are no words about MQX or any add-ins or how to enable any add-ins.
The MQX examples have no entry for any Kinetis CPU or Tower to build.
Something called a "Flexnet License" comes up 4 times or so when you build. Never should see in a trial offer.
The documents called "quick start" are thrown together from another cpu-type and have no words about Kinetis other than the title.
The new projects wizard - it cuts off after the device page and there is no way to set PE Micro OSJTAG debug interface.
How do you set PE Micro OSJTAG in the run->debug screen or any other screen?
When is the next release scheduled?