I have JUST downloaded the latest codewarrior IDE (folder name 'CodeWarrior for DSC56800E v8.3' and about>help). I am using Windows XP with all the most recent updates.
I have had no problem loading code through JTAG through the parallel port. However, a coworker does not have a parellel port on his new laptop so we decided to get him the new USB tap. He was unable to get it to work on his machine and so I was tasked with getting it to work.
However, whenever I try to download, I always get the error "CCS: Library not found." I have searched around this site and the internet and have found a bunch of suggestions, none of them have helped.
When I start up the CCS I get the following data:
CodeWarrior Connection Server console display active (Tcl8.4.12 / Tk8.4.12)
Loading CCSAPI Tcl interface (C:/Program Files/Freescale/CodeWarrior for DSC56800E v8.3/ccs/bin/ccstcl.dll)...
CCS: trnbo_sync.tcl is sourced into [::rnbo_sync] namespace
CCS: trnbo_mcore.tcl is sourced into [::rnbo_mcore] namespace
CCS: trnbo_sc140.tcl is sourced into [::rnbo_sc140] namespace
CCS: trnbo_ipcm.tcl is sourced into [::rnbo_ipcm] namespace
CCS: tsc140.tcl is sourced into [::sc140] namespace
CCS: thawkv2.tcl is sourced into [::hawkv2] namespace
CCS: tdsp563.tcl is sourced into [::dsp563] namespace
CCS: tdsp566.tcl is sourced into [::dsp566] namespace
CCS: tdsp568.tcl is sourced into [::dsp568] namespace
CCS: tmsc8102_sync.tcl is sourced into [::msc8102_sync] namespace
CCS: tmsc8102_sc140.tcl is sourced into [::msc8102_sc140] namespace
CCS: tms116.tcl is sourced into [::ms116] namespace
CCS: todyssey_sync.tcl is sourced into [:dyssey_sync] namespace
CCS: todyssey_ms1162.tcl is sourced into [:dyssey_ms1162] namespace
CCS: tmpc5500_sync.tcl is sourced into [::mpc5500_sync] namespace
CCS: tmpc5500_zen.tcl is sourced into [::mpc5500_zen] namespace
CCS: tmpc5500_npc.tcl is sourced into [::mpc5500_npc] namespace
CCS: tmpc5500_ndedi.tcl is sourced into [::mpc5500_ndedi] namespace
CCS: tmpc5500_nxdm.tcl is sourced into [::mpc5500_nxdm] namespace
CCS: tmpc5500_etpu.tcl is sourced into [::mpc5500_etpu] namespace
CCS: tsjc.tcl is sourced into [::sjc] namespace
CCS: tmsc8144sc.tcl is sourced into [::msc8144sc] namespace
CCS: tmsc8144tp.tcl is sourced into [::msc8144tp] namespace
CCS: tskyeplus.tcl is sourced into [::skyeplus] namespace
CCS: tzas.tcl is sourced into [::zas] namespace
CCS: tarmetb.tcl is sourced into [::armetb] namespace
CCS: tmsc815xsc.tcl is sourced into [::msc815xsc] namespace
CCS: tmsc8154sc.tcl is sourced into [::msc8154sc] namespace
CCS: cannot load "tgstat.tcl" file!
CCS: thawkv2m.tcl is sourced into [::hawkv2m] namespace
CCS: tmpc603e.tcl is sourced into [::mpc603e] namespace
CCS: tmpc603ei.tcl is sourced into [::mpc603ei] namespace
CCS: te500.tcl is sourced into [::e500] namespace
CCS: tmpc7410.tcl is sourced into [::mpc7410] namespace
CCS: tmpc74x7.tcl is sourced into [::mpc74x7] namespace
CCS: tmpc7447a.tcl is sourced into [::mpc7447a] namespace
CCS: tj2i2c.tcl is sourced into [::j2i2c] namespace
CCS: tmpc83xx.tcl is sourced into [::mpc83xx] namespace
CCS: tmpc755.tcl is sourced into [::mpc755] namespace
CCS: tarm11.tcl is sourced into [::arm11] namespace
CCS: tmpc7448.tcl is sourced into [::mpc7448] namespace
CCS: tcoldfire.tcl is sourced into [::coldfire] namespace
CCS: tmpc8641.tcl is sourced into [::mpc8641] namespace
CCS: tsdma.tcl is sourced into [::sdma] namespace
CCS: tmxc_sdma_filter.tcl is sourced into [::mxc_sdma_filter] namespace
CCS: tarm.tcl is sourced into [::arm] namespace
CCS: tmxcsc.tcl is sourced into [::mxcsc] namespace
CCS: tj2i2cv2.tcl is sourced into [::j2i2cv2] namespace
CCS: tmxc_zassc_filter.tcl is sourced into [::mxc_zassc_filter] namespace
CCS: te500mc.tcl is sourced into [::e500mc] namespace
CCS: tcortex_a8.tcl is sourced into [::cortex_a8] namespace
CCS: tsjc2.tcl is sourced into [::sjc2] namespace
CCS: autoexec.tcl is sourced into [::] namespace
0: Parallel Port(SPP) (lpt:1) CC software ver. {3.3}
Server listening on port: 41475
Clients accepted from all hosts
(bin) 1 %
If I search my computer for that tgstat.tcl file, it is in the ccs\bin folder with the other tcl files. If I change the name of it, it allows me (which indicates to me that it is not currently in use which I thought could be causing that problem).
If I do a "show com" command and then try to download I get:
(bin) 1 % show com
Show commands turned on
Received CMD_CONFIG_CHAIN. count = 0
command done - Ok
CCSAPI connection #1 accepted from localhost at Wed Feb 03 14:53:47 2010
command done - Ok
command done - Ok
command done - Ok
Received CMD_SETUP_CC.CC = utap:
command done - Ok
Received CMD_CONFIG_CHAIN. count = 1
core 0: HawkV2
Available USB TAPs:
Opening connection to USB TAP 09350014
Received an unknown command 45
USB TAP command done - Ok
Available USB TAPs:
Opening connection to USB TAP 09350014
Received an unknown command 46
USB TAP command done - Ok
USB TAP command done - Cable disconnected
USB TAP command done - Library not found
Received CMD_CONFIG_CHAIN. count = 0
USB TAP command done - Ok
CCSAPI connection #1 from localhost closed at Wed Feb 03 14:53:49 2010
(bin) 2 %
The cable is definitely connected. I have tried connecting it in a number of different ways (connecting with power off, power on, USB first, USB second, etc).
I also read about problems with the Jungo driver, a "show wdv" reveals I have version 9:
(bin) 2 % show wdv
WinDriver v9.00 Jungo (c) 1997 - 2007 Build Date: Mar 27 2007 X86 32bit SYS 13:58:07
Also, "show cc" reveals:
(bin) 3 % show cc
USB TAP command done - Ok
0: USB TAP (JTAG) (utap CC software ver. {1.3}
I am at a loss now. Does anyone have any ideas? Or should I just go ahead and submit a ticket?