How to use RT-Linux in i.MX8MM EVK board *Apply patches and build new image: $cd ${YOUR_KERNEL_PATH} and copy the RT_PREEMPT_Patches folder to the kernel path $git am RT_PREEMPT_Patches/*.patch Then rebuild the kenrel $bitbake –c –f compile linux $bitbake –c deploy linux Note: the new image could be found at your yacto build folder: tmp/deploy/images/imx8mm/ *Download image to eMMC: 1 use uuu to downlaod demo image to i.MX8mm evk board by below cmd: copy uuu tool and L4.14.78 demo image to a folder, then open a cmd and switch to this folder, run: uuu -b emmc_all imx-boot-imx8mmevk-sd.bin-flash_evk fsl-image-validation-imx-imx8mmevk.sdcard Note: need to switch to serail download mode before execute above cmd. 2 connecting UART debug cable to i.MX8MM evk board and boot up 3 then can do the Real time test, such as cyclic test *How to do cyclictest and stress test: 1 set cpufreq govern: echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor 2 run cyclictest with cpu stress test /home/root/rt-tools/stress -c 4 & /home/root/rt-toos/cyclictest -p 80 -t5 -n /home/root/rt-tools/stress -c 4 & /home/root/rt-toos/cyclictest --smp -p 90 -m /home/root/rt-tools/stress -c 4 & /home/root/rt-toos/cyclictest -p 90 - m -c 0 -i 200 -n -h 100 -q -l 1000000