ERROR: Could not connect to target. SEGGER J-Link GDB Server V7.60b Command Line Version JLinkARM.dll V7.60b (DLL compiled Dec 22 2021 12:54:46) Command line: -nosilent -swoport 2332 -select USB -telnetport 2333 -singlerun -endian little -noir -speed auto -port 2331 -vd -device MIMXRT1175xxxA_M7 -if JTAG -halt -reportuseraction -----GDB Server start settings----- GDBInit file: none GDB Server Listening port: 2331 SWO raw output listening port: 2332 Terminal I/O port: 2333 Accept remote connection: localhost only Generate logfile: off Verify download: on Init regs on start: off Silent mode: off Single run mode: on Target connection timeout: 0 ms ------J-Link related settings------ J-Link Host interface: USB J-Link script: none J-Link settings file: none ------Target related settings------ Target device: MIMXRT1175xxxA_M7 Target interface: JTAG Target interface speed: auto Target endian: little Connecting to J-Link... J-Link is connected. Device "MIMXRT1175XXXA_M7" selected. Firmware: J-Link V11 compiled Dec 9 2021 14:14:49 Hardware: V11.00 S/N: 601004490 Feature(s): RDI, FlashBP, FlashDL, JFlash, GDB Checking target voltage... Target voltage: 3.39 V Listening on TCP/IP port 2331 Connecting to target... TotalIRLen = 4, IRPrint = 0x01 JTAG chain detection found 1 devices: #0 Id: 0x088C601D, IRLen: 04, JTAG-DP Failed to power up DAP TotalIRLen = 4, IRPrint = 0x01 JTAG chain detection found 1 devices: #0 Id: 0x088C601D, IRLen: 04, JTAG-DP Failed to power up DAP TotalIRLen = 4, IRPrint = 0x01 JTAG chain detection found 1 devices: #0 Id: 0x088C601D, IRLen: 04, JTAG-DP Failed to power up DAP TotalIRLen = 4, IRPrint = 0x01 JTAG chain detection found 1 devices: #0 Id: 0x088C601D, IRLen: 04, JTAG-DP Failed to power up DAP ERROR: Could not connect to target.