root@imx8mpevk:/unit_tests/mindray# ./test_enc_arm_elinux_2023_05_26 -o coastguard_cif_352x288_300f_I420.h264 -f 2 -n 300 -color 0 -i coastguard_cif_352x288_300f_I420.yuv -w 352 -h 288 input YUV file : coastguard_cif_352x288_300f_I420.yuv max frame number : 300 vpu lib version : major.minor.rel=1.1.1 vpu fw version : major.minor.rel_rcode=1.1.1_r0 vpu wrapper version : major.minor.rel=3.0.0: VPUWRAPPER_ARM64_LINUX Build on May 26 2023 09:30:07 using VPU_EncOpenSimp Interface Init OK: min buffer cnt: 0, alignment: 1 EncodeLoop: encode frame : input is not used CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 36 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 27455 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5150 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 7922 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 7714 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 8454 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 7244 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 8086 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 7812 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 7367 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 7880 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 7627 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 7647 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 8204 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 7637 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 7652 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 27976 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 4986 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 8067 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 7996 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 8024 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 7661 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 7947 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 8097 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 7607 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 8259 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CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 3862 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5727 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5604 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5855 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 6074 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5771 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 6134 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5648 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5829 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5725 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 6060 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 6023 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5992 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5956 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 26764 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 4045 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5483 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5724 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5479 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5630 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5953 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5682 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5807 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 6137 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 6598 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5724 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 6160 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 6334 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5634 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 26560 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 4092 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5675 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5959 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 6060 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5930 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5769 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5828 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5531 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5650 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5538 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5435 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5478 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 6429 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5783 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 26058 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 3857 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5790 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 6264 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5708 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5629 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 6076 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5587 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 6163 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5587 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 6301 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5980 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5553 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5939 CallBack_EncOneFrameOK: one frame is OK , length: 5419 Frame Num: 300, [width x height] = [352 x 288], enc FPS: 1719, total FPS: 235 Encode OK root@imx8mpevk:/unit_tests/mindray# ls coastguard_cif_352x288_300f_I420.h264 coastguard_cif_352x288_300f_I420.yuv ewl.trc test_enc_arm_elinux_2023_05_26 root@imx8mpevk:/unit_tests/mindray# gplay-1.0 coastguard_cif_352x288_300f_I420.h264 FSL_GPLAY2_01.00_LINUX build on Apr 2 2021 06:44:41 ====== VPUDEC: 4.5.7 build on Apr 2 2021 06:44:36. ====== wrapper: 3.0.0 (VPUWRAPPER_ARM64_LINUX Build on Apr 2 2021 06:35:44) vpulib: 1.1.1 firmware: [Stop (No Repeated)][Vol=1.0][00:00:00/00:00:00]=========== fsl_player_play() ================== FSL_GPLAY2_01.00_LINUX build on Apr 2 2021 06:44:41 [h]display the operation Help [p]Play [s]Stop [e]Seek [a]Pause when playing, play when paused [v]Volume [m]Switch to mute or not [>]Play next file [<]Play previous file [r]Switch to repeated mode or not [u]Select the video track [d]Select the audio track [b]Select the subtitle track [f]Set full screen [z]resize the width and height [t]Rotate [c]Setting play rate [i]Display the metadata [x]eXit State changed: buffering State changed: playing [Playing (No Repeated)][Vol=1.0][00:00:01/00:00:08]^C Aborted by signal[2] Interrupt... FSL_PLAYER_UI_MSG_EXIT Exit display thread Total showed frames (69), playing for (0:00:02.202993000), fps (31.321). fsl_player_deinit root@imx8mpevk:/unit_tests/mindray#